Thursday, April 25, 2024

Thankful Thursday April 25, 2024, and unusually Beautiful photos..........

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort         2 Corinthians 1:3 NIV 


Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a beautiful day

where you are.....

It has been a beautiful day here, and

we got out early and did some bush

cutting in our front yard. It was cool

out and we were in the shade the whole

time,  so it was lovely out, and very

happy and Thankful to be getting this 

done finally, now that hubby is over his

 recovery from the cyst surgery and I

 am pretty well over my fall injuries.........

Guess the Lord is teaching us patience

 in waiting!!  lol

This reminds me of my Mom,  her favorite flower
 was Wisteria.  It truly smells heavenly.

Pictures today for your viewing pleasure are 

 pictures of what I felt were uniquely

 beautiful photographs, compliments of Pixabay.


So on with my Thankfuls.....


Thankful that we got our new hot water heater in and that the guys did such a good job, and that they were able to come out so quickly. ( If you read last week....our hot water heater had broken).


Thankful for hot water, and that we did not have to go without it for too long.  I had taken a shower just before it went out, and had no hot water a few hours later, so just decided to wait and run the dishwasher the next day (since we would hopefully get the new water heater, so that worked out too.


Thankful that because our water heater is in our garage, the leaking caused us no issues, and it caused us to do some clean up and throwing out that has needed to be done anyway.  So quite happy about that.


Thankful that over a month ago we were in SAMS club and saw this industrial shelving unit, and decided to get it to go in our garage to replace another one we have had for years, 37 yrs to be exact.  It was to replace that shelving unit and it is still sturdy just looks all yellowed and discolored it was originally white plastic .  I realized the day we took it out to the trash that it was in our son's nursery in the beginning. 

 Isn't that a hoot!!


Thankful that we got everything all cleaned up and transferred over to the new shelves and it is much more efficient, and much nicer to look


Thankful that my Sister-in-law had a procedure done on her eye, and everything went well, and they were able to fix the problem easily and quickly.  


Thankful that I got all my Easter stuff down and put away  today, so now just to replace what I took down with more Spring like pieces.  Will miss my bunnies and eggs,  but it was


Thankful for Pixabay and Unsplash and all the

beautiful pictures they have on their site.


Thankful we finally got to work in our back

yard a lil bit today. Hubbies back is healed

and my knee is about there, and it was a

cool morning, so it felt great to be out there.


Thankful for a good report at the dentist today.

Always a great feeling, still have to go back

for a cleaning in June which is normal.


Thankful for a fun day out with hubby after

my dental appt.  just looking around and 

enjoying being out of the house for awhile,

and having dinner at Outback, and then

running a few errands.


Thankful once again to be back at my

former Dentist is like visiting

friends really.  Plus I love the feedback

I get from them. They are just so caring

and positive. I never leave there wonder-

ing what condition my teeth are in, or

having to ask for that info, they just

provide it......The Dr. said she looked at

my x-rays and they were great and that

after checking my Gums they were in

great shape too.  My other Dentist never

said anything at all, unless there was

a night and day!!

 Well, that's it for Cozy Place

this week..............

Happy you came by 


Hope you have a ....

Happy rest of the week!!

Love, Hugs and 

End of April Blessings,


Can you believe it.......only 5 more days of April

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Karins Kottage

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Thankful Thursday April 18, 2024, and photos of all things spring

Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have 
done wonderful things, things planned long ago.
Isaiah 25:1 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends

Welcome to Thankful Thursday

Hope this finds you well and happy,

and having a good week.  I am pretty

tired cause we sort of hit the ground

running this morning. We discovered

our hot water heater was leaking last

night just before we went to bed, so

hubby was already on the phone to

the plumbing company when I got

out of bed.  So our water heater is

in the garage and of course, there

were thing around it that needed

to be moved, so we commenced with

doing that, and by 9:30 we felt like

we'd run a marathon.  lol  But it is

all good.

Pictures today are of all things Spring

compliments of  Pixabay.

On with my Thankfuls


Thankful for just happening on this video of 3

 lovely siblings, that are homeschooled, singing together.  They are singing

"Halleleujah" and they are  really good,

 I have to say.  Check them out here or type it in

for yourself  at


Thankful we rearranged our kitchen table and 

chairs and made it more like a banquette by

 putting a bench on the back wall and adding 

our saddle stools.  We both love how it looks

and love that it gives us a lil more room too.

Now just have to see how it works out

in real time.  

Note: Working out really well.....


Thankful we got 2 new books to read.

One is "We have issues" by Dr. Phil McGraw,

and the other is called "Defined" by the 

Kendrick brothers who did the movie, 

"Fireproof along with many others.

Gotta finish another book first tho......


Thankful for brownie bites that we get in

the bakery at Walmart or Publix.  They

are so good, and we make brownie sundaes

with them as well.  A nice Spring treat.


Thankful for how good it makes me feel

when I can sit out in the sunshine for about

10 mins or so.  Boosts my serotonin levels

I think it is...Which is also great if you

happen to be having depression issues.

If so, sit out a lil bit everyday.


Thankful for a good day at church and

a really great message from another one

of our younger Pastors.  Of Course,

we love and are thankful for all our 

Pastors and feel very blessed to have 

every one of them.


Thankful to have an opportunity to met

and be kind to a lady that sat next to us

in church this morning.  She lost her

husband in Feb. and it was her first time

coming back to church without him.

Very emotionally difficult day for her.


Thankful that we had an opportunity

to go to lunch with another couple we

have known for a long time, and another

lady that is just the sweetest.  Very 

uplifting and encouraging time.


Thankful that when I got home I got

a text from another friend who saw a

post from the lady we met at church

and she had written something nice

about me and hubby, so our friend

sent the post to us, as an encourage-

ment.  Turns out she and her husband

know the lady and her late husband.

So now that I have her last name

I was able to friend her on facebook,

and she neat how the

Lord works.......


Thankful that I pressed in and went to

church because I wasn't feeling great

because I was wide awake most of the

night because I feel asleep while we

were watching tv the night before, so

 could have very easily  watched from 

home, but I really wanted to go, and

 would have missed out on this blessing 

of meeting this sweet lady and having

 time to love on her a bit, and also

going to lunch with other friends.


Thankful hubby finally got his stitches out from 

his cyst removal today, and the biopsy report,

 said it was benign, and everything looks  good. 

 Didn't really expect a negative report, in fact, 

 forgot about it, but always good to hear benign!!


Thankful for 2 great school days with lil

darling this week.  Think she has been

feeling under the weather a bit lately,

and was taking antibiotics which can

just make you really tired, or at least

it does she must be over it cause 

she was like her self again!!  Sweet

as ever............

             Well, that's it for Cozy Place Today.

Hope you have a Delightful Weekend


Thanks for coming by.....

Love, Hugs and Mid April



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Monday, April 15, 2024

Happy Monday..............Free Greeting cards


Happy Monday Sweet Friends,

Hope you are off to a great start in your week,

and just wanted to let you know something,

that could really be of interest to you!

I visited  Coco at "The Crowned Goat Blog"  

this passed week.....(Which is a great blog to

 follow, I might add)

and Coco said, that it was

 National Card and Letter writing month.

 I never knew there was such a thing,

 but when I read it..... 

I realized this is the perfect time to announce about

 the decision we made in March about our card shop!!

Our Card Shop is called 

and we have decided to make all our cards.....
downloadable cards, electronic greeting cards,
 (know as flipcards) and printables.

FREE, All Day, Every Day!

So celebrate National Card and Letter
Writing Month for Free...........

We have all sorts of cards and we even
have blanks ones you can write your own
note in.......if you prefer. Just look under
Occasion then Blank cards................
(those are only for snail mail tho)

You can print all our others, and send them
thru snail mail or send an electronic flipcard
 thru e-mail, face book messenger or from your
 cell phone by just copying and pasting the 
link or URL.  All from the convenience
and privacy of your own home.

People really love getting them...........
I got some hugs on Easter Sunday for 
Easter Cards I sent out by snail mail and
 e-mail. Think with all that is going on in
 our country it just makes people feel like
 they are not forgotten and there is still
 some normalcy in life..........
and who doesn't smile when they get
 an unexpected card or letter.

and Don't Forget 
Mother's Day and Father's Day 
are both just around the corner too.

If you have questions, don't hesitate to
contact us at and go to contact us, 
all the way at the bottom of the page.

Happy Card and Letter Writing Month.

Hugs, Nellie

P.S. If someone knows where they find out
that it is card and letter writing month or
some of the other things we have never
heard of
Could you please let me know where to
find that information.
  Would appreciate it!!!

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Thursday, April 11, 2024

Thankful Thursday, April 11, 2024, and Belated Easter Decorations

 Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God
 a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly
 profess his name.
Hebrews 13:15 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,
How are you doing today??  Hope you and your
family are doing well and haven't been negatively
affected by all these Winter storms.  
We had one come through today that looked to
be was very windy and we were supposed
to get a lot of rain, but we didn't really get that
much, and the winds have died down and think
it has passed us already,  So Thankful for that.

Pictures today are of more Easter Decorations,
since I didn't have much time to have them up
before Easter and will be taking them down 
probably next week or so, and making it 
look more Springy!!

Now on with my Thankfuls....

Thankful for a good day at of our younger Pastors preached today.  Always enjoy hearing him.

Thankful for a fun sleep over with lil darling. 
Since she is now a preteen, we are in a new season of life, easier in some ways, but harder in others. So we are
trying to figure out a new normal, if there is such a thing.  lol

Thankful that we got all new cards displayed on our
website today, since Easter is over and Mother's day is coming May the 12th. We decided to just make them all Mother's Day cards, but we have an assortment of cards.
So check us out since we have decided to make all
our cards FREE......

Thankful for green "cotton candy" grapes.  They are so delicious and refreshing.

I had some help too...........
Lil darling did this whole vignette

Thankful that my friend who took a fall last week,
only bruised her ribs rather than broke them.
Still very painful tho......
She and I were both prayed for by the Elders
in our church on Sunday, and we are both
feeling much better, not completely there yet
but definitely on our way.

Thankful that we think we have the date for hubbies
cataract surgery.  We didn't know it has to be approved by his cardiologist, so that might further delay it, as Dr. is
new to us, and has only seen us once, so may have to
go see him first.  Will see.....
Takes a long while to get these hoping not!!

Thankful that we put 4 new cards in our card shop 
this week.

Thankful that we found out our Publix grocery store
makes fresh sour dough bread, which is supposed to
be good for you.  So far, we like it......I do find the
crust to be a lil bit

Thankful for new Zebra markers and highlighters
for lil darling and I to color with.  Her Dad got
her a new adult like coloring book with verses
and drawings, for Easter, so saw the news markers
at Sam's and decided to get some different markers
than we already have.  

Thankful that we have had some cooler days earlier
this week, and it is just so beautiful out with the
clear blue skies and all the trees full of those fresh
pea green leaves.  Gorgeous!!

She did this shelf too.

#11 and 12
Thankful hubby cut my hair into a bob that is the same length all the way around. I love it.....and Thankful
 our daughter gave me a hair dryer that is like a big brush that blows air for my birthday, and I was finally able to use it for the first time, cause had to wait on my arm to heal after my fall 3 weeks ago. Makes doing my hair so much easier and faster.  Love that too!

And the bunny on the bike as well.
She has some great ideas......

Well,  that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Glad you could stop in,
Hope you have a Fantastic Friday and  Weekend.

Love, Hugs, and
First of April Blessings,


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Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...