Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Simple Colorful Summer Tablescape

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope you are enjoying this last week
 of July.  Hard to believe next Tuesday
 will already be August 2nd....my my...
how fast the time does fly!!  lol

I started working on this tablescape a
 few weeks ago,  and then had to put
 it aside cause we needed to use the
table!!  Imagine that!!  lol
 Found these beautiful  plates that I
 bought at Target many moons ago,
 and we have never eaten off of them,
 I have always just used
them purely for decorations on the
wall or tabletop.  So if you have
followed me long you might remember
 seeing them used in those other ways
I mentioned.........

However, I did manage to
get the centerpiece done before
having to put it aside, so decided
to get it out again yesterday as I
heard too much bad stuff in the
 news and  just needed to create 
some beauty!!  It is a very simple
table, and hubby and I christened
these pretty plates last night. So
it made for a fun dinner....for me
at least!!  lol

Don't forget to click on a picture
to enlarge them all for better
viewing pleasure.............

Hope you enjoy it.

Simple Summer arrangement
with flowers I already had.

These plates were made by Waverly
and are called "The Garden Room"

Didn't have any solid color napkins that
matched, so just went with the white
and added a touch of color with the
faux strawberries.

This is one of my favorite silver
 patterns, and I have no idea what
it is called, but it was passed
down from my husbands side of
the family and my sweet sister-
in-law gave it to me a few years
back.....and I think it is so pretty.

Originally it was my husband's
cousins wedding silver......I think
I love it because it reminded me
of something my Mom used to
have when I was growing up.

Think this arrangement might wind
 up on my kitchen table soon....if not
 now, maybe in the Fall....

I only have 3 plates because I bought 
these on clearance because one of the 
plates got broken..........they were
4 to a box typically.

So it was just a simple table for 3,
then 2 once I took the pictures........lol

Doubt we will eat off of them again,  as I 
could not believe how just one dinner 
scratched them up so much.
So think they are best used as a decoration....

With Photocopy Affect  -  just for fun!!

An overview,  and used the fruit bowls to
 add some more color to the table,  but
 stuck them back in the fridge till dinner
 time, but forgot, and found them in the
fridge this morning.........lol

So much for that great plan...............lol

Can't believe I forgot to have some 
candles too.
Man I am slipping..........lol

Well,  there you have it .......
 a simple,
colorful, summer table......

Thanks for popping over!

See ya on Thursday!!

Love, Hugs and
Rosy Blessings to You,

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  1. Dear Nellie, how are you my Sweet? This china pattern is about to become my favourite I think. And your flatware is utterly gorgeous! You take such care with these things and it's always a joy to come and catch up on the latest. I've been so busy lately that blogging has really taken a back seat. Do come and share this post at my new never ending linkup, so I can feature you and send you some blog love. Hoping your week is peaceful and productive. Much love, Mimi xxx

  2. Hi Mimi,
    I am doing well hon, my back problem went away much quicker than last time, thank the Lord.
    Hope this finds you well too.
    Thanks for all your sweet comments and for your visits, I so appreciate and enjoy them.
    So far our week has been peaceful, and a lil productive....have lil darling today, so having
    fun with her....she is napping, I napped for about 45 mins. myself, to get ready for round
    2....lol so she will be up soon. She is such a delight. She made a lil craft thing I got
    for her at Michaels for a buck, and she loved it and did such a great job. It is a door hanger.
    Will see you soon for 5 star.........
    You take good care and don't work too hard.
    Love and Blessings, Nellie

  3. Hi Nellie, What a pretty china pattern, with a real "old-fashioned" look to it! I really like it and it's too bad it scratched so that you don't plan to use it except for decorative purposes. Your flower arrangement is lovely, too. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, Janet

  4. Hi Janet,
    Thanks so much for your visit and for your lovely comments. Yea, I was quite disappointed
    and surprised that it scratched so badly.........bummer~
    But that is life..........

    Have a really great day, and thanks again for coming by.
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. Hi, Nellie.
    I, as well, just can't believe how fast time seems to going! August is almost here!!! The plates are beautiful. Blue is my favorite color! Talking about Target, I just found a gift card from them in a card I got from Jeanette D. quite some time ago! I don't know if it is still good! I'll have to go by the store and see if it is!

    I bet the flowers "enjoy" the cool of A/C. My roses on the outside bush don't last too long in this heat. I'm so glad you enjoy the silverware. It is pretty, but I would have never used it.
    I believe it was LouRatha's (Uncle Leslie's daughter.) I love you all, Susan

  6. Hi Susan,
    Good to talk to you today........yea, I can't believe this time next week we will be 4 days
    into August.......crazy!!
    About the gift card, if you turn it over typically there is a phone number on the back that
    you can call and check to see how much $$ your have left on the card, it would save you a
    trip to Target.....just in case.....hope it is still useable.

    I know the poor outside flowers wilt fairly fast, and if it rains hard it messed them up
    as well. I used to try and cut them off before it rained so I could at least enjoy them
    a lil bit, but lately I have been forgetting to do it....course, you never know when it
    is really gonna rain....cause sometimes the radar will show we are getting rain then it
    all dissipates, or all of a sudden we get an unexpected sun shower........so only the
    Lords know when it is gonna rain or so it seems. lol

    Yes, I think the silverware is lovely and have really enjoyed it, thanks for parting with
    it and yes, it did belong to Lou Ratha.

    Thanks for coming by..........
    Love ya, Nellie

  7. What gorgeous plates. I love the large floral print and mixture of colors. It conveys a whole lot of sweetness.

  8. Those plates are gorgeous.

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  9. Thanks Carol,
    I think so too. Thanks for letting me share at SYC, and thanks for hosting and for your visit
    as well.

    Have a great weekend hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  10. A simple white pitcher is so elegant on its own and with flowers. Lovely!

  11. Hi MIchelle,
    Thanks for coming by....you must like White pitchers as well. They are one of my favorites.
    Hope you are having a nice weekend,
    Blessings, Nellie

  12. Thanks for coming by Grammy and for your sweet comments. I am a Grammy too.....and we spell
    it the same way.....

    I tried to come visit you but couldn't find your blog.
    Have a lovely Sunday,
    Blessings, Nellie

  13. Thank you for stopping by from the Little corner store.....appreciate your lovely comments very much and glad you liked the plates...........

    Have a lovely week,
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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