Saturday, January 6, 2024

Thankful Thursday January 4, 2024, And whimsical Winter scenes


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6

New Year Greetings Sweet Friends, 

Sorry, I am a bit late as we have just been 

Lolly gagging along since Christmas.

Hope your New Year is shaping up well.

Our has continued to be restful and we

are having a slow start to getting much 

done. lol  Think we got lazy with all that

resting we did.  Looking forward to Mon-

day as we will get back into the swing of

things.  Since today is "3 Kings day" 

and the official end of the Christmas 

Season, I will be ready to make our home

look a bit more Wintery than Christmasy.  

So that is always fun for me.....

Pictures today are of  Whimsical Wintery scenes 

 from Pixabay, as the only pics I have are of Christmas 

decor and I am sure you have probably had your fill 

of those. by now.  Lol

So Enjoy these fun shots!

Now on with my Thankfuls.....


Thankful to be feeling really good after all the

rest we have had.


Thankful we have been playing a lot of card

games lately.  That's been fun.


Thankful for the cold weather we have been

having.....going in the 40's at night and

in the 60's in the daytime.  Love it.


Thankful we were able to go back to church was a really lovely service with

singing and lots of prayer for the New Year.


Thankful we were finally able to go out to

lunch with our lunch buddies as it has been

 awhile.  She is had made quite a bit of

progress on bending her knee, but is still

 in pain all the time.


Thankful we got to see a young couple that

we are very fond of......he went to our church,

so we have known him since he was young 

and met his wife while they were dating, when

 he got older and then went to their wedding,

and we know his parents well too, and they

Live up north and a few years ago they went

 thru some very serious and scary problems 

emotionally and we were able to be prayer

warriors and emotional support for them.

So happy to know they are doing really well

 now and it was really so great to see them,

and their lil children.


Thankful we got to see great fireworks right

from our front door on New Years eve.

An unexpected delight.


Thankful to hear that friends of ours that

went to Japan to visit their son who is in

the Navy there..... are okay. Sent them a

 FB message and they wrote us back. 

 We also have neighbors that are in Japan

 for the same reason, but haven't heard from

 them yet.  Praying they are fine too.

Note:  Heard from our neighbors and they

are fine as well.  PTL


Thankful that with all this peace and rest the Lord

has been giving me a number of ideas for the year.

Love that!!


Thankful for 2 good days with lil darling.

She is still out of school,  so no school work

until after the 9th.  We took a walk and did 

a little shopping in the afternoon, then finally

 got to go see her and Scott's Christmas

 decorations, since we were sick earlier and

 since they haven't taken their Christmas

 things down yet either. They have all these

cute lil Christmas houses they built out

of legos on display.  It's really neat, and

a nice tradition.


Thankful that after we went shopping

and to their house,  hubby and I decided

to go to TJ Maxx just to look around,

and it was really fun since we haven't 

done that pretty much since Novemeber. 

It really was quite enjoyable and we also

found a large soup pot that I needed, and

was less expensive that one we already found,

which is always nice, plus it has non-stick

ceramic inside rather than the other non-

stick services they use. We were actually

replacing one our Daughter gave us for

Christmas because it was so heavy, 14

pds. with the lid on. So too heavy for me,

especially if it had soup or stew inside!!  lol


Thankful for a nice dinner out to Olive

Garden,  it was cold, so soup and salad

sounded so good, and was really good.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.....

Thanks for your visit


Have a Wonderful New Year

Love, Hugs and 

New Years Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

Between Naps on the Porch

1 comment:

  1. #1. Praise the LORD for His rest to us!
    #2. Yes, I play a lot of solitary!
    #3. Yea for you! I'll be glad when it gets warmer, ha!
    #4. I'm so thankful for our church's on-line service!
    #5. I can sympathize with her.
    #6. Praise the LORD for His Love to us all!
    #7. I could surely hear them, ha!
    #8. Praise the LORD for His protection!
    #9. Great is our LORD!
    #10. Praise the LORD for your time together!
    #11. Great shopping!
    #12. Soup is definitely great on cold days!!!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: