Thursday, December 17, 2020

Thankful Thursday December 18, 2020, Christmas in the kitchen 2020


 Save us, LORD our God, and gather us

 from the nations, that we may give thanks

 to your holy name and glory in your praise.

Psalm 106:47 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happy!

Just a week left until Christmas.....the time is

 flying it seems.  Hubby and I are fighting

 off colds and he has been worse than me, 

has a head cold, no fevers for either of us,

 but just feeling very tired....  

Gonna have to start pacing ourselves so we

 work a little, and rest rest a little the next 

 2 days.  Lord willing, Our Daughter and

 Son-in-Love will be in on Sunday night

 late.  So we are definitely looking forward

to that.  

Pictures today are of my kitchen shelves.

I saw that Ann of "On Sutton Place"

did her shelves in a Christmas tree pattern,

and loved it......and before that I had

seen another blogger that was unfamiliar

to me,  that did her bookshelves in a

rainbow color,  each shelf in a different

color.....Here is a link to her blog

 So these ladies 

inspired my kitchen ladder shelves......

So on with my thankfuls.....


Thankful for being able to attend lil darlings Christmas

program, it was really great and really added so much

Christmas cheer, along with the real reason for celebrating

Christmas, and it was great to get to see a number

 of folks that we know or have known over the years.


Thankful that the lady who directed the program 

and who is so gifted and talented musically but

also in working with kids, did a fantastic job

as always.  We have been friends for years as she

 attended our church for years and led my children 

too, in Christmas pageants as well. She's still 

does an amazing job, and she looks fantastic.


Thankful for a fun time afterward, taking

lil darling out to dinner at one of her fav

restaurants, Texas Road House, and 

then she got to see all our Christmas 

decorations afterwards when they brought

 us home.Just a lovely evening.


Thankful for some new pictures that

her Mommy had taken of her by a

photographer,  that came out so beautifully.


Thankful for a totally unexpected Christmas

 card from some friends that we knew before we

 were married 50+ years ago. Some how

we lost touch with each other, but recently

I have seen posts from her hubby and 

commented, but haven't connected with her 

in a long time, so what a delight to receive

 her sweet card saying she thinks of us

often, but she just isn't a techy person.

Just made my day!! lol


Thankful that I was able to send

10 of my Christmas greeting cards to our

 Alliance Nursing Home. I would 

have sent more had I known earlier but

 that was what I had on hand that I

 had printed already.  So that made

us be able to do that!


Thankful I was able to complete 6

 Christmas cards and a printable so far

this week to place in our shop, and have

 2 more in the works that hopefully will be

 completed by the end of the week maybe.


Thankful for our churches Christmas

program, which we were totally surprised

they were having... We watched it 

online as hubby wasn't feeling great, but

it was mostly done remotely anyway.

It was really so creative and awe-

some what they did,  and they had

a great testimony from a lady who

lost her husband to covid because he

was already very sick, great testimony

to God's goodness to her during that

terrible time when she couldn't see him.


Thankful for a fun day with lil darling. We 

had her the entire day,  and it's been along time

 since we have been able to do that, so it was great!

We worked on a gingerbread house, and made

Christmas cards for her parents, went for wagon

 rides 3 times,  1 at night so she could see all our

 neighbors Christmas lights. Checked out ecards,

colored in coloring books, and she did a dance 

recital for us, then she and Daddy stayed for

 dinner, so it was a good day.  I am tired

but it's a good tired.

She had lots of fun doing it.....
I just put icing on....Me not so good!  lol
We were not going for perfection... just fun....
But thought she did a great job!!


Thankful to know God is in control of

who our President will I am

extremely dismayed, disappointed and 

shocked at our Supreme court... to 

say the least!!


Thankful for something that had the

potential to be very awkward turned

out not to be awkward at all,  PTL


Thankful for Trinity Broadcasting

Network,  they have quite a few

Chrstimas programs, and the ones

we have watched have been very

good and very uplifting.


Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Thanks for coming by....

Have a Fun Friday and a 

Wonderful Weekend.

Love,  Hugs and 

Merry Christmas Blessings,


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A Stroll thru Life

April J Harris

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Grammy Grid - Faith and worship weekend


  1. Yum I just want to bite into that ginger house. Love that little gingerbread syrup guy. Too cute. Happy Friday. Have a great weekend. xoxo

  2. #1. Praise the LORD she is doing well.
    #2. Praise the LORD for giving her this talent!
    #3. I pray the LORD's safety over you all when out in public.
    #4. She is growing so fast! It's great to have pictures to look back on.
    #5. How wonderful to hear from long time friends!
    #6. I'm sure they greatly enjoyed them!
    #7. I've got to get busy on making mine!!!
    #8. I'm so thankful for live streaming!
    #9. Praise the LORD for your time together,
    #10. Yes, I am so confident in Almighty GOD! He knows all things; past, present, future!
    #11. Yes indeed, Praise the LORD!
    #12. I'm so thankful to GOD for His Word getting out to everyone!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 13, 2025, and Valentine's decorations from the past

    For God so love d  the world that he gave  his one and only Son,   that whoever believes  in him shall not perish but have eternal life....