Friday, April 5, 2024

Thankful Thursday April 4, 2024, and Our Easter Table

For God is the King of all the earth;
 sing to him a psalm of praise.

Psalm 47:7 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends


Welcome to April......

Amazing to me that we are a quarter of the way thru the year already.

Hope you all had a lovely Easter with your family/and or friends. Ours was good and enjoyable as always. 

We did miss having Dee and Jerry here though,

but that's just life when your kids grow up!

You have to learn to be very flexible.....

Pictures today are of our Easter Table

this year.  We started off with this colorful

Spring tablecloth our Daughter gave me

some years back.  I love all the colors, and

it makes it quite versatile as well.

On with my Thankfuls.........


Thankful our kids got here and back home

 safe and sound.


Thankful that we all got to go out to dinner together on Thursday evening

to celebrate my 72nd birthday, and had Raspberry

elegance cake from Publix for our dessert.

A quick but fun evening!!


Thankful to celebrate my actual birthday the next day, and got to see them till noon on my birthday.  


Thankful to see most of my favorite people on

my birthday. Which is always a blessing.


Thankful for all the lovely cards and gifts I received and the great breakfast from Dunkin Donuts, and all the facebook messages as well.


Thankful our Easter table is all set and ready, 

and some of the food already prepared.

Thankful for a really lovely Easter Service

at church and seeing all our friends and

church family.


Thankful for an good and pleasant time spent

 with family, and an enjoyable and lovely Easter

dinner. Unfortunately, our Daughter and

 Son-in-love had to travel home to be at work

the next day, so didn't get to stay. When they 

made the plans and asked off for the celebration 

for his Dad's 70th Birthday they didn't realize

 Easter was that weekend.  Think it sort of

 sneaked up on all of us this year.  lol 


Thankful for a good day schooling with lil

darling today.............


Thankful that finally got started today April 2, 2024.  It is a whole new network put out by Dr. Phil McGraw and Trinity Broadcasting network to hopefully bring some much needed education and hopefully changes to our world.  Just saw their news show, and what a breathe of fresh air.  If you go to, then press the chanel finder button, it was let you put in your zip code and tell you what chanel to find it on.  If you have Roku go Roku then to Merit+. Not sure about all the programming yet, but we know Dr. Phil always tells it like it is.........

Note: After watching Dr. Phils show, a few

 times now, as I haven't seen his show in years,

 I am having a few reservations about it......

not huge,  but make up your own mind.

The Morning show and the News are very

good, and I like those. Time will tell....


Thankful that hubby got his cyst removed

today, and things went well,  it was pretty

large, so he has about a 3" incision. So far,

he is feeling okay, but the numbness has

not completely worn off yet, so gave him

some Alleve ahead of time, cause I am

sure it will be sore soon.


Thankful hubby is continuing to do well,

even after we changed the initial dressing,

everything feels and looks great.


Well, that is our week at Cozy Place.

Thanks for making us a part of your day


Have a wonderful weekend,

Love, Hugs, and

Post Easter Blessings,


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Between Naps on the Porch

A Stroll thru Life

1 comment:

  1. #1. Praise our LORD for His mercy for their safety!
    #2. Happy 72nd birthday!
    #3. They were the best present!
    #4. As so for us all!!!
    #5. Yeah!!!
    #6. The table was beautiful and the food delicious! Thank you!
    #7. I praise the LORD for the church's on-line broadcast of it!
    #8. It did sneak up on us! The time really passes fast these days!
    #9. I am so glad she gets to spend so much time with you!
    #10. Praise the LORD for His message through His people in so many ways!
    #11. Praise GOD for His mercy! I know how that numbness feels!!!
    #12. Praise our LORD!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie