Friday, July 8, 2016

Thankful Thursday July 7, 2016, and 4th of July centerpiece

I will give thanks to the Lord
because of his righteousness and
 will sing praise to the name
of the Lord Most High.
Psalm 7:17  NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope your week has been a good

one and probably a shorter one due
 to the 4th of July.  Also hope it is
not as hot where you are 
as it is here!!  lol

Hubby got to work home again all
 this week, so that is always nice. 
 Not much creative going on here lately,
but I did throw together another quick 
and easy 4th of July centerpiece, so
 thought I would just post
pics of that for today.

It keeps raining every afternoon,
so we just can't seem to get our
porch annoying, but
then it is nice to not have to pay to
water our lawn, plus heavens water 
works so much better
So hopefully one day soon we can get
 her done, and then I can redecorate
out looking forward to

I am thankful

that we got to see a a nice young
 man that used to go to our church 
and stayed with us for a few weeks 
before he left town some years back. 
 He is now married with 2 children.
 He and his family are here visiting 
with family, and they showed up
 in our Young marrieds class last
 Sunday.  It was so nice to see him
and meet his wife and baby, didn't
get to meet the older child yet,
but they will be here again next
Sunday.  We were always im-
pressed with this young man as
he used to come to our marriage
classes years ago, trying to learn
as much about marriage as he
could before he got married.
They seem quite happy so think
his endeavors paid off!!  lol

that we had a really good, fun,
relaxed and unexpected 4th of July

that there were no horrific events
that took place on 4th of July.

that Scott, Megan and lil darling
made it back safe and sound from 
Dee and Jerry's house in N.C.
and that they all had a good
time together.

that my hubby did find a way
to fix the bed and it is all finished
and set up and looks great in our
bedroom.  It's like a shock every
time we walk in there that it is
finally completed. lol

for a really good movie we got
to watch on Monday night that
was based on a true story about
a man with Tourette's syndrome.
It was excellent and it was called
"Front of the Class" and we found
it on the Feeln channel.

that I was able to get a Drs. appt.
on Tuesday and get some anti-
biotics as I was coming down 
with a UTI.

that my SIL Susan was able
to get a new Air Conditioner
put in so quickly, as our temps
have been 105 and 110 degrees
Also that they brought her a 
portable A/C unit until they got
 it put in just a day later. 
  We recently knew of some folks
who had to wait almost a week to
get a new one, and they did not 
 get a portable unit to use.

for another really good movie
we saw this week too.  Not taken 
from a true story but it was still a
 really good story.  It was called
 "The Magic of Ordinary Days",
This was from the Feeln channel 
as well.  

that I found a big box of pistachio nuts
 at Sam's club, there are 24 individual
1.5 oz. packets.  I love pistachio nuts,
and like I have said before those small
packets are the perfect amount, and it
keeps them fresher longer, and it was
 at least $10 less than if I bought them 
individually one at a time. Now I can 
have them whenever I would like......
Works for me!!  lol

for a new find.............
It is Blue Bunny's 
"Caramel Praline Crunch" frozen 
yogurt. We have been eating it in
sugar cones and they the perfect  
low-cal  but delicious summer
 treat to cool you off!!
(and I get no compensation for
saying that....just passing along
some fun eats)

for Air Conditioning as we endure
these hot Florida temps,  much hotter
than normal for this time of year.


Well, there you have it another

week at Cozy Place..........

Glad that you stopped by, and hope
you enjoyed your visit!

Have a Really Great Friday and 
Weekend..............and take time
to smell the roses...........

Posterized affect

Love, Hugs and 
Patriotic Blessings,

Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

McCall Manor with Holly and Friends

Art and Sand with Carol and Friends

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Melissa

Between Naps on the Porch with Susan

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes with Amy and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

The Dedicated House with Kathryn


  1. Well you had a lot of things to be grateful for! I guess we should think about things that way more often and not focus on the negatives that seem to be in our face all the time!

  2. Love your grateful wishes. We all have so much to be grateful for. Your patriotic spirit was shining through. Have a blessed weekend dear Nellie. xo

  3. Hi Liz,
    So nice to hear from you and thanks for your encouraging comment......I have to say doing this post every week for the last 7 yrs. has truly revolutionized the way I look at I highly recommend

    Have a lovely weekend,
    Blessings, Nellie

  4. Hi Linda............
    So good to hear from you. Thanks for your visit and your sweet comments, they are always
    appreciated and encouraging.
    You have a great weekend too hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. #1. It's always so nice to see past "pupils!" When I was still teaching, it was always such a nice surprise when I would have previous students come visit (especially when they were much older!)
    #2. Me too! Pretty much relaxing everyday, ha!
    #3. Yes! There were some loud fireworks about 2 A.M. near my house!
    #4. I know the time must have gone quickly for them!
    #5. Yea! It is amazing how change looks so different for a while. That's how it is with the new A/C and thermostat being different, runs quieter too!
    #6. I remember a child at school some years ago that had Tourettes. His language was was really shocking!
    #7. I pray the antibiotics have started working!
    #8. Amen! Mid-Florida A/C is an excellent company! I have had their service for 21 years! I'm so thankful for the window unit! It kept the living room, kitchen, hallways, and my bedroom at a nice comfortable temperature!
    #9. I haven't watched any movies lately.
    #10. I'll tell you, I'm shocked every week I go grocery shopping! I didn't get the jug of juice I usually buy at Publix because they went up to $4.59 for the regular size! I use to pay $2.89 when I first started buying it! I need to try shopping at the new Wal-Mart. Maybe their prices are lower.
    #11. Sounds yummy!
    #12. Yes, it is! I surely hope it continues to bring the rain to cool us off!
    I love you all, Susan

  6. Hi Susan,
    Can you tell a difference in how your Air is working?? The fellow in this movie that had
    tourettes didn't have any bad language, he just made a lot of odd sounds.
    You really should try that new Walmart neighborhood market, there prices are much better.
    They sell that Blue Bunny frozen yogurt I was talking about

    Well have a good weekend, can't believe it is Friday already.......

    Love, Nellie

  7. Hi Nellie! I'm thankful for air conditioners too! :) Everything is super here. Lizzie and Gigie are doing very well. Lizzie is about to turn 7 at the end of the month. Time flies by ridiculously fast. Gigie is still the sweetest calmest cat ever. She waits by the garage door to go into the car for rides. They'll go back to the beach soon. They both love it.
    Glad to hear your whole family is well. Take good care of yourself.
    big hugs♥,

  8. Hi Caroline,
    Hi Caroline,
    So nice to hear from you hon, Glad to here things are going well with you, and your cute lil pets. That is so funny
    that the cat waits for a ride in the You are so right about time passing ridiculously fast, somedays I
    feel like it is just a snap and the day is
    Thanks for stopping by hon, and yes, I bet you are having very hot temps in Texas too, can't imagine life with
    out a/c..........we are really so spoiled.
    You take care too hon,
    Love and Blessings,

  9. Hi, Michelle from Grammie Time...I love the intentional, simple things you found thankful this past week. All your Fourth of July decorations too added a little sparkle to your words. We have a lot in common for sure. I checked out your About Me page and I added you to my Google Account. Looking forward to following you. Finding another grandmother crazy about her little ones is always fun to chat with. I have a three year old granddaughter and a four year old grandson (siblings). They are the joy of my life. Looking forward to getting to know you better through your blog. Hope to see you on Thursdays for my party.

  10. Hi Michelle,
    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments. We do indeed have a lot in common.
    I feel the same about my grand daughter she is such a joy and keeps us laughing. When we
    don't have her here, she is always on my mind.........thinking about cute things that she
    says or does and it makes me smile.

    I came by and signed up for your emails, so thanks for telling me about that!! and also
    thanks for following my blog as well.......and I shall look forward to getting to know you
    better too!

    Also please tell me about your Thursday Party.........what sort of posts are you looking
    for?? or can they be whatever we desire.

    Well, have a good weekend hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  11. I love all your thankfulness.

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  12. Thank you Carol.......for that encouragement.......
    Hope you have a lovely Sunday,
    Blessings, Nellie

  13. Thankfulness is so important in our lives. Your centerpiece is charming. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Morning Sarah,
    Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind commments hon.
    Hope you have a great week.

    Blessings, Nellie

  15. You certainly have a lot to be thankful for. I find your posts inspiring and heart-warming. It is nice to read that people still appreciate the small things in life, good ice cream, good movies and good family and of course air conditioning! The world wouldn't be the same without it!

    Have a wonderful weekend and I am loving the crafty centerpiece you created. Why don't you post up some instructions. I would love to try one myself!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie