Saturday, September 26, 2020

Thankful Thursday September 24, 2020, Our Fall Mantle


Now, our God, we give you thanks,

 and praise your glorious name.

1 Chronicles 29:13 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How are you?? Some of you are probably 

enjoying Fall weather already, and know

you must be delighted about that.

Our early morning are a bit cooler,

so happy about that.  We are fine.....

just late again...........So gonna let the

 post speak for itself.

Has anyone found a quicker way

to add pictures with this new format.

It was even worse this time, cause it

would only let me do one picture

at a time.  

Pictures today are from our Fall mantle.

This was the window and Fall wreath

I mentioned a few posts ago.

In the daytime!


So on with my Thankfuls..............


Thankful that our cell phones are

once again working well  and we

were able to keep our phones with

our new cell service..Yay!!


Thankful that hubby was able to

fix our ice maker.  It was making

this banging noise because it was

all iced up.  Mr. Fix it does it again!!

#3 and 4

Thankful that Fall has finally 

arrived and it actually seemed like

a Fall day today.....but that will 

probably change tomorrow, but

 I will take what I can

Thankful that is was cool enough

on the first day of Fall to sit on the

porch.  What a delightful treat!!

It was only 80, but overcast and

 cloudy and breezy.

So nice after not being able to sit

 out there for more than 5 mins.

in the summer.........

Our Night time look!


Thankful for a dear longtime

friend, Vicki, today is her birthday. 

 She is more like a sister really, and

has always been such a great mentor

and friend.


Thankful for my paternal Grand-

mother, as today would have been

her birthday as well, but she has been

 spending her birthdays with Jesus 

for about 31 yrs. now.  She was a



Thankful that hubby found this 

yummy blackberry cobbler at 

Walmart, and it was made by Patti

LaBelle. It is really delicious!

Our first Fall dessert,  love it!!


Thankful for a previous church 

member/friend, that moved away years

 ago, and that we got reaquainted again 

 thru blogging, and we reconnect every

 so often when she comes and goes

 with blogging.....and now she is back to 

blogging again, which was great to hear 

from her again. Much to my joy, she just

 got 5 of our free cards off our website.

I actually got to talk to her on the

 phone, which was neat, so we got to

 catch up some and now have each other

numbers so we can text or call. She was

also quite happy with the cards and said

 it made life easier for her as she didn't 

have a lot of places nearby to buy cards.

So that was a blessing to hear!


Thankful that I finally finished my Fall

decorating today (Wed).  Yeah!!  Now we

can just enjoy it,  so nice to have a new look.


Thankful that I heard from my cousin

this week, and that his son, that I don't

really know that well, is doing fine.

He lives in Oregon and was near one 

of the fires but is okay other than bad

 air quality and no electricity for

 a few days.


Thankful for a fun time with lil darling 

and our son having dinner, and putting

together her new toy cubicle and just

hanging out.  So nice to be out of the

 house and somewhere we don't have

 to wear a mask.  Yeah for that!!


Thankful to see on Friday that our

governor has lifted more limitations

on resturants and they can go to

full capacity now, as well as other

restrictions, still have to wear masks

tho, I guess, but at least we are 

moving in the right directions, and

and they will be keeping a close 

watch on the covid figures.

Well, that is our week at Cozy Place.

Hope you have a good weekend and

that you are where it is cooler.........

Love, Hugs, and

end of October Blessings,


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A Stroll thru Life

April J Harris

1 comment:

  1. Good Sunday. I think it is funny I get your posts 4 days after you publish. I just got your Thursday this morning. Hope your weekend is good. Have a wonderful week.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie