Thursday, December 14, 2023

Thankful Thursday December 14, 2023, and pictures of Christmas at our house 2023

LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you

 and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness

 you have done wonderful things, things planned

 long ago.

Isaiah 25:1 NIV

Christmas Time Greetings

Sweet Friends,

My hope is that you are feeling better

than I am.....Came down with the flu

I guess.....Tuesday night late, and still

not feeling great, and on top of that I

threw my back out today, as well.  lol

Might as well laugh about it cause not

much else I can do..........and thank the

Lord cause who knows what the Lord

might be sparing me from.................

Hope yall are all enjoying the season

of preparation for Christmas!

Pictures today are of Christmas at 

our house this year, 2023.

Now on with my Thankfuls....


Thankful for a fun Friday with lil darling,  she doesn't havany more schoolwork until the first of the year, so we just had fun today.  We had her fav breakfast, she made bracelets, then we played a few games of Sorry. then we watched the animated version of the Grinch, laid down to take a nap, but just tickled and giggled while we rested, she started on a lil Christmas house kit with her Grampy, mostly painting today, watched the Christmas baking challenge and took a wagon ride, which means Grampy pulls us in a lil wagon behind the riding lawn mower!

 Been awhile since we have done that...!!

and it was still fun!! lol


Thankful to finally get my tree finished.

I can imagine you could hear me singing

the Halleleujah chorus at your house. lol

It is work, but always glad that I do it,

cause it just brings so much enjoyment to us.


Thankful for a TBN Special called

"An Irish Christmas" with Keith and Kristyn Getty

  It was such a lovely special to watch. You might

be able to go to TBN and find it possibly in 

their archives.  I would highly recommend it.


Thankful for a delicious Holiday Sub our local

 Publix grocery store makes.  It has Turkey,

Bacon, Mayo, Smoked Gouda cheese, and

some sort of Cranberry Relish, on 5 grain Italian

bread, and they heat it.  Just make sure they

have it on the 5 grain Italian cause they made

one of ours on a Wheat sub roll cause they ran

out of bread,  and we did not like it very much.

But done the right way......Sooooooo Good!

           These lil Christmas houses are one of my 

hubbies favorite Christmas decorations, and

think they have become mine now too!!  lol


Thankful for a great day at church and

we got to hear from another one of our young

Pastors (He and his wife are missionary 

interns, right now) but he did an awesome

job on his message.


Thankful for our Churches Christmas program.

It was excellent in every way!  So thankful

for all the hard work everyone who was involved

put in to it........and it had to be a lot of work!!


Thankful for an early Christmas present

really to hubby, but of course, I will get to

enjoy it too,  and our sweet son-in-love

thought of it.  It was a box from Omaha

Steaks, and we got an assortment of

meats and a few sides. Such a great gift.

               Lil darlings gingerbread house


Thankful our house is all decorated and

clean and looks wonderful.


Thankful for a fun evening out at lil darlings

school Christmas program.  It was really good

and she always sings her lil heart out.


Thankful I am feeling some what better

today.  I guess I got a flu bug as I started

feeling terrible Tues. evening after we got

home from the lil darlings Christmas program.

Today is Thursday, I was completely out

of transmission all day on Wednesday.

Hopefully tomorrow I will feel even better.


Thankful our Christmas Brunch and dinner

 menus are planned out.


Thankful for a new app we run on Roku

called "The Great American Pure flix"

We've watched about 5 Christmas movies

so far, and they are great,  and in some 

ways even better than Hallmark movies.


Well,  that's it for this week here at 

Cozy Place.

Always thankful you come by .......

Enjoy the Season

Love, Hugs and 

Merry Christmas Blessings,


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1 comment:

  1. #1. I'm sure you and she are enjoying her break from school!
    #2. It is beautiful indeed!
    #3. I'm so glad for enjoyable movies!
    #4. It is even better when we don't have to make them, ha!
    #5. Praise the LORD for our church having so many spirit filled speakers!
    #6. Praise the LORD for on-line presentation!
    #7. How "yummy" to be able to start now on them, ha!
    #8. It is a task indeed!
    #9. How wonderful!
    #10. Praise our LORD for His healing upon you!
    #11. That's great to already have it all planned out!
    #12. How wonderful for sites to watch good movies!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: