Friday, May 27, 2022

Thankful Thursday May 26, 2022, pictures from our Beach vacation

My name will be great among the nations, from where the sun rises to where it sets. In every place incense and pure offerings will be brought to me, because my name will be great among the nations,” says the LORD Almighty.

Malachi 1:11 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are doing well and having a great week, and are probably looking forward to a nice restful Memorial Day. We have been away since last Wednesday and just returned on Wednesday morning from having a great time with our family.

Pictures today are from our Vacation.  So will let the post do the talking. lol

This and the header pic were just before Sunrise on Wed. morning before we left.  We couldn't believe someone just parked there sailboat on the beach and left it there for 2 days and it was still here when we left.

So....on with my Thankfuls......


Thankful for a long awaited Beach Vacation

for our family for a week. We planned it last year as part of my 70th birthday celebration,  just a lil later than my birthday but was fun to look forward to after my real birthday.  We haven't taken a beach vacay in 9 years, cause all our vacays have been to see our Daughter and Son-in-love. So it is something we have all talked about for a long while now. and it was just as much fun as we had hoped.


Thankful that the place we stayed was just wonderful. It was on the beach and had a pool as well, and was very well equipped with every thing we needed. Could not have asked for anything more.


Thankful that we were all able to go, and were

all healthy by the time we went,  my Son did

get sick and was in bed with a fever one day

and the next and there after he was fine,  I

think it was the Prayer (as a number of people

were praying for us) and a Z-pack.  He came

home on the day before us and is still doing great.


I am thankful that even tho I took a bit of a fall while getting into the pool the next day after we got there,  I was fine accept when I sat down on a hard surface.  But I was in the perfect setting cause I was in cold water all day and standing up in the pool most of the day, so not sitting much.  I am having a lil trouble today as we drove home this morning and sitting on the hard seat caused it to bother me some, and feeling it might have some inflammation back. but so thankful it did not put a damper on our time away at all.  It's Friday, and I seem totally back to normal, but still taking it easy when I sit down on a donut, just to be on the safe side for a few days.


Thankful that lil darling got to go with us as well, and think she had as much fun as possible with it being all adults. Plus it was great for her to get to spend so much time with her Aunt Dena, our Daughter DeeAnna. She loves her Aunt Dena!

We even were able to take the 2 Grand dogs.  Bentley and Lola.

Aunt Dena and Brooklyn


 Thankful that we were able to prepare most

of our meals very quickly and easily,  so not

a lot of work at all, and quite delicious!


Thankful that everyone pitched in and took

turns cleaning the kitchen.


Thankful for the beautiful Sunrise I saw our first morning there.  Great way to start the day!! I always have to catch at least one Sunrise.


Thankful there was a life guard at the beach 

because I didn't think there would be one, since

it was a private beach.  So that is always a 

relief to know.


Thankful that we all got to go out to dinner at

A place I spoke of a few weeks back "Aunt

Catfishes".  It is a family tradition to go there

once, while we are on a beach vacation.

  That's why we tried it out earlier to make sure it was as good as it used to be.......everyone really

enjoyed it..........and we got some pics there too.

  We were out on a dock and it was super windy  But they came out pretty

good in spite of the Windiness.

My hubby, Me, Jerry (ourSon-in-love) 
Brooklyn(AKA lil darling), Our Son Scott
and our Daughter DeeAnna


Thankful that my Son took some really nice

family photos while we were at the beach 

house too. Haven't gotten them yet or I

would share some. Hoping they all came

out really well.  It was Windy there too.


Thankful for Sunscreen and Rash Guard shirts,

that can keep the sun off of you.  They all had

one and had bought my Hubby one for his birthday because he burns very easily.  Our last day there I didn't think I could take any more sun on my  shoulders, even tho I had used plenty of sunscreen, sun glasses and a wide brim hat, so hubby said we should get you one of these shirts cause we can always use them when we work in the yard cause we could wet ourselves down and then it keeps you cool till the shirt dries.  Anyway, we were just a block or so away from a surf shop so was able to get   me one and what a blessing it was, so I was able to enjoy the last day in the pool in comfort.


Thankful we were able to help a lady that was on the beach with 3 lil ones by herself. (A brave lady if you ask me-they were stair step in ages) She was trying to put up one of those baby tents and it was so windy and she was having no luck at all.........and there were at least a dozen people on the beach, and we were sitting upon the balcony just enjoying the view, and Ithought why doesn't someone lend her a hand, and then I saw her baby going toward the ocean, and one of her other lil ones trying to get him, but she couldn't and the Mom's back was turned, so I decided it was time to go down there, so we tried to get it up but a part had come loose and we couldn't pop it back in, so just as I was about to go get my hubby he came down, and he couldn't get it in either, so we had discovered some tools the night before, so he saw there were some screws that if he loosed them he might be able to fix it, and he did,  so we got her tent up finally, She was a very sweet and grateful lady, and it turned out she was a believer in Jesus, as well.  So she said the Lord goes before us, and I said yes, he does. Funny, that was the verse I used for Scripture Sunday last week......................Love to see how the Lord works like that!!


Thankful that we all had a really Wonderful timeand it was such a blessing to all of us. Some were at the beach taking a walk and boogie boarding, others at the pool, floating around on pool noodles and rafts, and playing with lil darling, and listening to music, or sunning. Sometimes we were all in the pool playing and throwing the ball around. We watched old movies we used to love when the kids were growing up, only played a few games, cause by the time night fell we were all so tired from all the fun in the sun, we didn't feel like doing much else but watch movies.  lol


Well, this was our week at Cozy Place. 

 This is our vacation edition!!  lol

Thanks for dropping by


Have a lovely yet contemplative 

 Memorial Day Weekend

Love, Hugs and

Memorial Day Blessings,


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  1. #1. Praise the LORD for your enjoyable time celebrating your 70th birthday!
    #2. Wow! What an excellent location!
    #3. Yes indeed, the LORD does answer our prayers!!! Thank the LORD for a quick recovery!
    #4. Thank our LORD you are feeling better!!! I rolled over in my sleep last night and pulled a muscle in my left shoulder. It is quickly healing now, thank our LORD!
    #5. What a joy for you all!!! Even the sweet little dogs!
    #6. Thank the LORD for quick meals!
    #7. It helps when all can be involved!
    #8. What a beautiful sunrise and calm ocean!
    #9. I'm sure the lifeguards enjoy their job immensely!
    #10. What great pictures of all of you on the pier!
    #11. I can hardly wait to see your other pictures!
    #12. Being on the water is great fun, but I too am one who can't tolerate much sun!!!
    #13. Isn't it great how the LORD brings His believers together!!!
    #14. A time of joyful togetherness!
    Love you, Susan

  2. What a beautiful Family. Glad you had a wonderful vacation. xoxo Kris

  3. Sounds like a fantastic time with your beautiful family! I am a little envious, as I miss the beach a lot. Now that I live in a land-locked state, I never get to see the ocean. The last time I was in Florida was 2018 for my mother-in-law's funeral, and I didn't get to the beach that trip, so it's been 2012 or 2013 that I've been.
    I went to Aunt Catfish's on my 2013 trip!! Our family always loved that restaurant, so when Gabrielle and I were in Florida that year, we made it a point to dine there. Their cheese grits are to die for!! And I always used to make a dessert there by putting their berry mixture over cornbread. (They may not have any of those things on their salad/hot bar anymore.)
    SO glad you didn't break a bone when you slipped. Wet tile can be so treacherous.
    Ah, such a beautiful sunrise. There is nothing like a sunrise at the beach!

    Love and hugs,

    P.s. with babysitting my little Audrey 3 days a week and working on a genealogy project, my time is limited. I have largely disengaged from the computer and am no longer blogging. But I am still visiting a few blogs I love, yours being one of them.

  4. Morning Susan,
    Thanks for coming by as always. Hope your shoulder is doing much better by now. I remember hearing a comedienne says: That when you get older you can hurt yourself just sleeping. lol
    unfortunately, that can be true at times. lol

    Have a great day
    Love, Nellie

  5. Morning Kris,
    Thanks for coming by and for your kind comment about our family and being happy for us that we had a good vacation. Thanks!
    Hope you are had a good weekend.

  6. Morning Patti,
    I had a feeling you probably wouldn't have much time for blogging, as I know how caring for lil ones keep you busy and wear you out as well, but it is always a good tired.
    Glad you are still coming by at times, always happy to hear from you sweetie.
    Altho we live less than an hour away from the beach we never fact, the last time we had a beach vacay was when Brooklyn was about 3-5 mos. old, and that was 9 yrs. ago, so we were seriously overdue. lol
    So cool that yall love Aunt Catfishes too. It has changed a bit tho. They no longer have that wonderful salad bar, it is now a cinnamon roll baking station where you can watch them
    make and ice the rolls. They do still have the cheese grits and baked beans and spiced apples and they added a broccoli salad and potato salad and the cornbread. Now you order your entree with 1 side and you can go to the hot bar and cinnamon roll bar as many times as you want. We enjoyed it very much, but have to say I do miss the salad bar, but the food was great, and we brought home some cinnamon rolls for the next day!! and they were so yummy.
    So good to hear from you hon, and I know you are loving taking care of Audrey.
    Take care, and hope you had a good weekend.
    Love and Blessings,

  7. Yay! Welcome back and so many things to be grateful for! I am also glad you had a great time with family and vacation. Such priceless memories especially for adults and little ones bonding time. I hope your week is off to a great start and happy Wednesday!

    Maureen |

  8. Thanks Maureen and Happy Wednesday to you too. So nice to meet you here in blogland and thank you for coming by and for all your sweet comments and well wishes. and yes, it will definitely be a vacation we will always remember, for sure.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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