Friday, October 30, 2020

Thankful Thursday October 29, 2020, Fall at home 2020 #3

        Let them praise the name of the LORD,

 for his name alone is exalted;

 his splendor is above the earth

 and the heavens.

Psalm 148:3 NIV


Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you week has been a good one.

Mine has been good in spite of the

fact the antibiotics they gave me

didn't work.  They seemed to be

working the first few days but

then it seemed like my symptoms

were coming back,  so now I am

on a new antibiotic for another

week.  Ugh!!  Hopefully this will

 do the trick...........Nope!

I had to quite taking it as I was 

having bad side affects. So not 

taking anything now and hoping

 that I got enough in me to take

 care of the problem............So far,

so good,  but it has only been 2

days off.............

Pictures today are from our

house this Fall 2020.

So on with my Thankfuls......


Thankful for a nice time with our

 Son and Lil darling,  He was sweet

to bring dinner for all of us, and

then we played some wii and a

card game.  A Fun Surprise.....

especially for a Thursday evening.


Thankful the antibiotics have worked

 and I am feeling much better and

only been taking it 2 days.  Well,

that was earlier in the week 

and you know what happened


Thankful to be off all of it.


Thankful that we were finally able

 to get out and cut our rowdy bushes.

It's either been raining, too hot or

we were busy.  So


Thankful for my comfy cozy bed.

I seriously say that almost every 

nite as I settle into it......

It is truly such a blessing.


Thankful for seeing a new talk

show on TBN that was hosted

by Elizabeth Hasselbeck and it

was called Thriving in 2020.

It was really good so hope it

might be an ongoing show.

If you want to check it out.

you can watch it online.

Just click here


Thankful for the song by the

Newsboys called "We Believe".

Such an encouragement during

these crazy times we are living

in....We need to be reminded of

who and what we believe.

That song just perks up my

spirit really quick.

Click here if you would like

to hear it .


Thankful for Lima beans and

cornbread and stuffed bell

peppers for din din. It has been

quite a long while since I have

 had lima beans and cornbread, 

Yummy.......can you tell I am

a Southern gal.............


Thankful for a freshly cleaned

bedroom and master bath.


Thankful to see that Amy Coney

Barrett was confirmed as a new

Supreme court Justice.  She is

quite an estute and brilliant

lady. A Great choice.


Thankful that our lil brown wild

bunny that lil darling called "Coco" 

is back,  he has been missing for

 months, and then all of a sudden he

 shows up when we least expect it.

He's done that about 4 times now,

and just about the time we think

something happened to him, there

he is in the backyard eating grass.


Thankful to have the opportunity

to try and render some comfort

to a young lady that lost her

Mom a few months ago.

She had a great relationship

with her Mom and she just

misses her so much.  My

heart just breaks for her.


Thankful to hear that some 

long time friends who live

in Alabama faired well in

the storm other than some

downed trees.  Great to 

talk with her as well.

Well, this is it for Cozy Place

this week.

Thanks for stopping in. 


Keep your Light shining brightly


eat lots of candy!!   lol

Love Hugs and end of 

October Blessings,  


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Bloggers Pit Stop

Grammys Grid -Faith and Family

April J Harris

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Scripture Sunday



Good Sunday Morning

Sweet Friends,

Here is the verse for today!

ThThe LORD bless you and keep you; 

 the LORD make his face shine on you 

and be gracious to you; 

  the LORD turn his face toward you

 and give you peace.” 

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Thankful Thursday October 22, 2020, Simpe Fall Table


For God is the King of all the earth;
 sing to him a psalm of praise. 
God reigns over the nations;
 God is seated on his holy throne. 
Psalm 47:7-8 

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well, happy and content!

I am a lil under the weather, but should be
feeling good soon as I get a few anti-
biotics under my belt, and I am feeling
happy and content!

Pictures today are of a simple Fall
Table from a few weeks ago.

So.............on with my Thankfuls....


Thankful that we finally got our tree stump 

ground down from where we had our big tree

taken down a few years ago. A guy just 

came by that is in the business and asked 

and the price was good so we did it, and

 the fellow was our Son's age and very

 nice (cause we never do stuff when people

 just come to our door)and wound up he

 goes to a church here in town, and did a very 

good job, looks so much better and we don't

 have to mow around the stump anymore,

so that's a nice bonus.

  Actually this should have been on last 

weeks list but forgot about it. If I 

don't put stuff on the list right away, 

 I have to think hard about what went

on earlier in the

Anybody else like that???


Thankful I finished 2 birthday cards

I need for this month.


Finally got something finished

that I have been needing to do 

for our website over the weekend.


Thankful for another good day

at church and lunch out with our

friends,  and a nice long much

needed nap.   lol


Thankful my Daughter and 

Son-in-love made it home safe

and sound from their trip, and

that they had a good time.


Thankful for the pretty 

Beauty Berry growing

in our back yard.  Our

crop seems to be getting

larger every year. lol


Thankful once again for the talk

show Better Together,  those

ladies are just the neatest and most

lovely and transparent people, and

are such a blessing to hear, as they

are full of wisdom.  Perks up our 

spirits every time we listen to them.


Thankful for a good report for

hubby at the dentist.

Posterized affect


Thankful that I was able to get

 a quick appt. with my Dr. right

 after hubbies appt. at the dentist, 

 as I have a bladder infection.


Thankful that we were able to make

 it to my appt. as it was a close call as 

I was the last appt. for the day.  

It was kind of neat too, because 

hubbies appt. was at 2 pm,  but last 

week they moved it up to 1:30, and

my appt was at 2:50, so we could

have never made it otherwise, with-

out borrowing someones car. Love 

how the Lord goes ahead of 

us.....even when we don't know what

is ahead he does.....


Thankful for antiobiotics that

make infections go away!!  


Thankful that I can now use

scirpt writing in my posts, (as I

just love script writing) and

also have more fonts options too.

This is the only thing I do like

about the new blogger platform.  lol

Well, that's it for us here at 

Cozy Place this week!

Posterized affect

Thanks a bunch for coming by.

Have the Loveliest of Weekends,

Love, Hugs and

Late October Blessings,


Sharing With:

Between Naps on the Porch

Shabby Art Boutique

April J Harris

A Stroll thru Life

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Scripture Sunday


Happy Sunday Morning,

Here is the verse for today!

What the wicked dread will overtake them;

 what the righteous desire will be granted.

Proverbs 10:24 NIV

What a hopeful verse for this day and time!

Have a lovely day.

Hugs, Nellie

Sharing with:

April J Harris

A Stroll thru life

Bloggers Pit Stop

Shabby Art Boutique

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Thankful Thursday October 15, 2020, Fall at home 2020 #2

Shout for joy to God, all the earth! 
 Sing the glory of his name; 
make his praise glorious. 
 Say to God, “How awesome are
 your deeds! 
Psalm 66:1-3 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this has been a good

week of you!  It's been a

pretty good one for us.

Pictures today are from Fall 

Decor 2020 again.  Love having

 the feel of Fall in my house

 even tho it is hot outside.  lol

So on with my Thankfuls....


Thankful for a good dinner and

playing games with the family

on Friday evening. Such a fun

 time, my heart is just full.


Thankful for what a precious

 child lil darling is, she has the

 sweetest and cutest personality,

and she loves to laugh and she 

brings us all..... so much joy.


Thankful for waldorf salad.

I made it for dinner last night,

but hubby and I love it and

I really should make it more.


Thankful for a new fragrance

in my guest bath diffuser.

Linen and Lavendar, it is

such a clean fresh scent.


Thankful our church got the

okay to open up completely,

we have an early morning

service for those that need

to where masks and social

distance and the 2nd service

is normal.  It was so great 

to be back sitting in our old

spot and that the folks who

usually sit behind us are

now back too.  Most folks

did not have on masks, and 

we were able to hug a few

 folks and linger a little

 longer than before. So much

Like the old days, made me

want to cry.... happy tears!


Thankful that were able to run 

to Sams and Wally world quick

 to pick up a few things and then 

went to Carrabbas for lunch. 

 No mask at all anywhere today. 

 We decided it was time, so we 

prayed and went mask naked

and it was

 gloriously freeing!!  lol


Thankful that I was able to

 find a blouse for lil darling to 

match some leggings I already

bought her for Christmas, and 

it  was the perfect shade of

 hot pink.  Whoo hoo!

Didn't think it was gonna

be that easy!!


Thankful for a sweet Fall

gift from a friend Elsie, the

 lady that sits behind us in

 church.  It was so cute and

 it actually matches my

 kitchen, which she has

never seen!  Love it!


Thankful for the special that

My Faith Votes put on called

Think, pray and Vote.  It was

a 2 part series, and was just

excellent.  Lots of information

we have never heard before

especially in part 2.  Well

worth the watch.....

Click here to see Part 1

and part 2


Thankful for a new TV channel

we found out about that is

free of charge, and has lots

of wholesome movies and

stuff.  It is called


We did it thru Roku.


Thankful for God's faithfulness

to me and my family over the

years, every single day. He

truly is a good good Father.


Thankful that Wed. was our 

Daughter Dee, and her hubby

 Jerry's 9th Anniversary, and

 Thankful that were able to do

 a lil getaway to celebrate.

  They really Make a great


Well, this was our week at

 Cozy Place.

Hope you have a delightful


Love, Hugs and

Mid-October Blessings,


Sharing with:

Bloggers Pit Stop

Shabby Art Boutique

Grammys Grid

April J Harris

A Stroll thru life

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie