Friday, July 23, 2021

Thankful Thursday Sept. 22, 2021, and Nature Pictures


 Sing to God, sing in praise of his name, extol him who rides on the clouds ; rejoice before him—his name is the LORD.   Psalm 68:4 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a good and productive

week, cause we had a good week, but haven't

had a very productive somebody

had to do it.............don't know if we are

trying to fight off a bug or what but

we have both been so exhausted this week.

So have just taken it easy most of the

week until Thursday when we got our

play mate back (lil darling).  lol

I decided to do some nature pictures for todays post.

All pictures are from

Sorry some of the pics are just a tad blurry,

 I guess from enlarging them.


Thankful my Son and lil darling made it to SC and back safe and sound.  They went to visit our Daughter/his Sister and her hubby for about 4 1/2 days. 


Thankful for a new bench we got for our back yard, it is so cute I almost want to keep it in the house. We haven't put it outside yet cause of all the rain.


Thankful for when everything is freshly

cleaned in the house all at once, like now,

Love that!!


Thankful that hubby was able to fix a 

plumbing problem for my Sister-in-law

that was fairly easy, so she didn't have

to call a plumber and spend a lot of $$.


Thankful for an old friend that sent us a picture of he and his former wife and us, from when we were really young. Think I might have been like 22-23 maybe.  Such a sweet blast from the past.............and how did I get to 69 so


Thankful that our dear friend who broke both legs went on their family reunion trip, and had a good time, and things went pretty well, so was a good time had by all.  She had a lot to navigate so that is a real praise of God's goodness to her, hubby and their family!

Thankful for a fun visit with our neighbors

on Friday night.


Thankful to hear that a lovely young couple from our church, who used to be in our young married class, and who are in the process of becoming missionaries to France, got their Visas this week and will be leaving for language school in France soon.  (Definitely an answer to prayer).

Congratulations Ross and Ashlee.....


Thankful that our Son and Lil darling

had a great time with our Daughter

Dee and hubby Jerry.  Just love when

they are able to get together, or all

of us can be together.


Thankful for what a gloriously 

beautiful day it is today since we have

been having sooo much rain lately.

Note:  Course, it did wind up raining

later in the


Thankful for a great day with lil darling on

 Thursday, We had a great time talking about

 her adventures in South Carolina with her

Dad, Aunt Deena, and Uncle Jerry.  Also,

playing school, and a matching game, and 

going to that new ice cream place called

Jeremiahs. Lil darling loves ice cream!


Thankful for a really old game we still have

from when our kids were little, called "The

Ungame".  The point of the game is to be

a conversation starter,  so that give you all

sorts of questions to answer so you can

have meaningful conversations with your

family.  We did it with lil darling yester-

day and we really had a lot of fun and 

good short conversations. She seemed to

really like hearing some of her grand-

parents most embarrassing moments, or

what caused us to be frustrated or scared

 and so forth. Probably because kids her age

 think us adults have it all together.  lol

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Glad you could stop in....
have a great weekend,

Love, Hugs, and End of July


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  1. #1. Praise the LORD for their time together.
    #2. I can hardly wait to see it!
    #3. It's a shame it can't stay that way, ha!
    #4. Yes! Praise the LORD for Jim! I got my water bill and it was only a few cents more, thank the LORD!
    #5. Don't you know! I can't believe where all the years have gone!!!
    #6. Thank our LORD! I have been praying for her every day!
    #7. Wonderful time together!
    #8. Yes, thank our LORD for their ministry!
    #9. It is definitely a time of blessing from our LORD!
    #10. I thank the LORD for His protection from the lightning!
    #11. She is such a blessing!
    #12. A nice time of bonding!
    Love you, Susan

  2. Beautiful things to be so thankful and grateful. Happy Saturday. Have a wonderful weekend. xoxo Kris


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: