Sunday, December 31, 2023
Friday, December 29, 2023
Thankful Thursday December 28, 2023, and pics of our brunch and dinner tables
O LORD God of Heaven’s Armies! Where is there
anyone as mighty as you, O LORD?
You are entirely faithful.” Psalm 89:8
Greetings Sweet Friends,
Hope you all had a very Blessed Christmas!
Ours was great, and of course, went by too fast,
and we have just been resting up this week, and
doing some things here and there that need to
be done, nothing earth shattering, for sure!! lol
Can't believe we only have 3 days till when are
in 2024. Is it just me or did 2023 seem
to go by lots quicker than usual??
Pictures today are from our Christmas Brunch
and Dinner tables this year. They were not fancy
because I did easy this year out of necessity, but
still think they were festive. Just keeping it real. lol
This was brunch
So on with my Thankfuls.....
Thankful we were finally feeling good enough
and non contagious enough to go out. It was
a quick run to Sams and Wally Word to get
some things we needed and then we went to
Carrabbas and had dinner. So nice to be out
of the house, for the first time in 10 days, and
dinner was delicious. We even ran into a nice
couple who were so warm and friendly to chat
with as we had a bit of a wait.
Thankful we are pretty much ready for Christmas
just have a lil cooking to do yet and some table
Thankful for fresh air, Lysol spray and Lysol
wipes and prayer to disinfect our house, so we
don't pass anything along to our family or friends.
That fresh air feels and smells so good!
Thankful for naps, as they have helped revive us
this past week and even now.
Thankful for the love and gifts of all of our
sweet neighbors this week.
Thankful for a fun time with lil darling
and our Son on Christmas Eve. it was
so good to see them after almost 2 weeks.
Thankful for a lovely Christmas with
the family. Good food, Good fellowship, and
Good memories, Sweet Cards and Gifts,
Only regret is we
forgot to take any pictures. Did get one
with lil darling in front to the tree, but
that was it........Oh Well........we will
have it stored in our memory banks! lol
Thankful we got to see (via facetime) and
talk with our Daughter on Christmas, and
they were having a quiet but good Christmas
as well.
Thankful I made a New Years card to
send out.
We added white plates to the red chargers
once we filled our plates buffet style.
Thankful for all the leftovers from Christmas,
ate the last of it for din din tonight.
Thankful for some days to rest up after all
the Christmas Eve and Christmas activity.
We needed it after being sick beforehand, and
felt good through that time, but started getting
headaches again the day after Christmas and
feeling very tired again. So not sure what that
is all about. lol
Note: They headaches finally went away.
So feeling much better again.
Thankful for a fun and refreshing walk
around our neighborhood looking at all
the Christmas lights.
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Merry Christmas
Happy Birthday
Merry Christmas
Sweet Friends,
Hope you and yours have the most
Wonderful Celebration together.
Love, Hugs and
God's Greatest Blessings,
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Scripture Sunday, 4th week of Advent
Thursday, December 21, 2023
Thankful Thursday December 21, 2023, More Christmas at our House 2023
Christmas Greetings Sweet Friends,
Hope this finds you doing and feeling well and as ready as you can be for the big day........Christmas, of course!
I am happy to report that finally I am feeling totally back to normal. (For those who didn't catch me last week, I had the flu or Covid (have no taste or smell at this point and had a horrible headache for a day), and also threw my back out. Been a long week but a mostly a good week of rest and of enjoying all things Christmas. Hubby came down with it too, and is still not there yet. He did get his appetite back and felt a lil better yesterday, so hoping he is feeling a lot better today....will see once he's up!!
Photos today are from Christmas at our house this year, 2023. These pictures are of our foyer and living room.
This is so you can see that the picture really is pretty. Doesn't photograph well from the distance evidently. lol
Well, on with my Thankfuls................
Thankful for our Card Shop and that we were able to send tons of flip cards to family, friends and church family this Christmas Season.
We sent a few last year, and folks seems to really enjoy them, So much easier, and definitely time, energy and cost effective and really great to use when you are sick!! lol
One purchase + a lil time, makes it possible to send many................... by e-mail, fb messenger or phone, Doesn't take nearly as long as buying, signing, addressing, stamping and buying stamps for snail mail cards, and is much less expensive. and as with any email or fb message you can type whatever you want and just add your link for the (flipcard) or E-greeting card. Plus you can do all that without even leaving home!!
Sorry if this sounds like an advertisement, it really was just me being reminded of why we have this online shop to begin with, and hoping it is a help to others, as well.
Thankful for a great Christmas Special with Danny Gokey and Natalie Grant that we saw on TBN on Thursday night.
Thankful for all the Christmas movies we have available to watch, cause my back is still out and hubby is not feeling too good either, so we watch Christmas movies from Great American Pure flix and Christmas Specials from TBN. So we are getting rest and enjoying as much as we can!!
Thankful for all the Veggie soup I had frozen a few months ago. It has come in handy this week for sure.
Thankful for a fun facetime call with our Daughter on Saturday. Missing her and really needed to see her sweet face. She was sick too, earlier in the week, but feeling back to normal now, thankfully.
Thankful for a long phone call from a long time friend of 42 years. It was great catching up as always, but it was really great to hear of a long time prayer request we have all been praying for that has finally been answered for someone in her family, and then some other short term prayers answered as well, and then also one about a family member who was 87 yrs. old and on his death bed pretty much who gave his heart to Jesus finally. Such an unlifting phone call.
Thankful I got my hair cut, and that always
makes a girl feel better. No, I didn't go out
sick........My hubby hair stylist did it before he
got sick!!
Thankful all our gift shopping is done, but need to get wrapping soon. We also decided to order a delicious cake from our Publix bakery for our dessert. It is called "Raspberry Elegance" and it is such a good cake, It has Raspberry Jam between the layers of yellow cake, and a cream cheese frosting, if I remember correctly. So Yummy!
Note: Was finally able to start wrapping
Yesterday, (Wed). more to go today.
I have lost 3 pds. being sick, so quite happy about that, cause it was much needed, as I had plateaued and just couldn't move forward. lol So thankful for that silver lining, to this dark cloud of sickness and back issues.
Thankful that I have really reaped the benefit this past week of the new sofa we had delivered this time last year. We had been searching a long time (years actually) for just the right reclining sofa, and altho I liked it I didn't know if I really loved it..........well, with all my back issues this week, it has been such a blessing and one of the reason we chose it, was I had just come out having problems with my back just a few weeks or so before looking once again. Anyway, we were impressed because you can adjust it just about anyway you want. You can recline to any point, it has lumbar support, and head adjustments. So I can not tell you how comfortable it has been especially with it being hard to sit and get up and down. That lumbar support and head adjustment is awesome, last time I had to put a pillow behind my head, and nothing was comfortable at all, and the pillow would keep falling off the back of the sofa. So very Thankful for this sofa and love it a lot more than I did before
Thankful for an unexpected sweet, and encouraging card we rec'd yesterday from one of our young pastors wives, and for other sweet neighbors who brought us, home made linzer cookies and they are typically so awesome, and hubby says they are, but I can't really taste them yet. Poo......taking some zinc so hoping that will help, so I can enjoy them too.
Thankful that I have been able to sit again, since my back is way better, so have been working on family Christmas cards, Have made much progress thankfully!!
Note: just one left to hopefully
Well, that's it for this week
at Cozy Place.
( this is the early Christmas edition.) lol
Always Great to have you come by.
Praying you and yours have a really
lovely and Meaningful Christmas Celebration
Of Our Lord's Birthday!!
Love, Hugs and
Merry Merry Christmas!!
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Sunday, December 17, 2023
Scripture Sunday - 3rd week of Advent
Thursday, December 14, 2023
Thankful Thursday December 14, 2023, and pictures of Christmas at our house 2023
LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you
and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness
you have done wonderful things, things planned
long ago.
Isaiah 25:1 NIV
Christmas Time Greetings
Sweet Friends,
My hope is that you are feeling better
than I am.....Came down with the flu
I guess.....Tuesday night late, and still
not feeling great, and on top of that I
threw my back out today, as well. lol
Might as well laugh about it cause not
much else I can do..........and thank the
Lord cause who knows what the Lord
might be sparing me from.................
Hope yall are all enjoying the season
of preparation for Christmas!
Pictures today are of Christmas at
our house this year, 2023.
Now on with my Thankfuls....
Thankful for a fun Friday with lil darling, she doesn't have any more schoolwork until the first of the year, so we just had fun today. We had her fav breakfast, she made bracelets, then we played a few games of Sorry. then we watched the animated version of the Grinch, laid down to take a nap, but just tickled and giggled while we rested, she started on a lil Christmas house kit with her Grampy, mostly painting today, watched the Christmas baking challenge and took a wagon ride, which means Grampy pulls us in a lil wagon behind the riding lawn mower!
Been awhile since we have done that...!!
and it was still fun!! lol
Thankful to finally get my tree finished.
I can imagine you could hear me singing
the Halleleujah chorus at your house. lol
It is work, but always glad that I do it,
cause it just brings so much enjoyment to us.
Thankful for a TBN Special called
"An Irish Christmas" with Keith and Kristyn Getty
It was such a lovely special to watch. You might
be able to go to TBN and find it possibly in
their archives. I would highly recommend it.
Thankful for a delicious Holiday Sub our local
Publix grocery store makes. It has Turkey,
Bacon, Mayo, Smoked Gouda cheese, and
some sort of Cranberry Relish, on 5 grain Italian
bread, and they heat it. Just make sure they
have it on the 5 grain Italian cause they made
one of ours on a Wheat sub roll cause they ran
out of bread, and we did not like it very much.
But done the right way......Sooooooo Good!
hubbies favorite Christmas decorations, and
think they have become mine now too!! lol
Thankful for a great day at church and
we got to hear from another one of our young
Pastors (He and his wife are missionary
interns, right now) but he did an awesome
job on his message.
Thankful for our Churches Christmas program.
It was excellent in every way! So thankful
for all the hard work everyone who was involved
put in to it........and it had to be a lot of work!!
Thankful for an early Christmas present
really to hubby, but of course, I will get to
enjoy it too, and our sweet son-in-love
thought of it. It was a box from Omaha
Steaks, and we got an assortment of
meats and a few sides. Such a great gift.
Thankful our house is all decorated and
clean and looks wonderful.
Thankful for a fun evening out at lil darlings
school Christmas program. It was really good
and she always sings her lil heart out.
Thankful I am feeling some what better
today. I guess I got a flu bug as I started
feeling terrible Tues. evening after we got
home from the lil darlings Christmas program.
Today is Thursday, I was completely out
of transmission all day on Wednesday.
Hopefully tomorrow I will feel even better.
Thankful our Christmas Brunch and dinner
menus are planned out.
Thankful for a new app we run on Roku
called "The Great American Pure flix"
We've watched about 5 Christmas movies
so far, and they are great, and in some
ways even better than Hallmark movies.
Well, that's it for this week here at
Cozy Place.
Always thankful you come by .......
Enjoy the Season
Love, Hugs and
Merry Christmas Blessings,
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