Friday, May 6, 2022

Thankful Thursday May 5, 2022, Pictures from Springs past.

The LORD is my strength and my defense ;
 he has become my salvation. He is my God,
 and I will praise him, my father’s God,
 and I will exalt him.
Exodus 15:2 NIV


Greetings Sweet Friends


Again Welcome to May

Hope you are all enjoying the your Spring,

We have been, altho it is breezy here our

temp. was 95 today, so think maybe

our  Summer has arrived much to my

 chagrin. Oh is what it is!!

This being Mother's Day weekend I 

hope you all have a Very  Sweet

and Special Mother's Day!!

Pictures today are from other Springs

 Past!  No time to take pics this week......

hopefully next week.

So enjoy Hydrangea Heaven!!  lol

with a colored pencil affect - I think!!  lol

So on with my Thankfuls......


Thankful for a Freshly mown lawn. Even tho

 it wasn't that long,  it just always looks

 so much neater and more cared for.


Thankful for my Sweet Son, and that he works

in the Agriculture business, and does test trials

on our yard at times, and it helps him, but also

helps us, and he could do it on a someone else's

yard, so thankful he chooses us. Last year he 

did one that saved us so much work on trimming

our bushes, so we didn't have to be out there in

 that hot Summer sun, it was great....and it

made our bushes so much fuller and they look

 awesome, so he did another trial this year,

 so we want need to prune them until next 

Spring probably.  Awesome!


Thankful that I got all my Easter things

packed away, and have just about finished

refilling spots where Easter things were.


Thankful for some pretty yellow carnations

and mini-carnations resting on my coffee

table.  Early Mother's day gift from hubby.


Thankful we finished the Shrubbery beds

in our front yard, actually hubby is finishing

it up as I type this..........I have been clean-

ing instead, cause all that bending over

putting in mulch was wrecking my back.  

 So he had mercy on me, lol, being the sweet

man he is, said I can do it, no reason for you

to throw your back out. Thing is I love 

doing it, and I can do it, but I pay for it

 big time unfortunately.


Thankful for so much stuff we have gotten

 done in theses past weeks, stuff that needed

 to get done, but just wasn't motivated or

 didn't have the time to do.  Love when 

those nagging things get off my list.............



Thankful to be preparing a surprise for

Mother's day for someone who really

needs the encouragement as a parent.

It is a God told me to thing!

So very excited about it.....


Thankful that my daughter found

out today that they didn't have termites. 

 They had someone re-doing their mudd 

room, and they found something behind

 the stuff they ripped out that looked

like it could be termites, and another

place that looked sort of like mildew,

so they still have to have that checked

but it looks like it could have been

from an old leak, hopefully they will

find out tomorrow and then they can

have them proceed with the re-do.

Hope they can proceed as they have

already waited over 10 weeks now.

Note:  They did find out it was from

an old leak, so hopefully next week

they can get their new mudd room

cabinets installed.


Thankful to hear from 2 younger gals

 this week, who are single parents, that

I stay in touch with, and pray for.

  Glad to know they and their children

 are both doing well, and they are both

 trying to grow new businesses, and

 they are making good progress.


Thankful hubby finally got to put 

his new solar lights out once we

finished all the weeding and 

mulching.  (Think he got them

for Father's Day last year, but

our others were still working but

in recent months most of them

bit the dust. So the new ones

looks so nice, and he had about

4 of the others he was able to put

in another place.


Thankful for the hopeful news about Roe vs Wade

even tho it just means they will turn it over to each

state to decide what to do with the issue, but that

  is how it should have been all along.


Thankful for the National Day for prayer.

  Wonderful to know all those prayers

 are going up for our country every year.  

Well,  that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Again, hope you all have a

 Sweet and Special Mother's Day, 


 that you get spoiled a lil rotten,

just a lil rotten tho....

Don't want to ruin you!!  lol

Love, Hugs and Early

May Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Karins Kottage

Between Naps on the Porch


  1. #1. I'm so thankful for Steve who does my lawn!
    #2. What a great and loving blessing he is to you!
    #3. Easter here and gone already, wow, how fast time does pass these days!
    #4. How wonderful. The LORD surely has made beauty for us to behold!
    #5. That work does seem to get harder the older we get. Praise the LORD for giving "hubby" the strength to do it!
    #6. I've got to get started too. I need to donate more of my books to the church library! I have no more room to keep them all. As well as, I'm going to donate ALL my Beanie Baby collection this year to the church's Christmas toy ministry.
    #7. Praise the LORD! I pray He does His mighty works through you!
    #8. Isn't it great to get good news!!!! I should know. This week I got great news my A/C was repaired with no problems or cost!!!
    #9. I surely hope I hear from Alice. I haven't talked with her in many months. I emailed her but had no response or "return" mail if account was closed. I haven't heard from Boddy either, which is unusual. His cell phone acct has been closed.
    #10. Those do look nice. My neighbors have those too.
    #11. YES! Praise the LORD! I'm also praying for the upholding of a judge's decision to NOT allow sex changes in minors! (Pres. prayer page)
    #12. Biden had some very nice comments on prayer. I hope he is sincere in what he said.
    Love you, Susan

  2. Happy Mother's Day Nellie. Enjoy your special day. xoxo Kris

  3. Love this reminded to actually name what you are tthankful for. Have a great week!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie