Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Thankful Thursday July 21, 2016, Coastally styled coffee table flashback......

As for God, his way is perfect:
 The LORD’s word is flawless;
 he shields all who
 take refuge in him. 
Psalm 18:30 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So....what cha' been up to
 this week?? 
 Anything exciting??

Have to say there isn't much exciting
 going on here these days but the normal
 routine things pretty much, with lil 
darling being the highlight of our

Did finish up a small project, the
 pantry! and did some online shopping
 for some baby shower gifts for a shower
coming up next weekend.  Also, hurt
 my back again on Wed. afternoon, that
was exciting........NOT!!  lol
but there are always good things
 happening too, thank heavens!!  

Decided to share some pics of a
 blast from the past,
 our  Coastal coffee table......

So on with the post.................

I am thankful

that our friends/co-workers in the
young marrieds ministry had a great
week of vacation last week, and came
 back relaxed and refreshed and ready
to go.....exactly what a vacation
is suppose to

for some decisions that I finally
made about some tests that I
don't think are really necessary.

for two really good decisions that my 
daughter and her hubby made this week.

for a long time friend at church
who was deathly sick some months
ago, but has now been back at 
church,  and is doing so much better.
 They are still trying to get some
 thyroid problems worked out,  but
 her recovery has been nothing short
of a miracle.  Everytime we see
her she seems more and more like
her old self, and we are all so
 thrilled to see her progress.......

for the fun and laughter our lil
darling and I share as we sing 
kiddie songs together.............
She is developing such a sense

of cute!

for that great movie we got to 
watch over the weekend called
"Miracles from  Heaven" 
that I mentioned in Tuesdays post,
I am still thinking about it at times.
  Such a great movie.

for a bowl of cut up delicous
fresh peaches, with bread and
butter and a glass of milk.
That is some good eating!!

that a surprise gift for lil 
darling that wasn't suppose
to get here till Thursday, got
here on Wed. instead. I was
quite happy  about that,  and 
so was she.
 It is a cinderella dress,
and it looks adorable on her.

It is her style for sure, as she
is definitely a girly girl!!  lol

to read this week that Chip and 
Joanna Gaines from Fixer upper, 
one of our favorite decorating shows
 are coming out with their own
 magazine soon. 
What a great opportunity for them 
to share their faith through their
 lifestyle living. Will definitely
want to get a copy as soon as
it comes out................

for a huge answer to prayer for a
couple in our class that we have all
been praying for.  They are expect-
ing a new baby soon, and he has to
travel all the time......but the Lord
just gave him a job in the area and
he will no longer have to travel, and
 he got a raise that will make up for
 the loss in salary they would have
had with her quitting her job. We
are all so happy for them, as they
are such a sweet couple.


for homemade decaf iced coffee that
 helps to  keep me cool and refreshed.

for a nice clean and organized
 pantry.  Always nice to be able to
find things easily.

Well,  here's to another week at Cozy Place!

Thanks for coming by,  you are
 always welcome here!!

Have a lovely summery Friday
and Weekend.

Love, Hugs,  and
Oceans of Blessings,


Sharing over at:

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Wallking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

Life and Linda with Linda and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy


  1. Hi Nellie, I'm Anne, and I'm visiting from the Shabbilicious Friday blog hop. Thank you for the reminder to not only feel gratitude, but to express it! That's something I've gotten away from. Anyway, have a wonderful day, and I hope you can pop over to my blog ( sometime to say hi!

  2. Hi Anne,
    Thank you so much for stopping by and for your encouraging comments. Always nice to hear
    from folks and know what they are thinking........
    You have a lovely day too hon, and hopefully I will see you soon!
    Blessings, Nellie

  3. I praise Almighty GOD that He is my Shield and Defender, as He is so for all His children! I also keep you in prayer to our LORD concerning your back and neck. I find I need to pray for myself from time to time as this body gets older!
    #1. Rest and relaxation is surely needed and the LORD knew it! (The Sabbath!)
    #2. I'll pray the LORD's leading, guiding, and directing you in your decisions.
    #3. Amen. It surely makes a difference when a Christian dad loves his daughter so much!
    #4. Praise GOD for His miracles. I pray His miracle for Tony/Marcie.
    #5. That's what I loved about the kindergartners I used to teach. I would throw out a "joke" and it was cute those that would understand and laugh. The others just looked around wondering what was so funny, ha!
    #6. That's what I mentioned about "Secondhand Lions." It's a secular movie, but cute in its own way about a 14 year old boy being with his great-uncles!
    #7. Sounds delicious! I'm having to find something else for Jerry and Cuddles to eat besides their dry food. They are tired of bananas and grapes. They are leaning more to veggies than fruit. They like broccoli and carrots.
    #8. You'll have to take some pictures of her in it and put it on your blog!
    #9. There are so many ways today that we can share the LORD's witness!
    #10. Praise our LORD! The cost of living today has really gone up too! Thank the LORD with the baby on the way that the LORD blessed to meet their needs. Philippians 4:19 says, "My GOD will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus!" Almighty GOD is richer than man can ever imagine! He owns everything and can give anything to those who trust in His salvation and Love!
    #11. I love Crystal Lite Peach tea! Mom's cousin, Martha, got us started on it after we visited her one summer (a long time ago!)
    #12. It takes me awhile to remember where I put things when I change up "the clutter!" Ha!
    Just got back from getting my hair done and grocery shopping! I love you all, Susan

  4. HI Susan,
    Always nice to get your hair done.......getting my done

    Thanks for your prayers for me, I can use all the help I can get!! lol

    I corrected the way I wrote #3 due to your comment. I meant Dee and Jerry, not Dee and her
    DAd, altho her Dad does loves her dearly.........when I went back and read it I could see
    why you said what you thanks!
    Thanks for coming by and for all your warm comments.
    Have a good rest of the day and weekend hon,

    Love, Nellie

  5. It's SO "neat" when things work out well, isn't i?
    Sounds like you've had a blessed week--many reasons to count your blessings...

  6. Hi Rebecca........
    and yes it is neat when things work out..........can't help but love that!!
    and yes it has been a blessed week.......and really they all are, but sometimes
    you might have to look a lil bit harder than at others times. lol

    Thanks for coming by....and for your warm comments.
    Hope you are having a nice weekend.

    Blessings hon,

  7. Hi Nellie, I like your cozy place and your styled coffee table.
    Thanks for stopping by, hugs Biljana

  8. Hello Bijana,
    So nice to have you come by and thanks for your sweet comments.
    and your welcome, I enjoyed your blog as well.

    Hope you have a sweet day.
    Blessings, Nellie

  9. I enjoyed my visit and your sweet post. God Bless!

  10. Thank you so much Carol for coming by and for your encouraging comments.
    Have a lovely week.
    Blessings, Nellie

  11. Awe..enjoyed this post this morning. I am so thankful for so much that I do not know where to begin. God is so good to me and my family. Visiting from Make it Pretty Monday and I do hope you have a blessed day Nellie. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  12. Hi Cindy,
    So nice to have you visit and thanks for coming and for leaving your sweet comments.
    It is always so nice to hear back from blog friends. So glad that you are feeling so
    blessed cause God is so good to us in small and big ways!......and I am sure He loves
    it when we recognize His hand of blessing to us.
    Hope you have a blessed day too hon
    again thanks for dropping by,
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie