Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Let's do a floral design in a pitcher - tutorial using the Cozy Place, quick method

Hello Sweet Friends.

Hope you had a good weekend and
accomplished something and had
 some fun too..............

I am ecstatic because we finally had
 a dry day, but were suppose to work
with a young couple, but they called
and couldn't come after all, 
 so guess what we did???

 We finally got our porch all cleaned
up.........can not tell you how happy
 I am about that!!

So now I am in the process of giving
the back porch a little face lift and today
 I decided it was a good day to make a 
floral arrangment for our table out there.
So decided to try and take some step
by step pics as I did it, and make a
tutorial to show you my easy Cozy
Place method.  lol

 I am doing this floral design for 
myself and if you have followed me
 long, you know I like to be able to
change things up at times, which
means changing flowers too, so I
don't always use floral foam and
all that.........this is one of those

So let's get started............
I warn you there are lots of pictures
cause figured it was the only way
to really show the way I do it and
since like the old saying goes " a
picture is worth a thousand words"

First you need to decide on a container
that you want to fill.................I already
had this blue lucite pitcher I am going
to be using.............

Decide the color of the flowers you want to use
 according to your decor.......My porch is gonna
 be lime green and that bright turquoise blue,  
so decided on white flowers with a touch of
 yellow, and then some green berry like stems,
and I had some hydrangeas from the old floral 
arrangement,  but wound up not using them
after all.  Typically you would use a large,
medium and small flowers.  Small flowers
are like fillers flowers, but these medium
ones worked well for everything.  I had 3
bushes of white flowers and 3 bushes of 
the green berry like ones.

Also if possible I usually by floral bushes
 as you usually get more bang for your
 buck...........so this tutorial will be using
faux floral bushes. 

Since my arrangement is going out on our
porch, I put these glass stones that you can 
buy at the dollar tree for $1 inside my 
container to give it some weight so it doesn't
 fall over if it is windy or get knocked over

You will need some wire cutters

Next take off all the paper tags. I usually do 
them all at once, then I don't have to mess
 with it later, but if you think you might have
 flowers left over that you would want to
 return...don't take the tags off till you start
 to actually use them.

Take your largest floral bush and spread
 it apart.

Now stick the whole bush in the pitcher,
try to keep the bush stem in the center
as much as possible.
Here is the top view....

Here is the side view,  doesn't look like
 much does it..............lol
We are going to be layering,  so you
will see...................

Now take the berry bushes and spread 
them apart.

This is with just one bush of berries.......
Use all 3 bushes.......sticking them 
strategically where they look even in the 
container, (in a triange shape).  Does
that make sense??
again putting the bush stem as close
 to center as possible.

Here is how it should look now..............
but wait we are not done yet!!

 Now we will start to add some 
filler flowers.....

Now take your white flower bush and cut 
all the stems off with your wire cutters.

Cut them as close to the base of the stem 
as possible.

This is what you should end up with.....
a pile of flowers and a lonely stem that
 can be thrown away..........lol

Now see the gap or hole right in the middle 
of the picture.
Take a flower stem and just stick it in there, 
you want it to go in a ways so that it doesn't
 fall out, but not so much that it looks 
smushed into the rest of your flowers.

Just keep adding flowers were you see
 a gap, turning your container as you go
 and keep adding flowers until you have
only 4-5 stems left.

It should now looks like this.......
Pretty Full,  huh!!

Take those 4-5 stems and bend them gently. 
That is the nice thing about silk flowers is 
you can kind of bend them and make them
go where you want them, to some degree.
So that means you can twist or tweak them
if they maybe aren't facing the way you
would like them to.................

Now take the bent flower stems and tuck 
them in along the bottom edge of your 
arrangement in the front and back.

 and now you have an easy
 fresh looking summer arrangement for
 any table you would like to put it on.

This is the front!

This is the Back!
Sometimes a single flower may fall
out but you just tuck it back in again.

Hope if you have never tried to do a floral
 this will inspire you to give it a try........that
 is how I learned just getting flowers and 
trying till I got it the way I wanted it......
That is another great thing about faux
flowers you can arrange them then pull
them apart and arrange them again
till you like the finished product.
Remember practic makes perfect!!  lol

Have a great week.

Hugs and Blessings,


  1. Hi, Nellie.
    Step by step surely shows all the work that goes into your arrangements, rather than just dropping them in, ha!

    It has been awhile since there has been rain here where I live! I need a good rain to fill up the pool line, ha! It surely saves on the water bill!

    The new A/C unit has been working great! I don't even need to use the overhead fan in my bedroom, wow! The inspector came by and Mid-Florida had to come back out and replace a fuse box with a 50 AMP box. So, there will be another inspection in the next day or so.

    I made me some chicken and dumplings yesterday. (And for today too!) Yummy! Talk to you later, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    It really looks harder and more time consuming than it is..........I probably finished it
    in less than 15 mins. if that long. Think it took me longer than that to find the flowers
    I wanted to use. lol

    Yes, our lawn is looking a bit burned as we haven't gotten any either, and on top of that
    when we cleaned the porch I was not thinking and I sprayed the sprinkler timer box on the
    porch wall and broke it.........Jimmy was thrilled.......anyway, he tried to see if he could
    fix it but he got another one today.........course, the old one was over 10 yrs. old, so it
    is probably just as well........just hate he has to go out there in the heat to fix it, but
    hopefully it will be quick.

    Glad to hear your a/c is workinhg so well, that is nice that the inspector caught that about the fuse box, so they can get that taken care of right away so you don't have any
    other problems.

    Chicken and Dumplings, that sounds good. I am making ribs and not sure what else yet....

    Have a good day.
    Love, Nellie

  3. Nellie, your faux flowers really look real. I love the shape and color of your pitcher too. Thanks for tutorial. Wire cutters are a must. I have been guilty of bending the stems and cramming them in. LOL!
    I appreciate your sweet visit. Thank you for your kind comment.

  4. Hi Nellie, great tutorial! As a floral designer I do things a little differently but this works just fine! It came out beautifully!!! Anxious to see it on your porch.

  5. Thanks Bonnie and
    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments, there might be a time when cramming
    them in holds them in place especially if you happen to cut the stem too short......lol

    Your welcome about the comments.

    Have a wonderful evening,

  6. Hi Pinky,
    Your welcome for the visit, and thanks for coming by and your warm comments.
    Actually I know too, the correct way to do it, and if I was doing for someone else
    I would do it that way. My hats off to you working with live flowers, I do them sometimes
    but only easy arrangements, I find them much harder to work with, you can't bend those
    stems or you have a bunch of flowers to make boutineers.........lol

    Come back Thursday and you can see it on the porch table........it's a sneek peek!

    Again thanks for coming by, appreciate it.

  7. It looks lovely! Thanks for sharing your great floral tips with SYC Nellie.

  8. Hi Jann,
    Thanks so much for coming by and for your warm comments, glad you liked the tips.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  9. How lovely and so easy to make. I didn't know about the glass beads. Great tutorial and so happy you shared at Dishing it and Digging it link party. We love having you.

  10. Hi Vanessa,
    So nice to have you visit and thanks for your encouraging comments and that you liked the
    tutorial. Also thanks for letting me share at dishing it and digging it, and thanks for
    hosting as well.
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie