Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Best Household Tips #9

Hello Sweet Friends

Hope this find you well and happy
today......and refreshed after a nice

We had a nice relaxing weekend and
 didn't get a thing accomplished other than
 cutting a few vines in the backyard and a
 30 min.exercise routine, but some times
you need to not accomplish much!!

We did get a few times to sit on the back
 porch for a short while so that was nice, 
 and we got to see an awesome movie that
we rented off Amazon.  It is a new movie
 called" Miracles from Heaven"., and it is
 based on a true story.
It is a really really good movie and we
 highly recommend it. What this family
went through is terrible but the final
outcome is clearly amazing!!
So if you rent it, get the tissue box!! 
It is so good you will be sorry when
it ends................

Well, here is another addition to
my Best Household tips series,
which has seemed to be a hit!

If you missed Tips # 8
Just click here!

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So here we go!

Hands smelly from cutting onions?

Rub your hands on a stainless steel butter
 knife and it magicallly takes away the
 onion smell.

Tired of crying when you cut onions?

Light a candle or two a few minutes 
before you begin cutting the onions
 and put the candles real close to 
where you are working and you 
will be pleasantly surprised at how
much it helps.

Have a really large time consuming
task that needs to be done but you
keep putting it off cause you don't
think you have the time??

Then break it down into bite size
pieces.  Decide how much time
you can spare each day,  maybe
 it is only 10 mins., or  15 or 30
 mins., that is what you need to
decide and then faithfully begin 
to tackle the task for whatever
amount of time you have alloted
yourself everyday.  Some days
you might do more if you want,
but you are only bound to the
time you alloted yourself.  This
works really great and before
you know it you have it all done,
and are basking in the glory of
it all.................

Example: Maybe you need to
clean out your pantry, then just
do one shelf a day or set a limit
of 15 mins. a day and see how
far it takes you!

Do you put off having friends
over because your think you
have to make a nice dinner?

Keep it simple, just invite them
for dessert and coffee.  As we have
gotten older we have found that if 
we make entertaining simple, we
are much more likely to do it....

I typically keep the going all
out for family and special events
or holidays.  Not that I never do
it for friends, but not as much
as I used to.........just don't have
the time and/or energy many

Would it make it easier if you 
had some extra teaspoons??

You can purchase restaurant quality 
stainless steel ones for less than $6
for 36 spoons at Sam's club.......they
 are just plain, but that's quite a deal, 
I think!!
They also have forks and knives in
 case you are interested.
You can also pick them up at thrift
stores (if you don't mind them being 
differing patterns) or bed bath and 
beyond, world market or anywhere 
they have silverware that you can by
the pcs. separately, but just expect
to spend more.................

Are you putting in new kitchen

Since I see so many kitchen
remodels where folks are getting
new cabinets thought I would
share what I thought was a great
idea...............learned this from
our contractor that did our kitchen
cabinets years ago.
He went and bought Boric Acid
Powder before he installed my
 lower cabinets and dusted the 
floors where the cabinets were
 going to sit with the Boric Acid
 powder and also put it in any 
cracks or crevices, as it is a
safe and effective pest control
agent (especially for roaches),
 and have to say it must work as
we have never seen any roaches
 in my kitchen and it has been 14
 yrs. or so, and we do not use a 
pest control service.

Just don't put it on counter tops
 or out inthe open where a child 
or pet could ingest it............

pic compliments of

Thanks for dropping by and
hope you find a tip or two that is
helpful to you! 

Have a great rest of the week!

Love, Hugs and
Blessings Galore,

Sharing over at:

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

Kim @ Saavy Southern Style

Art and Sand with Carol and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Wallking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

Life and Linda with Linda and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

The Dedicated House with Kathyrn


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hi, Nellie.
    I saw a movie last night on t.v. called, "Secondhand Lions" that was cute. It has to do with a 14 year old boy left on his great uncles to care for while his mom "gallivants."

    Tip #49 is great! I heard about it quite some time ago!
    Tip #50 That's a nice aroma. I just use my little chopper and it keeps the "fumes" intact!
    Tip #51 You are right! I do that with my dust mopping and wet mopping!
    Tip #52 You are great with your dinners! I always enjoy them when I visit you!
    Tip $53 Once I have gone through my teaspoons, I go through the "other" long handled teaspoons, ha! By then, my dishwasher is full enough to wash!
    Tip #54 Excellent information to know! (And about the pets too!)
    I'm waiting for Steve and Christine to come later and mow the front and back! Eric (my pool guy for years recommended them and they surely are great!
    I love you all, Susan

  3. Morning Susan,
    We will have to see if we can find that movie. Breaking things down into bite size pcs. really does make things easier, good you have discovered that with your cleaning and mopping. I have recently done that with my pantry, and also doing it with the fridge.
    Always so nice to get the lawn done as it looks so fresh and tidy. We finally got ours Mowed yesterday, well, Jimmy did, I hurt my back again. Drats!!
    Thanks for visiting and for your warm comments.
    Blessings, Nellie

  4. I'm so sorry about your back! I have still been keeping you in prayer for your back/neck. Have you gotten over with the UTI? Love you, Susan

  5. Thanks Susan, and for the prayers, they are sure appreciated.
    I am a slow moving vehicle again.........lol
    Yea, the meds took care of the UTI, PTL!

    Thanks again,
    Love ya, Nellie

  6. Lots of great tips! I have seen that movie and it was a tear jerker! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  7. Morning Jann,
    Hope this finds you well and happy. Many thanks for coming by hon, always appreciate your
    kind comments......and yes, that movie was a tear jerker for sure but the ending was so
    wonderful............I loved how the hydrangeas turned into a mass of butterfles.....

    Well, you have a great day,

  8. Great tips! I should try onions tips.Thank you for sharing with us at #HomeMattersparty. We would love to have you again next week.

  9. Thanks Sahana, and you should try the onion tips, cause they do work...........

    Thanks for stopping by and also for allowing me to share at the HomeMattersParty
    and thanks for hosting as well.........


  10. Great tips! Thanks for sharing this at th DI & DI Link Party. I hope you had as good a time as we did having you! Have a great week.

  11. Thanks Christine, and thanks for allowing me to share at Dishing and Digging Linky party.
    I always enjoy it and thanks to you gals that host it.
    You have a lovely week,
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 20, 2025, and pics of Spring Beginnings

  Wow,  I just came over to see how many have come by, and discovered my whole post is gone!  I have no idea what happened.....................