Good Sunday Afternoon,
Have a Blessed day
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Good Sunday Afternoon,
Have a Blessed day
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For what you have done I will always praise you
in the presence of your faithful people. And I will
hope in your name, for your name is good.
Psalm 52:9
Greetings Sweet Friends,
How are You?? Know many of you endured
the Winter storms last week, and sure hope you
are doing well. Praying for those of you without
power, that you are keeping warm and fed.
This week we have been excitedly preparing and
looking forward to our Daughter's visit. It
will be a quick one, but we will make the best
of it.....she is coming to go to Universal
Studios with lil darling and her brother.
Since lil darling is on break from school
right now.
We needed some good news!!
Pictures today are from our Winter Decorating
202l, hence the opening picture. I decided to
undecorate our tree and leave it up in it's natural
state until Spring, and we might still look a lil bit
Christmasy... but have to say we have really
enjoyed the beauty of the tree and lights.
And let there be light...........
On with my Thankfuls.....
Thankful my friend Arlene came through
her surgery and is stable. and continues
to be stable. Has a lot going on still
but remaining stable is very good.
#2 and 3
Thankful for what a loving family she
has, who is doing everything they possibly
can to help her. Also thankful for all the
prayer warriors she has (family and friends
galore and even people who don't know her).
In real life it is not crooked Just the picture
Thankful that we are in the process of
getting our porch back together, looking
good so far, think we are gonna try and
put a fresh coat of paint on our swing
before we put it back
Thankful that I think I have finally
found some new rugs for our porch I have
been looking for 2 yrs, but couldn't find any-
thing that would work.......that wasn't
ridiculously priced!. So ordered them
and they will arrive next Monday, and
hoping they look as good as I think
they will.....will see!! lol
Thankful hubby was sweet to take on
painting the swing by himself, so I
could work on preparing my daughters
room since she is coming for a few days
to visit. Can't her room
and the swing both look great!!
Thankful that the rain held off just long
enough for him to finish the whole front
of the swing and we were able to get it
in out of the rain just in the nick of time
as the raindrops starting coming.
Thankful that a group messaging text for
my friend Arlene that went off at 7 this
morning (Monday) was not what I
thought it was at first. She was asking for
water and ice and cold water in different texts
a nunber of times, and sounded frantic, and
it scared me, I was thinking she was trying
to get ahold of her daughter and husand,
fortunately they are on the feed too, so
they were able to contact the hospital,
and let us all know she was fine.......
turns out she was a lil delirious from the
meds they have her on. Was also afraid
she might have a high fever or something
cause of infection, but she was good.
Thank the Lord.....she has just been
through so much......
Thankful that Arlene's family have
found a way for us all to talk to
her with a u-tube link, so she can
play it whenever she wants. I
thought it was a really great idea,
that way she can hear us or
maybe even see us.
Thankful that if we had to go
through this covid thing that the
Good Lord made it where we
could connect in so many different
ways, and also that we could
do things like instacart, and that
folks could work from home and
learn from home. Just imagine
if this had all happened 15 yrs
or so..... none of that would not
have been so easy.
Thankful my Daughter got here on
Wed. afternoon safe and sound.
Also thankful she is feeling better as
she has a sinus infection she is being
treated for....
Thankful for a fun time out with
hubby, our Daughter and lil darling
shopping for lil darlings birthday that
is quickly approaching, and a nice
dinner at Cracker Barrel including
her Daddy as well.
Well, there you have it....our week
at Cozy Place.
Thanks for stopping by,
and Hope you have a great weekend.
Love, Hugs and end of February
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Sweet Friends,
Here is the verse for today!
Look to the LORD and his strength;
seek his face always.
1 Chronicles 16:11 NIV
Have a Blessed Day!
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Greetings Sweet Friends,
Hope this finds you doing well.....
I am sad, yet hopeful....
Our friend Arlene was twice this week
supposed to go to Germany for her T-cell
Cancer treatment, but her condition
worsened yet she rallied and seemed
ready to go the 2nd time, and then we
were notified yesterday afternoon she
has a perforated colon and was going to
surgery soon.....about midnight last night
they let us know they didn't do the surgery
cause Dr. decided to give her strong anti-
biotics and fluids to get her in better shape
for the surgery. They texted this morning:
All they have heard is her Septis count is
very high, and her husband said he doubts
they will do the surgery, but hasn't been
told that for sure. Remember they can't
be in the hospital with her, and they
are stationed in the parking lot in an
RV.....We all know beyond a shadow of a
doubt that the Lord can heal her and turn
this whole thing around, and I can think of
so many reasons why it would bring HIM
glory......So we are praying to that end.....
but we also don't know the mind of the
Lord and what His plan is......and at this
point the most important thing is that
she knows Jesus, and that if the Lord
does decide to take her....we will all know
where she is.....but we can hope in the Lords
sovereign plan for her, and hope that our
hopes aligns with His............
Just now got a text that she is going into
surgery soon, she is next on the roster.....
That was quite unexpected! and please
if you feel so led, pray for her.
Update: Sat. Morning. We heard last
night at midnight she had come thru
the surgery and is stable, but haven't
heard anything else yet today. but we
are Praising the Lord for answered
prayer. They are hoping that if she
is recovered enough by 2 weeks that
they can still take her to Germany.
So praying now for a good and
quick recovery.
Pictures today are from post
Valentines day......
So on with my Thankfuls......
Thankful for Tulips that we saw when we
went to Wally World, I love Tulips....especially
Red ones, and they were the only ones left,
everything else was roses. I find them not only
beautiful but so interesting as they have a mind
of their own and move about a lot. So we
brought some home.
Thankful for a fun time at my Son house.
Lil darling had another bake sale, and
they made these really good vanilla sugar
cookies and chocolate caramel brownies
and then this fresh homemade lemonade,
it was all sooooooo good.
Thankful for a nice relaxing Valentine's Day
just the two of us, and Thankful for an easy
scrumptious dinner and dessert. We had
beef tenderloin, baked potatoes, salad, rolls
and Sparkling red grape juice and for dessert
brownie (compliments of our Son and lil
darling) sundae's. Everything was very
simple....... yet absolutely delicious.
Our easy peasy Valentines table.....
Thankful that we were able to find some cards
that were missing for our shop.....and hubby
found a new program that helped us locate
them for now and future. Still fixing glitches
from getting the new computer. If it wasn't
for hubby I could never do any of this stuff
on the computer.
Thankful that my friend who fell last week was
finally moved out of the covid area, and is in
the hospital rehab now. They moved her over
the weekend, so now her hubby can see her.
Please if you feel so led, pray for her, as the
leg with the broken femur is very weak and
she is having a hard time sitting for a very
long, and putting her weight on it as well.
Thankful that we got our 3 porch rugs cleaned as
well as some of the porch accessories on Monday
Hoping to clean the porch itself tomorrow.
Thankful we get to have another caramel
brownie sundae tonight. (Monday)
Thankful our neighbors are fine and were
just out of town to see their son who is a
new marine. Another neighbor called me
to see if I knew if they were okay or not,
and had to say No, why?? Anyway she
has noticed that all their cars were there
but she hadn't seen any of them in about
4 days, not even their dogs who are out
side a lot. She had called the wife, and
got no response, so I tried calling and
we did get them, they were on the way
home from N.C., guess they must have
rented or borrowed a car. Just happy
they are fine.....Thankful for what a
good neighbor Connie is...she is the
one who brings us veggie soup!
Thankful we got our porch pressure washed
on Tuesday and it looks awesome, trying to
decide if we should seal it again with some
urethane, cause think we have some left
over from the last time we did it.
Thankful we decided to seal the porch
floor and got them sealed on Wednesday.
It looks so nice but the sealant didn't make
it as shiny as the last time, must be because
it was old, but looked the same as last time
we rolled it on. Would put another coat
on but they say not to.
Thankful that the weather was absolutely
perfect for both days that we worked
on the porch.
Thankful for a short but fun time with lil
darling on Thursday and a short trip to
Hobby Lobby and out to dinner at one of our
fav Mexican restaurants. I had a Chicken
taco salad and it was perfect, just the way
I like it.
Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.
This is a Post Valentines day edition. lol
Thanks for coming by,
Hope you have a warm weekend
especially if you were in the storm
Zones and hope you have power.
Praying for yall too!
Love, Hugs and
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Happy Valentine's Day
Sweet Friends,
Hope you have a day filled
with every kind of love.
Here is the verse for today!
Because Love doesn't get any better
than this!
"For God so loVed the world
that He gAve
His one and onLy son
That whoevEr
believes iN
him shall noT
but have eterNal
John 3:16 NIV
Jesus is the truly the Best Valentine.
Hope you all have a Sweet Day
celebrating those you love.
1 John 4:19 NIV
Greetings Sweet Friends,
Hope your week was a good one.
Have to say ours was a very rough
week emotionally. As we have already
been saddened about our friend,
Arlene who has the Ovarian cancer,
and who has been waiting to get her
treatment, and it looks like she is going
to be able to go this Sunday, but she
has been having more difficult problems
this week and is in the hospital again,
and they are trying to get her built up
and in shape because she is scheduled
to fly to Germany on Sunday to finally
get her T-cell treatment.
I have been able to text some with her
and It is just heartbreaking to hear all
that she is going through, and I am
only hearing the tip of the iceberg.
Then on Tuesday Evening my other long
time Best Friend's (Vicki) hubby called and
she had fallen on the tile bathroom floor, and
dislocated her hip, broke her femur bone on
the left leg and her tibia bone on the right leg,
and tested positive for covid, which she and
her hubby already had but were asymtomatic
and Monday was supposed to be their first
day off quarantine. As of now, they fixed her
dislocated hip (which was probably quite ex-
cruciating from what I hear, she has had 2
surgeries one on Tues. for her Tibia bone, and
one on Wed for her Femur......She came through
them both well and her hubby did get to sit with
her for an hour while she was in recovery, but
then they took her back to the covid ward, so
now he can't see her. Although, she came
through the femur bone surgery well, the Dr.
is concerned that because of her bone density
that it might not work, which would mean a
much more extensive surgery to put a new
cadaver bone in, or she could be in a wheel
chair the rest of her life. They tried to get
her up yesterday but her legs were too week
and numb, and of course, she is exhausted
after all she has been through, so we are
praying that changes in the next few days.
I am concerned that she might have a
pinched nerve or something because she
started having problems with her legs
before she fell, and had been in bed for
a few days before, and had planned to
go to the Dr. on Monday, but then fell
during the night. Haven't been able to
talk or text with her yet, but hoping to
in the next few days.
Both of these ladies have been such a
wonderful part of my life for over 40 yrs.
and are such lovely, sweet, encouraging and
loving Christian ladies, it is just so hard
to hear of their great suffering, and not
be able to see them or talk to them. cause
they are like family and I can't imagine
what their real family is going through.
So.....onto a more positive note.
Pictures today are from decor of
Valentines Days past!!
So on with my Thankfuls......
#1 and 2
Thankful my friend came through all
the traumatic situations well, and her hubby
said she was in good spirits yesterday even
though she was exhausted and in spite of all
she has been through. Also Thankful for all
my friends on facebook who are praying
for Vicki as well, Many are from our church
and some knew her from when they were mem-
bers many years ago, and some don't even
know her but are praying for her, Prayers
are a precious and real gift to others all
the time, but especially, at times like this.
Thankful for more work we got done
on our shop. Hubby has done some
helpful videos and I completed more
cards. Gonna take a break after I
finish one more............
Thankful for one of the best sermons
I have ever heard from our Pastor.
I think the reason is because it involved
telling people that Jesus can change
their lives........
Because even tho I was a Christian
and had asked Jesus into my heart
when I was 14yrs. old, I was never
taught too much about him......
And one day, 40 yrs. ago, I heard
another Pastor from our same church,
say "Jesus can change your life".
I had never heard that before, and
altho I can look back now and the
Lord had made changes I just hadn't
recognized it at the time, but knowing
that one lil sentence
"Jesus can change your life"
literally did change my life, as I began
asking Him about that and HE began
to show me, using other people, the
Bible and books and the rest...
my friends is history I am very
thankful for.........
People can never hear that enough!!
Thankful for a nice lunch out with friends
to Cracker it's been a while
so it was quite enjoyable.
Thankful that I got 3 leads from friends
off of facebook, for someone to do our
driveway, hopefully this year. Guess
we can start getting estimates now.
Thankful that we have and are getting
some more, much needed rain.
Thankful for our new ring doorbell
we got for Christmas. So nice that
you can talk to people on it and you
have no need to open the door to a
stranger, and you can even answer
it if you aren't home. Wild.....
We haven't yet had that experience
but think it's really neat.
Thankful that I didn't fall or hurt
myself for I tripped over
something in the garage and hurt
my foot initially, but came close to
falling and my foot was okay within
a few minutes. Shew! This was
before I heard about my friend,
so doubly thankful now......
Thankful that we got to work out in the
back yard some and that we accomplished
quite a bit for an hour and a half.
I love seeing the progress. Our trees
and grass are confused since it warmed
up, they think it is Spring already.
I am so hoping they are wrong. lol
Thankful for a nice long phone chat
with our Son as he was driving back
home from South Florida. Doesn't
happen a lot but I love when it does.
Thankful to see lil darling yesterday
for a few hours, and that we went out
and were able to find what we wanted
for Valentines Day and some things
for her birthday which is coming in
just a few weeks. So we are ahead
of schedule.....I always like that!! lol
Well, that's it for this week at Cozy Place
Glad you could stop by
Hope you have a very Sweet and
Pleasant Friday and Weekend!