Friday, July 30, 2021

Thankful Thursday July 29, 2021, and Tropical/Summer Birthday Table

My tongue will proclaim your righteousness,

 your praises all day long.

Psalm 35:28

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you doing well. I am a bit later

 than usual, but it was because I was busy

relationship building, which is always a good

thing, as Martha Stewart would say!!  lol

Pictures today are of a Tropical Summer Table

 from some years back.....

It was a Birthday Table for our Daughter.

Centerpiece was made from limes, leaves and 

palm tree seeds, and green mums.

With a Posterized Affect


On with my Thankfuls...........


Thankful that lil darling and her Mom made

it to California and back safely.


Thankful that my friend that broke both her legs

back in early February is finally able to put full

weight on her bad leg, and stand on it for a few

minutes.  She is making good progress but still

has a ways to go,  but we are ecstatic about this

news cause the surgeon said he didn't know if

she would ever be able to do that.  So God is

in the process of healing her.


Thankful for some new cards I made this week.

As it's been


Thankful for Cuban food. I made Black Beans

yellow rice, and Picadillo this week and it was so

yummy.  It has been quite a while since I have

made it, so we were quite delighted with it.

#5 and 6

Thankful for our Interim Pastor, who has

actually been hired as our Associate Pastor.

He is filling in as our Lead Pastor is taking

a much needed sabbatical.

He is doing a great job......and it was so neat

to see his wife, go up and pray with some-

one at the altar.  She is our Previous

 Pastors Daughter and is gonna make a

 great Pastor's wife. just like her Mom.

So proud of both of these young people

 who both grew up in our church.

Thankful to have had the priviledge of being

in this church for over 40 years now, and

being able to see the growth and  legacy 

that has been laid by our Lord and 2

 prior Pastors and leaders of our church.

So awesome to see God raising up so many

 young people/our future leaders that are 

serving the Lord so well in our church.

Such an enormous blessing to us older



Thankful for a nice lunch out at Long Horn's

steakhouse.  It was just the 2 of us today,

as our sidekicks are sort of staying away

from people right now,  as he is having

a heart procedure done next week or so,

and they want to make sure he doesn't

catch anything to prevent it.  A wise

plan I would say....


Thankful for this wonderful new kitchen tool

 we happened on at TJ Maxx, it is called an

 "Easy Grip jar opener".

 I have been having trouble with lids for awhile now, 

as guess I have a touch of arthritis in my hands at

times, and they seem to be putting those dern lids on

tighter and tighter, so always having to have hubby

 get the lids off. 

 This baby works like a dream.  I have taken off

 about 6 lids now with NO problem, It really 

is an amazing lil gadget. (We've just had him

about 2 weeks) Mine is bright green, so I call

 him "Greenie", and he has to be a He cause He

is so strong!!  lol

Wish I would have discovered him a few years

 back. (Oh and just so you know, I get no kickbacks 

or payment of any kind for telling you about it,

  I am just a satisfied customer who thinks everyone

 should own one, especially once you get to be

 my age anyway!  lol

  I used to tease hubby and say he couldn't die before
 me or I would starve too death cause I can't get 
the lids off of anything.  lol

Now I had to come up with a new reason.....

He can't go before me cause I would be the most

uninformed and bored woman on the planet,

 because I am highly electronically/technically


 That should work, don't you think???  lol


Thankful our chimney and roof leaks are fixed

hopefully.  Looks like we might get a heavy

rain this afternoon to test it out.  Looks like

they did a good job.  They took pics of every

step they do, and show you, which is great.

The whole Co. has been great to work with.


Thankful we may have found a handyman

as well.  Cause the young man that did it

also does things on the side as well,  and

has a lot of experience even tho he is just

26 yrs. old,  he worked with his step-

dad building houses since he was a teen-

ager, so has a lot of job skills.  


Thankful for the really good drenching

rain we had today,  and no leaks.

 So think they got it fixed.  Yeah!!


Thankful for a really fun day with lil

darling on Thursday.  She was in a super

good mood, and we played lots of games,

nail salon and went for some tractor rides,

and laughed a whole lot.   lol

Laughter is good for the soul for sure!


Well, that's our week here at Cozy Place.

Thanks for coming to visit,  always nice

to know you came by.

Love, Hugs, and

 last of July Blessings,


Sharing With:

Grammy's Grid

A Stroll thru Life

Grammys Grid

Karins Kottage

April J Harris

Shabby Art Boutique

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday Morning

Sweet Friends,

Here are the verses for today.

 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”  So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”

Hebrews 13:5-6 NIV

So Awesome to have the Lord

as our helper!



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April J Harris

Friday, July 23, 2021

Thankful Thursday Sept. 22, 2021, and Nature Pictures


 Sing to God, sing in praise of his name, extol him who rides on the clouds ; rejoice before him—his name is the LORD.   Psalm 68:4 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a good and productive

week, cause we had a good week, but haven't

had a very productive somebody

had to do it.............don't know if we are

trying to fight off a bug or what but

we have both been so exhausted this week.

So have just taken it easy most of the

week until Thursday when we got our

play mate back (lil darling).  lol

I decided to do some nature pictures for todays post.

All pictures are from

Sorry some of the pics are just a tad blurry,

 I guess from enlarging them.


Thankful my Son and lil darling made it to SC and back safe and sound.  They went to visit our Daughter/his Sister and her hubby for about 4 1/2 days. 


Thankful for a new bench we got for our back yard, it is so cute I almost want to keep it in the house. We haven't put it outside yet cause of all the rain.


Thankful for when everything is freshly

cleaned in the house all at once, like now,

Love that!!


Thankful that hubby was able to fix a 

plumbing problem for my Sister-in-law

that was fairly easy, so she didn't have

to call a plumber and spend a lot of $$.


Thankful for an old friend that sent us a picture of he and his former wife and us, from when we were really young. Think I might have been like 22-23 maybe.  Such a sweet blast from the past.............and how did I get to 69 so


Thankful that our dear friend who broke both legs went on their family reunion trip, and had a good time, and things went pretty well, so was a good time had by all.  She had a lot to navigate so that is a real praise of God's goodness to her, hubby and their family!

Thankful for a fun visit with our neighbors

on Friday night.


Thankful to hear that a lovely young couple from our church, who used to be in our young married class, and who are in the process of becoming missionaries to France, got their Visas this week and will be leaving for language school in France soon.  (Definitely an answer to prayer).

Congratulations Ross and Ashlee.....


Thankful that our Son and Lil darling

had a great time with our Daughter

Dee and hubby Jerry.  Just love when

they are able to get together, or all

of us can be together.


Thankful for what a gloriously 

beautiful day it is today since we have

been having sooo much rain lately.

Note:  Course, it did wind up raining

later in the


Thankful for a great day with lil darling on

 Thursday, We had a great time talking about

 her adventures in South Carolina with her

Dad, Aunt Deena, and Uncle Jerry.  Also,

playing school, and a matching game, and 

going to that new ice cream place called

Jeremiahs. Lil darling loves ice cream!


Thankful for a really old game we still have

from when our kids were little, called "The

Ungame".  The point of the game is to be

a conversation starter,  so that give you all

sorts of questions to answer so you can

have meaningful conversations with your

family.  We did it with lil darling yester-

day and we really had a lot of fun and 

good short conversations. She seemed to

really like hearing some of her grand-

parents most embarrassing moments, or

what caused us to be frustrated or scared

 and so forth. Probably because kids her age

 think us adults have it all together.  lol

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Glad you could stop in....
have a great weekend,

Love, Hugs, and End of July


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Sunday, July 18, 2021

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday Morning

Sweet Friends,

Here's the verse for Today!

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.

James 1:12 NIV

Keep on Persevering,



Sharing with:

April J Harris

A Stroll thru Life

Grammys Grid

Bloggers Pit Stop

Shabby Art Boutique

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Thankful Thursday July 15, 2021, Summer/Coastal Table from the past


Praise the LORD. Praise the LORD from the heavens; praise him in the heights above. 
Praise him, all his angels; praise him, all his heavenly hosts.
 Praise him, sun and moon; praise him, all you shining stars.  
 Praise him, you highest heavens and you waters above the skies. 
 Let them praise the name of the LORD, for at his command they were created.

Psalm 148:1-5 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How is You today?  Doing well,  I hope.

Doing well over here,  but it is hot as blue blazes.

Happy our roofing Co. came over today to sign

the papers for the work they have to do, and they

should be starting next Thurs. or Friday,

if the weather cooperates with them.  lol

Pictures today are from a past Summer/Coastal table

from years ago for my Girls birthday. She loves

the beach............

So on with my Thankfuls.............


Thankful for a fun night out, going to JoAnn's to look at Fabrics, Sam's, Big lots, Marshalls, and Ross, then out to din din at Longhorn Steakhouse.


Thankful that we have decided to just get our sofa recovered, and we got a good referral to an upholsterer, and have already spoken with him, so next step is finding the fabric.


Thankful that I think we have found our fabric, just need to get a swatch to the upholstery man and see if he thinks it will work.  

Note: Got the swatch but still trying to decide if it iswhat I really want, as I saw this pretty french blue/and vanilla colored check on Etsy, so trying to find out if he carries that as he has books of fabric too.  So waiting to here back.  I will be very happy to settle this issue hope-fully in the near future.


Thankful for a really long phone chat with our Daughter, she has been working a lot and has had company, so been awhile since we have had a marathon session.  lol


Thankful for another great day at church, and lunch out with our friends to Cracker Barrel.  Tried a new dish today, and it was really good.


Thankful for a sweet and informative email from a old time blogger friend. We used to be in touch very often,but had not heard from her in a long time, so decided to email her, but didn't hear back right away, so thought maybe her email changed or something, but then all of a sudden here was an email from her.....she has been going thru such a hard time since 2019.  Was so sad to hear that, but she seems to be doing well in spite of it all, and it was great to hear from her again. She is such a lovely lady, and we have so much in common.

I only have 2 pics like this as I  didn't think to add the

 gravel until thlast minute.


Thankful that our neighbor responded to a situation

we had, with their fence leaning so far over, that

hubby could not mow or weed eat, in that whole

area, as that fence is very heavy and could have

fallen on him. It has been like that for months,

and we kept hoping they would do something so

finally I called her on Saturday ,and explained

the situation and she said she would tell her

hubby.  So by the time we got home on Sunday

afternoon, it was fixed.  Wow, I didn't expect

it to happen that quickly but we were delighted

it did.  So we worked out there this morning,

have more to do,  but at least now we can

safely do it.


Thankful we heard back from our roofer 

again and he should be coming out tomorrow,

to try and figure where the dickens our leak

is coming from, as they have tried to fix it

temporarily several times (due to all the rain)

until they can get out here to permanently

fix it.  Hoping tomorrow might be that day.

Note: It was, thankfully, he gave us an

estimate, and they usually start work

within 10 days. Now if it can just stop

raining for a few


Thankful to see our Son and lil darling

 for awhile tonight since we won't

get to see her on Thursday this week.


Thankful they are taking a Karate class

together, and they both seem to be really

enjoying it.


Thankful for NO repercussions from 2 wasps

stings I got 2 separate days in almost the

same place.  What are the chances??  lol

Adolfs meat tenderizer (made into a  paste

 with water) to the rescue.


Thankful that some placemats I ordered from Dollar

tree finally arrived.  I ordered them back the end

of June.  Needed some new cobalt blue ones and

when I looked online at the price of them now,

I found I could get 36 placemats in 2 different 

colors for what I would pay for just 8,  So

I was able to get cobalt blue and a pretty

Agua (the same color as the candy below),

So I can give the others away or sell them.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Thanks for stopping in.............

Love, Hugs 

and Mid July Blessings,


Sharing with:

Grammy Grid

Karins Kottage

Bloggers Pit Stop

Shabby Art Boutique

April J Harris

A Stroll thru Life

Grammys Grid

Friday, July 9, 2021

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday

Sweet Friends,

Here are the verses for today!

There are six things the LORD hates,

seven that are detestable to him:

haughty eyes,

a lying tongue,

hands that shed innocent blood,

a heart that devises wicked schemes,

feet that are quick to rush into evil,

a false witness who pour our lies, and

 a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.

Psalm 6:16-19 NIV



Sharing with:

 April J Harris

A Stroll thru LIfe

Grammy Grid

Karins Kottage

Bloggers Pit Stop

Shabby Art Boutique

Thankful Thursday July 8, 2021, Our 4th of July table table 2021

Sing to God, sing in praise of his name, extol him who rides on
 the clouds ; rejoice before him—his name is the LORD. 
Psalm 68:4

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well, and having a good week.

Ours has been fairly good,  some fun,  some quiet

 times and some needed drama., but.....

 it is well with our soul!

Pictures today are from our 4th of July Table this

year.  It was pretty much a use what I had already

table and started with these cute plates below from the

 dollar tree.  Already had the napkins too.......

I find putting together a table with one new element

 and figuring out the rest with what I already have,

is a fun

Call me Crazy .....

So, on with my Thankfuls.....


Thankful that we were able to get a referral to another

roofer,  the first one came out and never heard from

him again.  The new one came out and tried to seal

the spot but it didn't work so they came back and

put a tarp over our whole chimney, so far, so good,

but we haven't had any really bad rain since, but

will have pretty soon with this tropical storm that

is coming our way.  Hopefully, they might be able

to permanently fix it this coming week.

Note: Once we had heavy rains from the Tropical

storm the tarp didn't fix it either, so we had to call

them again,  so hoping the rain will stop and they

can come fix it this week maybe.  It's been

raining so much, no one can do anything really.


Thankful for a fun 4th of July celebration with

the family on Saturday.  We played restaurant,

win, lose or draw, and some wii bowling and

of course, yakked and had dinner..........the normal

picnic fair........Fun Day!


Thankful that I had found and decided

to buy these cute plates at dollar tree a few

 weeks ago, and they turned out to be the

 theme for our table.


Thankful for a great sermon on Jonah,

this week, and then lunch out with our friends

 to Cracker Barrel.  I misunderstood

her and thought they were going away

this weekend,  but it was just a short trip

out to the Port where they are going

to leave for a cruise in August.  lol


Thankful for leftovers...........

Another of the blessings of hosting!!  lol


Thankful that Hurricane Elsa was

down graded to a Tropical storm.

So hopefully good news for Florida.

Note: Definitely good news for Florida


Thankful for someone who needed the

courage to speak up about something

was actually able to do it, so at least

they had the chance to be heard, and

hopefully it might help the situation.


Thankful that my Son and lil darling

got to see fireworks on Sunday evening.

I know she really enjoyed that!


Thankful we had no affects from tropical

storm Elsa.  Some rain and a lil breeze

is all,  and our Daughter and Hubby

faired well too, but they did have a rough

night full of tornado warnings and very

heavy winds,  so didn't get much sleep.

#10, 11, and 12

Thankful for God's provisions,

a comfy cozy bed, a beautiful

home, a pantry and fridge

full of food. God is good!

Well, that's it for this week at Cozy Place

Glad you stopped by......

Have a Great Week


God Bless America!



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Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie