Sunday, May 15, 2022

Thankful Thursday May 20, 2022, Pictures of our Mother's Day table (for my friend)

I will sing the LORD’s praise, 
for he has been good to me.
Psalm 13:6 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Happy Thursday to you, I actually made
 it on time for a change.  lol
Hope you have had a good week, and
will have an even better weekend.

Pictures today are from our Mother's Day Table this year. I know it looks like our Easter table, but I changed up the centerpiece and 
some other things.

Our Easter Table

Our Mother's Day Table
For a little fun, See if you can spot the
 differences between the two tables???

Now......on with my Thankfuls......

Thankful for a lazy day on Saturday!!

Thankful myself and my Daughter are feeling better,
 but she has been really under the weather for a few days
 and not quite 100% yet, but hoping she will be ready 
to travel here next week.
Note: She was able to get a Z-pack and today
 is Sunday and she is feeling great.  Me too!

Thankful for a good morning in God's House and a really good
message from our Pastor and for a great testimony of God's 
goodness, and the funny telling of it.  We were all cracking
up!!  Then a nice breakfast at Perkins with our friends.  I
almost never get breakfast out, as I am not typically a break-
fast person, especially this time of year.  But they had a
strawberry fest going on, so I got egg, bacon and french
toast with Strawberries, and it was quite yummy.

Thankful I finally remembered to get some new nail polish.
  We had to go to Walgreen's for something else and I saw
 the beauty aisle and was like of yea, I need nail polish.  Sounds stupid but when you keep forgetting stuff it's 
real blast when you remember!!   lol

Thankful for a lovely card from my friend
 about Mother's Day last weekend.  
It was very sweet and unexpected as she
has thanked me so many times already.
So happy she enjoyed it so much......

#6 and 7
Thankful for another lovely card from our friend 
in Gainesville.  The one who broke both her legs
a year and a half ago.  She has not completely
recovered but she is still going to theraphy and
improving and gets around pretty good. 

Thankful She has an amazing attitude or I
doubt she would have made so much progress
and would still be keeping at it. Not a shred
of self pity in her life either.


Thankful for a new show on Trinity Broadcasting Network,
called "Take Away" with Kirk Cameron.  Comes on Monday
nights at 9 P.M.  Very Interesting and inciteful show.
Has only been out for a few months now, but we really
enjoy it.

Thankful for 13 years of blogging as of May 9th of this year.
I completely forgot about it until a few days ago. I have met
some wonderful people blogging, and I have learned a ton of
neat things from so many of you talented ladies, and am
also using so many things I learned blogging for our card
shop business.  Who knew??  God Knew!!
Thanks to all of those who are readers and followers
of my blog, as I couldn't have been here this long
without you!!

Thankful that Truth Social is finally up and running.
We joined today!  Facebook has been blocking me since
just before Easter.  I put a beautiful rendition of  the
song "Alleluia" on there, and they removed it and
then said that the person who posted it either removed
it or readjusted their viewing audience.  I did neither
and I wrote a post saying so and that FB did it.
Since then I have been posting but have not gotten
any likes, loves or comments since then, they only
 let my Daughter respond for some reason. Today
I posted and said what happened and several 
people said they haven't seen one of my post
 in a long time.  Course, I wasn't surprised.

Thankful for this wonderful pasta salad recipe I got from my
dear friend who passed away last year. It is delicious and I
don't make it unless I have a lot of people to eat it, cause
it makes a good size batch.  In case you would like to
see and have the recipe.  Just click here

Thankful for something exciting that is about to
 happen, but I will have to tell you about it
 next week.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Glad you could stop in


Hope you have a really lovely Spring Weekend!

Love, Hugs and 
Mid May Blessings,


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1 comment:

  1. #1. Yes, I love lazy days (since just about all mine are lazy, ha!)
    #2. Praise our LORD you both are feeling better!
    #3. Yes, I went to the early service.
    #4. How I know it with the memory "relapses" ha! It's the same with me when I grocery shop!
    #5. Nice blessings from friends!
    #6 & #7. Praise the LORD for His encouragement to her!!!.
    #8. This show is just starting on Buzzer game show network. I'm looking forward to seeing it.
    #9. Wow, that long already! I started not long after you!!
    #10. I'm not on any other media than my blog and email.
    #11. It does look yummy!
    #12. I anxiously await!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie