Saturday, September 12, 2020

Thankful Thursday Sept. 10, 2020, scenes from Fall past

 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and 
his courts with praise; 
give thanks to him and praise his name. 
Proverbs 100:4  NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are all doing well, know
yesterday was sort of a sad yet 
necessary day remembering all the
people that were lost in the Sept.11th
 attack on America. Such a horribly
 sad and scary day, and I vividly
 remember exactly where I was when
 I got a phone call from a friend telling
 me, hubby just happened to be at home
 that day and we quickly ran to turn
on the TV only to find unfortunately,
that it was true. My guess is it is 
probably indelibly printed on your
 mind as well.  If we could only re-
capture the solidarity we had as a
country then,  it would be awesome.

Pictures today are from Cozy Place
 in the Fall and in the past.

Thankful for the sweet 5-6 month old
baby that kept staring at us in church
Sunday.  What a delight she was, 
brought our hearts so much joy.

Thankful for the sweet lil teenager
at the grocery store who complimented
me on my hair and more. She is just
adorable and definitely has the gift
of encouragement.

Thankful that we got to see our Son
and lil darling unexpectedly on Labor
Day which is always a treat........

Thankful for Leslie Sansone walk
at home videos that have kept us
exercising over the years.

Thankful to be able to get our yard
mowed finally, since it has been
raining every day, and every day

Thankful that hubby was able too 
find a way to affix an old window 
from our daughter and son-in-loves 
beach house to the brick over our
mantle, and we love the new look.

#7 and 8
Thankful that I kept a wreath I
had bought for outside but then
decided I didn't like it there, so
thought it might look nice for the
 Fall attached to the window, and
Thankful we like it and that it 
looks very nice, and is a very
nice change of pace.

Thankful I have commenced
 my Fall decorating. I finished the
fireplace, and did the kitchen and
some other small places, so will
be back at it today. Always enjoy
 seasonal decorating, and we are
definitely looking forward to
 changes inside our house.

Thankful for a nice long chat
with my Daughter today.

Thankful that hubby was able to get
 us a new cell phone service that only 
cost us $2 more each month. We have 
been with T-mobile for over 25 yrs.
 and they just merged with Sprint so
 now they say our phones will not
 work (which are fairly new) with
 their network, so they said we needed
 new phones and expected us to pay 
for them, and we have been getting
 such a run around so decided it is
 time to change as our service hasn't
been as good as it used to for a #
 of years now, but we got a nice Sr. 
discount, so we stayed with them,
 but time to move on. Thankful to 
know there are other services that 
will give us a good discount too.

Thankful to know lil darling is
loving school so much. They are
starting to teach them cursive,
which I am thrilled about, and
she is enjoying, cause I know that
 some schools are no longer are
 teaching cursive, and because of
 that, the students also can't it. So, 
I taught her to do an A last year, 
and she liked it, but I decided
 I should wait till 3rd  grade (that 
is when I started to learn it.....
I didn't want to confuse her since
 she was still  in a learning curve
with her printing. 


Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week,

Glad you could stop by......

Have a Wonderful Weekend


Keep your light shining brightly!

Love, Hugs and Early
September Blessings,


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  1. Let's pray nothing like 9/11 ever happens again. xoxo

  2. #1. The joy of little ones displayed!
    #2. I have found this to be so with all of Walmart's helpers!
    #3. Joyful day!
    #4. I need to do more!
    $5. Steve is to come this week to do mine.
    #6. I'm sure they were greatly appreciative!
    #7 & #8. It's amazing how it can look different in a different place, ha!
    #9. I'm looking forward to changes in the weather, lol!
    #10. Next to the best thing of being in person!
    #11. I have been with NET10 since I've had a cell phone! They went up on the cost about 1 year ago!
    #12. Good for her! I pray for her safety everyday!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday October 17, 2024, and More Fall decorating Part 4

Praise the Lord, for   He has shown me the wonders of His unfailing love.  Psalm 31:21 NIV Greetings Sweet Friends, well, we were in the 60&...