Saturday, June 26, 2021

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday

Sweet Friends,

Here is the verse for today!

Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,

 and your dominion endures through all

 generations. The LORD is trustworthy in

 all he promises and faithful in all he does.  

Psalm 145:13 NIV

I would have to say a hearty Amen 

to that!



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Thursday, June 24, 2021

Thankful Thursday June 24, 2021, Our Father's Day Table 2021

You are my strength, I sing praise to you; you, God, are my fortress,
 my God on whom I can rely.   Psalm 59:17

Greetings Sweet Friends

Welcome to Summer,

Since it officially arrived on Monday.

Hope all the Dads at your house had a Wonderful

Father's Day, and that yall did a good job of spoiling

them for the day. Tried my best over here!!  lol

Here is our Father's Day Table for this year,  it all

started with this cute gift bag and these typical picnic

looking plates and napkins I found at the dollar tree.

Remember I told you about it last week.

Just added a blue apron, A grill towel that was a gift
from the kids a few years ago, some kitchen utensils, an
 oven mitt, bar-be-cue sauce, candles, and some stars, 
and some kabob skewers a timer, and a small flag decal
 on the opposite side.  Also had to add some boxes
 and tissue paper inside the bag so it would stay
 and added the things in where they looked good.
Also wound up using a table top corn hole game
to fill in some empty space.
Then used the paper plates and napkins to complete
the look,  also rolled the silverware in the napkins,
and rolled them and put them in the glasses.  I used
normal silverware, glasses and bowls for salad.
Our menu was filet mignon, baked potatoes, salad,
 garlic bread and banana pudding, and it was
all yummy if I do say so myself.  Course, our
Master Griller did the

and here we are..............My Sweet Hubby Jim, and Our Son Scott and our Granddaughter, Brooklyn.  We actually remembered
to take some pictures for a change.

and here's the rest of the family that was here......My Sister-in-law Susan and Granddaughter dog Lola.  Unfortunately, Our Daughter DeeAnna, Son-Son in Love, Jerry , and Grandson dog Lola couldn't be here, but the spoiled their Dad from afar.

So on with my Thankfuls.............

Thankful for a surprise visit from a long time friend.
He is the husband of my dear friend who passed away
from cancer back the end of February.  It was great to
see him.  He has lost about 10 pds, and you can tell
he is still deep in grieve but think it is neat that he
decided to come to Florida to visit all his friends
and relatives. Cause think he was getting pretty
lonely.  So he spent the day and night and left
on Sat. afternoon for the home of other friends.

Thankful again for the Lasagna my neighbor sent over
last week, as we wound up having that for dinner when
Randy was here.  Just had to throw together a salad
and bread and make his bed and we were good to go! 

Thankful that I was able to get all the things done
for Father's day that needed to be done on Saturday.
afternoon and evening.  It would have been okay if
I didn't but I was pleased that I could. as I wanted
it to be nice for our Dads.

Thankful that my Son and lil darling could be with
us for Father's Day.  So that made my hubby and
Son happy.

Thankful for the good time we all had as
a family.  Played some Sorry and also
the wii.....and of course, did some eating

#6 and 7
Thankful that we decided to go look for furniture
again, and thankful we have finally found what we are
 looking for, and so glad we waited, cause the price 
was much better than what we found before, and
we wound up delaying it cause we weren't totally
sure about it......
Anyway think it was a divine delay, as it turned out
 better.............The new sofa also has a manual reclining
 sofa and love seat. All the others have to be plugged
 in or you have to have a battery pack for them, 
which we were not sure how well those work.  We
won't get it until some time in September tho, which
 we weren't really surprised by.


 So Thankful for my hubby and what a good and kind

 Dad and hubby he is..........We are so blessed and thankful

 for the man that he is...........

Thankful for my Son as well, he has turned out to be
 a really great Dad too.  Lil darling adores him and
 her Grampy.  And of course, he is a good Son too.
He and hubby are well loved men!

Thankful that hubby had a big breakthrough
on a problem he was having with our website.
Problem fixed...........yippee.....

Thankful that I decided to do a little research
on the company that makes the furniture we
were about to buy.  We saw many places where
they had bad reviews and a few people said
don't walk run away from disappointing
as it is.....we are grateful that we checked and
didn't waste our money.  I have decided to see
 if we can find a good upholsterer and go in
that will see! 

Thankful for a wonderful day with lil darling
today.  and Thankful to hear she loves this
song that was taught to her by her music 
teacher at school, That used to go to our
church and taught my Daughter in the 
Youth choir.  It just doesn't seem like a
song an 8 yr. old would like, but she 
knows a lot of the words and like to
 see the lyrics so she can sing along. 
 That just so blessed my heart.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Thanks for coming by...............

Keep your light shining brightly,

Love, Hugs and Special
Summer Blessings,


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Sunday, June 20, 2021

Scripture Sunday and Happy Father's Day


Happy Father's Day 

Here are the verses for today.

Blessed is the one who does
 not walk in step with the
 wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit
 in the company of mockers, 
 but whose delight is in 
the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law
 day and night.  
 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— 
whatever they do prospers.

Psalm 1:1-3

Hope you all have a delightful day and that you feel very loved, respected, and appreciated.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Thankful Thursday, June 17th, 2021, and Another Father's Day table

Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, LORD. 
 They rejoice in your name all day long; they celebrate your righteousness.      Psalm 89:15-16 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So how are you??  Doing well I hope, and also hope yall are enjoying more freedom from masks and social distancing these days.  Have to say it is so nice not to wear those things and worry about how close you are to people, not that I want to be so up close and personal with those I don't know, but sometimes I would forget about the distancing and get a lil to close without thinking about it.....and get some looks, so nice not to have to be so careful about that now.

Pictures today are from an older post of a our Father's Day table some years back.  If you would like to see the whole post..........You can click here

So on with my Thankfuls.....


Thankful our Daughter made it home safe and sound and had a good time while she was here.


Thankful for the lovely breezy weather oncethe sun starts to go down.  Shocking really as it has been like 100-102 degrees in the it is lovely and refreshing for sitting out in the back yard in the early to late evening.


Thankful for a quick and easy craft I

saw on someone's blog, that might be

perfect for lil darling to make for her

Daddy for Father's day, if I can come

up with an idea that isn't for 4th of July.

Note: Came up with an idea that isn't 

for the 4th, but would be good for all

the time, so it will become a lil project

for the summer, cause realized we

wouldn't have enought time to do it

in one day, but think it is something

lil darling will enjoy doing and Daddy

will enjoy receiving as well.


Thankful for a new elder in our church, 

that did the preaching on Sunday. 

 We had never met him as he is from

 our other campus, in another close

by city. We really liked him, and it

was great to meet and talk to him



Thankful to know that the Youth Pastor 

that is leading our church right now...........

also plays the guitar, we never knew that, 

and it was so neat because he also had his

10 yr. old son play the keyboard, and his

 13 yrs. old daughter and her friend

 (another lil girl) from our congregation 

sing with them.  Also we had a special

offeratory song and music from another

young girl in the congregation that

we were not familiar with.  So it was

really neat to see all these young people

serving the Lord in these capacities.

After all, they are the future of the

church.  So neat!

#6 and 7

Thankful for a nice lunch out with our

friends at Perkins, and then we all went

 back to church for a celebration of Life Service

 for another one of our Pastorate families, Mother.

 It was truly such a lovely service befitting of the

 Loving and Wonderful lady she is....Thankful

These services are always such a reminder 

of the blessing it is to know the Lord and

to know we are all heaven bound one day.

Hope you all know Jesus, and that you are

 heaven bound one day....but if not, and

you want to make sure, but are not sure

how.....please send me an email at and

I will be more than happy to explain

it to you!  


Thankful for some new cookies we found

at our Publix grocery store.  They are

called "Cranberry Honey Cookies" and

they are really good.


Thankful that I quickly found a theme

for our Father's Day table, was thinking

of going with a computer theme (since

both our dads like computers) but was

trying to figure out how to make it look

colorful and attractive. So in between

lunch and the Celebration Service we

ran to Dollar tree and within minutes

I found a theme that was perfect and

colorful and attractive.  Whoo Hoo!

Hopefully, you will see it next week.


Thankful for my Thoughtful and Sweet

neighbor who sent us a pan of home 

made Lasagna via her Sweet Grandson.

Din Din for Tonight!    Whoo Hoo!

and Thankful she sent over some pasta

salad the next day which became part

of dinner again.  Awesome and made

for easy dinner making both nights.


Thankful that we have had rain for the

last 4 days, and it was very much needed,

our grass and plants seem to be smiling!  lol


Thankful for a fun night out shopping, and

 that we have everything we need

gift wise, and food wise and table wise

....for Father's Day this Sunday. Just have

 to wrap, cook, and set the table now.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Thanks for stopping in.....

Keep your light shining brightly.

Love, Hugs and Mid June

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Monday, June 14, 2021

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday Monday

Sweet Friends,

Sorry I am a late........been a busy week. lol

I was struck by these scriptures once again as we

 read them in our quiet time this week.

So really felt to share them and expound on them

just a bit because today we hear a lot about Love

or the lack thereof these days.

I think a lot of people in our world are mislead

about what Love really is and tend to think it

is just a bunch of zingy feelings or about being happy

 all the time, or that it is just feeling loving about

 someone, although there is nothing wrong with any 

of that,  but we can't live by our feelings because

 our feelings change all the time.  Love is really an

 action word.  We are suppose to show people our

 love by the things God says in this passage of

 scripture, and of course, there are other ways as well.

  but I am just gonna talk right now, about this one

 passage of scripture.

In our house we believe that Love is a choice each

 and every day.  We can choose to Love.

I love that God's word is pretty clear about what 

Love is and what it isn't. 

So according to 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 NIV

It says:

Love is patient

Love is Kind

Love does not envy

Love does not boast

Love is not proud.

Love does not dishonor others

Love is not Self-seeking

Love is not easily angered

Love keeps no record of wrongs

Love does not delight in evil

Love rejoices with the truth

Love always protects

Love always trusts,

Love always hopes

Love always perseveres

Love never fails


I broke it down the way I did because I was doing

this scripture for someone's wedding a few years ago 

and I had to break it down into sentences like that,  

and it really made such an impact on me, and thought 

it might for you as well.

Now am I telling you I do this perfectly, of course 

not,  but I have certainly improved over the years,

 and would I like to do it perfectly...absolutely.....

Cause there is nothing that shows the Love of God

more than loving others. I think we will be in the

process of learning to love until we go home to be

with the Lord...but I find it a good thing, to at

least to know what it looks like from God's 

perspective. as it helps move us more toward

the goal of loving God and our families, friends,

 and others more.

 Hope you had a Sweet Sunday and

Today is a  Merry Monday!



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Create with Joy

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Thankful Thursday June 10, 2021, Another Past Father's Day Table

Praise be to the LORD, the God of Israel,

 from everlasting to everlasting. Amen and Amen.

Psalm 41:13

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How's YOU?   Boo Boo!   

Hope your week has been a good one.

Know I am a bit late but you will see why.

Our's has been very good....our Daughter

got here on Wed. afternoon,  so we had

her all to ourselves until Thursday morning,

then lil darling arrived and we all had a

fun Thursday and  Friday.  It was a quick visit,

  but great as always and we will take quick over

 No visit any day!!  lol

Pictures today are from another Past Father's Day

Table. Both our Fathers love coffee, so seemed like 

a good theme and think they got a kick out of it too.

It was simple, but fun!

Below shows all sides of the crown.

Thanks Burger King for the crown 

to embellish.  LoL

                                            So on with My Thankfuls.....

Thankful for a fun day at church as they were 
introducing our VBS that is coming up this week.
Going to be really cute and fun and spiritually

Thankful for a nice lunch out at Longhorn
 just the 2 of us.

Thankful for the ongoing conversations and texts with the young lady that I knew from when she was a child.  She is such a inspiration and such a sponge just soaking up everything I tell her, but also wise enough to check out anything I say, in her bible so she knows for herself. She is a smart cookie.

Thankful that something happened this week that was such an encouragement about the gutwrenching things I talked about that we were going thru last week.  God is so good!

Thankful that our daughter is coming in Wednesday (Lord Willing)to stay for a few days.  We are so looking forward to it.  
Note: Thankful she made it here safe and sound. and she
is on the way home as I write this and am about to post it.

Thankful her room is (Now was) all refreshed and ready,
and we (were) are all ready in every way.


Thankful that we are redoing our website and we are really liking how it is coming out.  Unfortunately, the new changes we are making called for it, so we didn't really have a choice,  but now we are glad it did.


Thankful that I talked with my friend who broke both legs, and she is doing really well, still can't put full weight on her leg, but she is still making progress. She has been able to go back to church,(her hubby is a Pastor, not sure if I mentioned that before).  So that is a very important part of her life, and she has also been able to drive a few times.  Since it is her left leg. She has the best attitude and her hubby is taking very good care of her....


Thankful that we had 3 days with our daughter. We had her all to ourselves on Wed., so we got most of our yakking and catching up done, then we got to have lil darling with us on Thurs and Friday since our Son had to work, which was great cause she loves her Aunt Dina and we all had a great time together playing and doing things with her.


Thankful we all got to go out to dinner to a nice Italian restaurant,  that we have only been to once before, and it was quite nice, and our Son got to go as well.


Thankful for a new Italian Ice and Custard place that is new in town called "Jeremiahs",  that we tried out.  We all really enjoyed it and thought it was great as well as the prices. You know we love to find new places.....


Thankful for Breakfast sandwiches that we decided to make ourselves, and were very simple to make but just never thought of doing (have done them but it has been years) .....Fried Eggs, Ham and cheese on Hamburger Butter buns or on Cheesey Bagels.  

They were fresh and delicious!!


Well, that's  it for Cozy Place this week.

Thanks for stopping in............

and have a Super Duper weekend,

Love, Hugs and

Delightful Coffee  Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

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Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie