Thursday, July 15, 2021

Thankful Thursday July 15, 2021, Summer/Coastal Table from the past


Praise the LORD. Praise the LORD from the heavens; praise him in the heights above. 
Praise him, all his angels; praise him, all his heavenly hosts.
 Praise him, sun and moon; praise him, all you shining stars.  
 Praise him, you highest heavens and you waters above the skies. 
 Let them praise the name of the LORD, for at his command they were created.

Psalm 148:1-5 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How is You today?  Doing well,  I hope.

Doing well over here,  but it is hot as blue blazes.

Happy our roofing Co. came over today to sign

the papers for the work they have to do, and they

should be starting next Thurs. or Friday,

if the weather cooperates with them.  lol

Pictures today are from a past Summer/Coastal table

from years ago for my Girls birthday. She loves

the beach............

So on with my Thankfuls.............


Thankful for a fun night out, going to JoAnn's to look at Fabrics, Sam's, Big lots, Marshalls, and Ross, then out to din din at Longhorn Steakhouse.


Thankful that we have decided to just get our sofa recovered, and we got a good referral to an upholsterer, and have already spoken with him, so next step is finding the fabric.


Thankful that I think we have found our fabric, just need to get a swatch to the upholstery man and see if he thinks it will work.  

Note: Got the swatch but still trying to decide if it iswhat I really want, as I saw this pretty french blue/and vanilla colored check on Etsy, so trying to find out if he carries that as he has books of fabric too.  So waiting to here back.  I will be very happy to settle this issue hope-fully in the near future.


Thankful for a really long phone chat with our Daughter, she has been working a lot and has had company, so been awhile since we have had a marathon session.  lol


Thankful for another great day at church, and lunch out with our friends to Cracker Barrel.  Tried a new dish today, and it was really good.


Thankful for a sweet and informative email from a old time blogger friend. We used to be in touch very often,but had not heard from her in a long time, so decided to email her, but didn't hear back right away, so thought maybe her email changed or something, but then all of a sudden here was an email from her.....she has been going thru such a hard time since 2019.  Was so sad to hear that, but she seems to be doing well in spite of it all, and it was great to hear from her again. She is such a lovely lady, and we have so much in common.

I only have 2 pics like this as I  didn't think to add the

 gravel until thlast minute.


Thankful that our neighbor responded to a situation

we had, with their fence leaning so far over, that

hubby could not mow or weed eat, in that whole

area, as that fence is very heavy and could have

fallen on him. It has been like that for months,

and we kept hoping they would do something so

finally I called her on Saturday ,and explained

the situation and she said she would tell her

hubby.  So by the time we got home on Sunday

afternoon, it was fixed.  Wow, I didn't expect

it to happen that quickly but we were delighted

it did.  So we worked out there this morning,

have more to do,  but at least now we can

safely do it.


Thankful we heard back from our roofer 

again and he should be coming out tomorrow,

to try and figure where the dickens our leak

is coming from, as they have tried to fix it

temporarily several times (due to all the rain)

until they can get out here to permanently

fix it.  Hoping tomorrow might be that day.

Note: It was, thankfully, he gave us an

estimate, and they usually start work

within 10 days. Now if it can just stop

raining for a few


Thankful to see our Son and lil darling

 for awhile tonight since we won't

get to see her on Thursday this week.


Thankful they are taking a Karate class

together, and they both seem to be really

enjoying it.


Thankful for NO repercussions from 2 wasps

stings I got 2 separate days in almost the

same place.  What are the chances??  lol

Adolfs meat tenderizer (made into a  paste

 with water) to the rescue.


Thankful that some placemats I ordered from Dollar

tree finally arrived.  I ordered them back the end

of June.  Needed some new cobalt blue ones and

when I looked online at the price of them now,

I found I could get 36 placemats in 2 different 

colors for what I would pay for just 8,  So

I was able to get cobalt blue and a pretty

Agua (the same color as the candy below),

So I can give the others away or sell them.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Thanks for stopping in.............

Love, Hugs 

and Mid July Blessings,


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  1. Love your beach theme table setting. Have a great weekend. xoxo

  2. Thanks Kris,
    You have a great weekend too hon.

  3. Your gratitude posts always make me smile. Really goes to show that there is beauty in little things. Being thankful for the everyday, ordinary things makes every day a joy!!

    I can so relate to how you enjoyed your phone call with Dee. I talk to Gabrielle most every day, but when her in-laws were visiting a couple weeks ago, we more texted than talked. And this weekend she and Scott are away, so it is texts, not chats once again. I miss our daily chats, and I am reminded how very blessed I am to have such a sweet relationship with her. You too!!

    Ooh, picking fabric for your couch. There are so many beautiful fabrics out there, it may be a very difficult decision.

    Fun that Scott and his daughter are taking karate together. Sweet bonding time, I'm sure!

    Have a wonderful day.

    Love and hugs,

  4. Morning Patti,
    Thanks for your kind encouragement and as always so Lovely to hear from you hon.
    Indeed it is such a blessing to have great relationships with our adult children.
    We have been praying for your Gabrielle's pregnancy and delivery, along with Pastor Mike's Gabriella who is expecting sometime here in the near future. Nice that she and Scott could get away for a weekend, so funny her hubby is Scott, so I shouldn't have a hard time remembering that since my Son is Scott as well. lol

    Yea, there are not that many places to look for fabric these days. I found something at Joanna's and online and sent a pic to the upholsterer, so hoping maybe he can find it in his books. I really like the one from JoAnns too, but somehow I am not sure if I will like it on a sofa, I can envision it on a chair, but not sure about the whole sofa. I seems the
    older I get the harder decisions are for me, and can't say that I like that either, I have always been such a decisive person. Jim really like the french blue/vanilla check the most as well, so that helps, now just if we can find it.

    Yea, we thought that was neat that they have family classes, and seems like they are teaching a lot of really good things, like discipline, communication and self defense, and how to deal with bullies. They have only been to 3 classes, but so far, so good. Yea, they really have a good time together doing many things.

    You have a lovely Sunday hon, great to hear from you.

  5. #1. Praise the LORD for His protection over you.
    #2. I can hardly wait to see the outcome!
    #3. Let it be soon!
    #4. Thank the LORD for distance communication!
    #5. Praise the LORD for your fellowship!
    #6. I pray the LORD's endurance for her.
    #7. Praise the LORD for His leading.
    #8. I pray the LORD will hold the rain off! We have really had a rainy season this year!
    #9. I thank the LORD for you being such great grandparents!
    #10. Praise the LORD for their time together!
    #11. Oh my! I'm glad it's better now!
    #12. How pretty they must be!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: