Thursday, January 6, 2022

Thankful Thursday January 6, 2022, and Winter Decor Past

But let all who take refuge in you be glad;

 let them ever sing for joy. 

Spread your protection over them, 

that those who love your name may rejoice in you.

Psalm 5:11  NIV


Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this is finding your New Year off to 

a great start.....ours has been quiet so far,

which to us is great!  lol  Haven't taken

 any decorations down yet, just not 

ready to yet.  I like Christmas to linger

a little

Pictures today are from our Winter Decor

of the past.........since we don't get snowy

Winters here,  I like to enjoy them from


Thankful for running into our sweet neighbors

at the grocery store, that has never happened

before and it was truly a simple pleasure,

cause we had such a fun time chatting,

 and because we haven't seen them lately,

as she has been sick, but now feeling better!


Thankful for dinner out on Thursday evening

 just the 2 of us to Carrabbas. We were gonna

go to Outback for a change,  but they had a 

super long wait, and I wasn't too thrilled

about going to Carabbas at first even tho

I really like them, cause we just had Italian

food on Sunday,  but it turned out to be a

great choice, and we really enjoyed it.

and it got us out of the house.  lol


Thankful for a quiet and relaxing New

Years eve with my honey.


Thankful for the gift of contentment

in our lives.


Thankful for a good day at church 

and a delicious lunch with our friends

  to Texas Roadhouse.  It was great

to hear about their Christmas and 

to catch up.


Thankful for our Son-in-love. He is 

such a great guy and he fits into our

 family so well, and we love him too pieces.

Today is his birthday!


Thankful for a long telephone conversation

with my Daughter and Son this week.

Heaven for Mom!!  lol


Thankful for the gift of being retired,

and what a blessing it is to us, and 

hopefully to others.  We have lots

more time to pray for and encourage

 others, and more time for family and

others as well.  Also time for making

and sending more cards


Thankful for a new book we are

 reading called "The Case for Heaven" 

by Lee Stroebel.


Thankful that facebook notifies us each

day of when someone has a birthday.

It always makes me feel like a celebrity

every year, and love that I can help make

others feel the same way. For a long time

 I couldn't figure out how people knew

 it was my birthday, cause didn't and still

can't necessarily figure out Face book, 

but finally I asked my Daughter, and

she told me, so love that I can now

makes others feel loved on their 

birthday too.


Thankful for these Baking Challenge Contests

they have on Discovery Plus,  we started 

watching with the Christmas cookie Challenge

bake off,  and now others ones they have.

I dont know why but hubby and I both

really get a kick out of them,  and I have

learned some things about baking too.

They are just a fun competition!!


Thankful for Spinach balls, they are delish

and a good way to get a veggie into our

diet.  My SIL Susan makes them, so I knew

they were good.  So made my first batch

and they are great and handy when you

 want a lil snack, and they are quick and

 easy to make as well.


Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Hope you are have a lovely rest of the

week,  and thanks for coming by.

Keep you light shining Brightly!

Love, Hugs and

New Years Blessings,


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  1. Hi Nellie. Another week of beautiful things to be thankful. Happy Friday have a good weekend. xoox

  2. #1. What a nice encounter!
    #2. I'm still in the take-out mode.
    #3. Yes, I was surprised there weren't more fireworks in the neighborhood as it has been in the past.
    #4. Praise the LORD for His comfort.
    #5. Yes, it's good to be in the house of the LORD.
    #6. I sent an email to Dee wishing him a Happy Birthday.
    #7. A wonderful gift from GOD!
    #8. I have felt so blessed of GOD for the past 10 years of retirement!!! I had worked every day of my life and I have so enjoyed His great blessing of retirement!
    #9. Praise the LORD for those He has blessed to write encouraging books!
    #10. Another way to bless others!
    #11. It being just me, I don't cook that much anymore.
    #12. They are delicious!!!
    Love you, Susan

  3. Like you, I have many things to be thankful for. I'm grateful every day for a multitude of blessings. I enjoyed looking at the beautiful photos in your post.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie