Thursday, October 5, 2023

Thankful Thursday October 5, 2023, and Fall Decor Part 5

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise;
    give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
    his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Psalm 100:4-5 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How are you doing this week? Hope things are

going well,  and that you have entered the Fall

Season with real Fall weather.  Our temps are

cooling some, but still feels more like Summer......

but we see that next week is supposed to be we are getting excited about that!!

This week lil darling has been sick since last

weekend, she is out on Fall break,  so she has

been able to rest which is good, but she is not

there yet,  feeling much better, but not quite

there yet!!  In fact, she is sleeping as I am

typing this.....I have felt good just very tired

myself, so hoping it stays that way!!  lol

Pictures today are of more Fall Decorating,

 Part 5.

Fireplace with lights off......................See why I love these battery operated candles

So......On With my Thankfuls............


Thankful for face book and that they had a Nat'l Son and Daughter day.  I did a post on both my kids, and think they really appreciated it.  We can never love or encourage our family and friends enough.


Thankful that we finished the grouting of our floor tile in our master bathroom. We are so pleased with the way it turned out and so happy we decided to try it.  It looks so clean and fresh and brand new. Will do a post soon and tell you about it in case you might like to give it a try yourself.


Thankful for a lil kneeling/bench used for weeding That my Daughter gave me some years back,  We used it to clean and grout the floor, so much easier on the knees and also easier to get up and down as well.


Thankful that we got it done pretty quickly since we had to pace ourselves.  At our age, we have  We don't have tobe in a hurry cause we have plenty of time, and we are like the ants we are just steady plodders, and then all of a sudden it's a done that!!


Thankful that if we know God, we can have the wisdom of God to guide us in our lives, and what an amazing difference that makes to our lives, our family and our world.


Thankful for a great day at church, and a great and true story our Pastor told about 2 of our other young Pastors and the encounter they and several other men in our church had with  helping to clean up a homeless man, that was in a wheelchair that was in great need, last Sunday morning before church started. His story was so sad, but the Lord couldn't have linked him up with more caring and Godly men than he did.  I am sure it had to have a huge impact on this man, who had an abusive father who beat him..... that he absolutely hates.


Thankful that I experienced 2 mini miracles at church this morning from 2 people I had prayed for this week. One I was having a problem with, the other one seemed to be having a problem with us. Wish I could share what happened but never know who is reading, so better not!!  lol


Thankful for lunch out with our friends to Cracker Barrel, even tho it took forever to get in.  lol

The food and fellowship were great!


Thankful that God has given us color......imagine how blah, boring and awful our world would be if we could only see it in black and white.  My husband said yea, when we used to have only black and white TV, it was usually comedies, so guess the comedy was what added the color!!  lol


Thankful that my hubby is so diligent about our

yard,  he spent quite a bit of time out there

pulling up sand spurs.  Our neighbor who has

lawn service and probably doesn't know it,

but they have a lot of them right on the edge

of their yard next to ours.  So guess we will

address that next Spring, as everything we 

have read says you have to spray them with 

weed killer in the early spring.  We typically 

have only had them out near the street and

 those babies hurt if you step on them barefoot,

 so def don't want a yard full of them.  lol


Thankful for a fun time with lil darling and I,

 face timing my Daughter/her Aunt this morning

 and talking about the fun time they are gonna

 have this weekend with her Dad and Aunt

and Uncle, at Busch Gardens.  We looked up all

 the roller coaster rides and they had videos of them.

Felt like we were there......  Too Cool.

If you feel so led,  Please pray that lil darling 

will feel good for the weekend.  She has been

 sick since last weekend, and has had lots of

rest since this was her Fall break and she is

 feeling much better but doesn't have much

of an appetite and tires out quickly.


Thankful that our church has a Women's

online prayer group, so we can share prayer

requests. Just put lil darling on there!!


Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Thanks for coming by 
Have a Tremendously good Weekend,

Love, Hugs, and 
Early October Blessings,

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1 comment:

  1. #1. How wonderful for loving families!
    #2. I know you are thankful it is finished and you can now enjoy it!
    #3. How wonderful for your knees!
    #4. How I know that about pacing my time! I probably pace it too much, lol!
    #5. Praise His Holy Name! I'm so thankful for His leading me every moment of my life!
    #6. Praise the LORD for His timing of events in our lives, especially involving others!
    #7. Praise our Almighty GOD for His working in your lives!
    #8. Good food makes my mouth water, ha! Praise the LORD for His provisions!
    #9. I have often thought about those who are "color blind!"
    #10. I don't have sand spurs, but I do get the weeds that line my fence so I can't see! PTL I can get Steve to pull the vines off the fence!
    #11. I am praying for her! My allergies have my nose going today!
    #12. PTL for their prayers for us. I have had them call me and pray with me!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Such a great reminder of who is in charge down here.  Have a lovely Sunday. Hugs, Nellie