Thursday, October 26, 2023

Thankful Thursday October 26, 2023, with Fall Scenery

Praise the LORD. Blessed are those who fear the LORD, who find great delight in his commands.

Psalm 112:1 NIV 


          Greetings Sweet Friends,

How are you today??  Hope you are enjoying

 some good ole Fall weather.  It has been in 

                    high 60's at night and the about 80 degrees

        in the day time, which is better, but not exactly

              what I would call Fall weather. lol


       Pictures today are of Fall Scenery.

We don't change much here in Florida

so we have to enjoy the beauty thru

pictures in other states.  lol  So if

you are like us......todays your day

to enjoy some Fall scenery!!  lol

So.........on with my Thankfuls....


Thankful we are all unpacked and

suit cases all tucked away!!


Thankful for a Shout out for our card

Business by the Hive Drive on Instagram,

thanks to our Sweet Daughter, and also

for a number of new followers as well.


Thankful to hear the good news that our

Sr. Pastor's kidney removal surgery went

well, and that they didn't see any visible

signs of cancer anywhere else, PTL, but it

 will be 2 weeks till they get the biopsy report

 back. Think we are all expecting a good report

 as he has so many people interceding for him.


Thankful to hear that one of our best friends,

 Son and wife are going to go for marriage

 counseling with their Pastor. That is a long

 awaited answer to prayer for all of us. 

So happy to hear that news!!


Thankful to get to see lil darling and our

 Son last night for dinner and a fun time playing

 cards. That was nice since we had been away

 for over a week.


Thankful for a very productive day working 

on our shop. More to go.... but that keeps us

 busy and useful, and have to say we enjoy it. 


Thankful for Samaritans Purse and other

Christian Organizations who are helping

the people of Israel.


Thankful for our Wonderful Governor

Ron DeSantis.  I read that he sent a plane

to Israel to bring back Americans who

were stuck in Israel and couldn't get out,

He also has sent 2 cargo planes with food,

water, and medical supplies to Israel.

You can read about it here, if you like

or type it in for yourself.

Thankful for a devotional I read by Pastor
Paul David Tripp, from his Book
 "New Morning Mercies."  
It was talking about a reason we need to go
 to church that I had never heard spoken 
of before, but was struck by how true it was.
This is my paraphrase of it......
 He said, it is so easy as Christians for us
 to have what he calls "Identity Amnesia", 
and to forget who we are in Christ and 
what we have been given as His child. 
It is so easy to forget when we are under
 pressure or in the middle of a trial, or
 overtired or just on normal days, but
 God has given us a gift of His grace
 and that is, of gathering together with
 one another so we can remember who we
 are and what He has given us. 
The Church is a tool of his grace, so that 
we can remember, celebrate and grow.
Love this Reason and believe it is so true!


Thankful for my Dentist and Hygienist

and a good cleaning, and that even tho

I was hoping for no dental procedures,

 I do have a crown that is leaking and

 has to be redone, but thankful they

 caught that too.


Thankful for my sweet neighbor who

brought us some 15 bean soup with collards

mixed in.......we didn't eat it tonight because

we were going out, but if it tastes near

as good as it is gonna be 

yummy!  I am gonna make some corn

bread tomorrow to have with it!  


Thankful for a really nice dinner

at Carrabbas Italian, just me and hubby.

It was better than usual for some reason, 

maybe cause I haven't have chicken

 parmesan in awhile, cause they are

 always great, and we had a really nice

young man as our server, who is working

his way thru college for Computer Science,

so he and hubby had a nice chat since

he has worked in that field himself.

We love talking with young people!!

(Especially when they like talking

to old fogies like us!!  lol)


Thankful that they finally chose a "Speaker

of the House" and by unanimous vote, none

the less. Now there's a miracle for you!!  

Well, That's it for Cozy Place today.

Thanks for coming by


Have a Fantastic Friday and Weekend,

Love, Hugs, and

End of October Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique


  1. #1. It's always great to be back home!
    #2. The LORD's blessings on your cards!
    #3. Yes, indeed! Praise our Almighty GOD for His blessings!
    #4. I pray the LORD's conviction upon their hearts!
    #5. What a joy for you all!!!
    #6. What a great and productive hobby!
    #7. Yes indeed! Praise the LORD for our govt.'s support to Israel!
    #8. I pray GOD's great blessing upon him in his loving efforts!
    #9. Praise the LORD for our Church's on-line ministry too!
    #10. Praise the LORD for the care we receive!
    #11. Sounds delicious!
    #12. Thank the LORD for nice people!
    #13. Yes! And praise the LORD he is a Christian!!!
    Love you, Susan

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: