Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thankful Thursday September 26, 2024, More Fall decorating, Part 2

Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.
Psalm 63:3-4 NIV

Fall Greeting and a Good Morning

to you all....

It's calm here right now, just some gentle breezes

 as the storm Helene is still down below us quite a bit,

but as the day wears on we expect some rain and 

winds. Already getting some rain, and the radar

shows more to come. Fortunately, we are on the

East coast of Florida but these storm bands

are far reaching so you never know what you

will get. The rain bands cover all of Florida

and all the way up to S.Carolina where our

Daughter lives.  Crazy!

Well, if you are in the path of the Hurricane

we are praying for safety and praying that

it down grades or just blows out, and if you

aren't in the path realize how blessed you are!


Pictures today are Part 2, of our Fall decorating
 in the Family room..........

In case you missed Part 1 and would like to 

On with my Thankfuls............

Thankful to see and spend a short time with a friend
we haven't seen in awhile.  Went to drop off a gift
for her Daughter's 18th birthday, since we have
known her since she was a baby. Didn't plan to
stay long but, you know how that is.........we got to talking,  which meant a late din din for us,
  but it was all good.


Thankful for that late dinner at Olive Garden,

   I was starving, so it reallyyyyy delicious!!

and we came home with leftovers which will

be great for lunch or dinner tomorrow.


Thankful for a good day schooling with 

lil darling........we are almost done with her

Chronicles of Narnia book.  One chapter

to go..........


Thankful that our Son starts a new job

October 1st.  He is very happy about it too.

Altho he liked the Co. he works for, the

new job will be much better for him in a

number of ways. It also sounds more like

it is just more fitting to his personality

and experience as well.  So we are very

happy for him, of Course!


Thankful for all the easy and cute Pumpkin and

 Christmas decorating ideas I have seen on 

Facebook reels. So many great ideas. 


Thankful for a good Sunday morning, we didn't

 get to hear the sermon this morning, as we were

 in Children's church helping out. Fortunately we

can watch it online tonight. Didn't get to see or

talk with anyone really as everyone was gone

by the time all our students left. That part is

always a bummer for but it's only

once every other month. So a small sacrifice.

This was my cute dollar tree find this year!


Thankful for a run to Sam's to get meats and

pick up a few other things, then we went to

Outback for lunch,  so that was nice and it

was some place different to go for a change.


Thankful for yummy Cinnamon buns with

cream cheese frosting from Sams. One of lil

darlings favorites...........


Thankful for my washer and dryer and

how much easier it makes life for me

and others.


Thankful for our Christian radio station

Z-88, it is such sweet inspiration  to sing

and sometimes dance to as well.


Thankful that we were able to finally get

 a refund that was coming to us from having

 our garage door springs fixed a few weeks back.

 They were running a buy on get one half off

 on garage door springs, and we got both done

but the guy didn't mention the sale. Hubby had

 to call a number of times, but we got the refund..........Yay!


Thankful that they now have tornado alert

 systems cause years ago they had nothing..

We are under alert all day till 8PM. tonight,

due to Hurricane Helene.

Well,  That's it for today yall!!

Happy you stopped by


Hope you have a great rest of September.

Love, Hugs and
Last of September Blessings,


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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thankful Thursday September 19, 2024, Fall Decor at Cozy Place

Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.
Colossians 3:16 NIV

Happy Thursday Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and enjoying Fall,

if you don't live to far south, like us!!  

Been a pretty good week here,  but we

had some bad news about one of our

friends, that she might have cancer.

They are waiting for the results of the

 biopsies that were done, and of course,

the news about President Trump having

another assassination attempt.

Thankful the Lord protected him once


Pictures today are of our house (the coffee table and

the mantle) all gussied up  for Fall.  I do love doing it

 but it takes me awhile.....but it is so worth it cause it is

 still in the 80's here, and the only reason it's that cool is

 cause it has been raining every day for the last few

 weeks. So it kind of fakes us into

So.........on with my Thankfuls....


Thankful that hubby had his last check up from his eye surgery and everything is all healed up, and he is seeing really well again, in that eye.

#2 and 3

Thankful that our Grandson dog was scheduled to have

 a  sonagram to check on his spleen. You might remember

 a few years back that the Benny was sick and they had

 to take him to an emergency vet clinic and they nearly

 scared them to death acting like he needed a splenectomy

 or it might burst and he might bleed out, because he had

 a tiny growth on his spleen.  Fortunately they were wise

 enough to seek a 2nd opinion and found a great Vet who

 is a cancer specialist for doggies.  Just this week he had a

 place pop up on his hind leg that looked a lot like the

 spider bite my hubby had last year. Anyway, the reg.Vet

 gave him on antibiotic's and anti-inflammatory,s, and 

 also said to bring him back in 2 weeks and she would

 remove it and biopsy if it wasn't better, just in case it

 pertained to the spleen situation........Anyway, thankfully

 he already had this appt. and his nodule growth is pretty

 much the same, and the cancer Dr said that it was like

 an immune response and he didn't even need the meds.

That is would clear up on it's own in a month or so.

Interesting.........and very thankful they know things

 are all okay now.  She wishes she could go to the cancer

 Vet. all the time,  but the Vet is only allowed to do

 oncology, but her dog only goes there to get the sonogram

  but this Vet. has been incredibly helpful to them.

So very Thankful for the Oncology Veterinarian.


Thankful hubby brought me a Caramel Frappe from

 MacDonalds this morning on his way home from the

 Drs.  He knows I love them, they are so yum, and 

get just a lil caffeine which super charges me for

 the day!!   My guilty pleasure!!  lol


Thankful that all my Daughters routine medical

tests came out fine.


Thankful I have finally finished my Fall decorating

 and have packed up the leftovers..........Dusting was

 done as I went, so tomorrow the floors will get

 vacuumed. Now we can just thoroughly enjoy it!!

Note:  Floors all done, looks great!


Thankful for a really sweet Amazon driver, who

made sure he put our package over in the corner

where it wouldn't be easily seen. he was a young

fellow and very respectful and kind, so I asked

him if he would like a Dr. Pepper or Sprite and

he said I would, but I don't want to over step,

and I said hey, I offered you aren't overstepping.

Turned out he knows Jesus, I kinda thought

he might by how he acted.  Made my Day!

That's what it means in the Bible by letting

 your light shine!!  His was shining!! lol


Thankful for pumpkins.....I just absolutely love

pumpkins for some crazy reason. 


Thankful for my handy hubby who put in new shop

 lights in our garage! Our old ones where getting to be

 very annoying cause we would have to keep flipping

the light switch on and off a number of times

to get them to come nice and bright

out there now.  My hero!!


Thankful to have been blessed with half off on our

frozen yogurt by the Mgr. where we get it.


Thankful for another good school day.  We are

so proud of how diligent she is with her work,

and doesn't need to take as many breaks as she

 used to.  Growing up!!


Thankful for another good day at church,
our Sr. Pastor brought the sermon today.
Then we got to go out to lunch with some
other friends today,  had a very nice time.


Thankful to get to sit in the sun for the

first time in probably a month. A lil sun is

so good for us as it gives us Vitamin D and

boosts our serotonin levels and if you are

struggling with depression it helps a lot.

 Felt Delicious!!  


Well, that's all for Cozy Place this week.

Have a lovely rest of the week


Thanks for coming by.

Love, Hugs and

Mid September Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

Between Naps on the Porch

A Stroll thru Life

Karins Kottage

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thankful Thursday September 12, 2024, and pics of Sunflowers

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.
Psalm 28:7 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,
Hope you have had a good week.
Been a good one here.  Have been
on the phone most of the day, so it 
was not a productive day in the way
you would think,  but it has been very
productive emotionally and relationally.
My kind of

Pictures today are of Sunflowers thanks
 to Pixabay. They are a nice Summer to
Fall transitional flower.  
Hope you enjoy them!

Who knew that Squirrels liked Sunflowers!

Now on with my Thankfuls....

Thankful for our new mattresses.  We just got them, last Thursday so have only had 7 nights
 to sleep on it,  but it has been very good.....
Sleeping like a
I have been have a lot of sciatic pain lately, so
after 8 yrs. we decided maybe it was the mattress cause it started happening after we turned our
mattresses end to end the last time.  So sure
hoping this fixes the is mostly
at night thank goodness,  but will be nice to
not have it,  so will see.......
Sciatica is a lil better, so I am hopeful,
 maybe it just takes some time.  No 
back aches that's good too!

Thankful our new mattresses came with
very nice mattress pads and sheet sets, and
pillows.  I remember when we first got our adjustable bed over 8 years ago, we had to still 
go out and buy all of that, and since the mattresses were X Long, it took us some time
 to find the XL things.

Thankful for Broccoli cheese Quiche and Chocolate Pudding.. I hadn't made either is a long time, and this week I did and they were both delicious and will be showing up on our menus again very often. I remembered that pudding
use to be a staple at our house as kids.

Thankful for a nice evening out doing nothing
exciting really,  but went grocery shopping,
ran to Michaels to get some Fall scrapbooking
paper, and looked around awhile then went
for a late dinner.  Was just fun to get out
of the house for awhile.

Thankful I was able to find "The Magicians
Nephew" by CS Lewis online. Part of the
Narnia Chronicles.  Lil darling is reading
it for Literature, so it is helpful to use as
a book for me too, as we do her school work.
I can just read it or print it out if I want,
as it is in PDF form.

Thankful that when the spring on our garage
door broke and we couldn't get our car out,
that I was able to go on facebook and ask
friends if they had any recommendations for
a garage door place to fix it, and I got a
response very quickly from a sweet friend
at church, followed by another long time
friend and our Daughter, who had used the
place the first one mentioned.  We called
them and they are coming out today (Sat.)
around 4 pm.

Note:  They came and we are up and 
running once again!  PTL

Thankful that we had gone to the grocery
store the night before and had everything
we needed for dinner and more.

Thankful the fellow from the garage door
Co. came today, even called and asked if
he could come earlier which we were of
course, totally on board with.  Very nice
young man, and we have a working garage
door again. He replaced both springs so
we should be good for a long time hopefully,
as the other springs lasted 23 years.
So praise the Lord, because
we thought originally it might not happen
 until next week sometime.
If you live in the Orlando, Florida area,
we used Precision Garage Door Repair,
and they even come out on weekends, and
it is not suppose to cost any more than
normal, much to our surprise and delight. 

Thankful always for God's provisions
 financially.  As we have had a pretty
expensive couple of months.

Thankful for leftover shrimp with which
 I made Shrimp salad.  It was delicious and
we haven't had than in awhile either.
I will share recipe soon.

Thankful for a great sermon on "Heaven"
by a new to us Pastor, who was previously
a missionary in Africa for years. His wife
grew up in our church,  so we are quite
familiar with he and his family.  So nice
they can be back in the states as their
parents are getting older and in need of
help and some of their children are now
college age and going to school her in
the United States.

Thankful for several longggg phone conversations with my Daughter this week.  We hadn't talked to each other in about 12 days since she had her hubbies whole family with them.  They had a
great time, and we had a great time talking
about the good time they had, and catching
up on life with each other.

That's it for Cozy Place this week.

Glad you could stop in


Hope you have a Fabulous rest of the week.

Love, Hugs and
Early September Blessings,


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Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie