Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Italian Style Tilapia Recipe

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope you all had a great 4th of July
with your family and/or friends!!

We did.....we wound up having someone 
over .......not who we expected tho, as
they had company in town....but on Sat.
night we had a situation come up where
 a parent called us in a panic asking if we
could talk with her teenage daughter
 (that we already knew of course). 
Which we both did and it turned out
well, so we wound up having them
 over on Sunday for an impromptu
 celebration. We just decided to have
 pizza, salad and dessert and I did 
manage to throw together a quick
 4th of July centerpiece, and it all
turned out to be a really fun time!
We made a night of it and even 
watched a movie calley "Zootopia"
Very cute movie!
  Love how the Lord sometimes sends
 these surprises!!  Sometimes nice
to wind up doing something you 
didn't in any way expect!!  lol

Last week I made this fish recipe for
din din that I have made many times, 
and thought, hey, maybe I should take 
some pics and share the recipe on my 
blog next week.  So for once I remem-
bered to take pics !!  lol
I really do not remember where I
got the recipe, I thought from Kraft
recipes (since I get many great ones
from them), but went and looked it
up on their site but couldn't find it.
This is probably not the real name
 of it either, but sounded like a good
name to me.....lol  
So, if you happen to know where
this recipe came from let me know
so I can give credit where credit
is due................

This time when I made it I decided
to change it up a little by using
Cod Fish, as I am just sort of
tired of tilapia...........and really
liked it with the Cod better.
Think you could really use any
mild fish.........and it would
be good!!  

Italian Style Tilapia


4 Tilapia Filets (or cod, orange
roughy or any mild fish should
work well)

Italian Dressing( I use olive
garden dressing)

1- 8oz. package of 2% Mozzarella 
Cheese (shredded)

Chopped tomatoes (approx. 4
compari or 3 plum tomatoes)

Chopped cilantro, as much as
you like.............


Rinse filets with water and drain 
or pat dry, then put them in a
baking dish.  Once in the pan
drizzle them with Italian dressing.

Chop your tomatoes and cilantro
before or while your fish is baking.

Bake fish filets @ 400 degrees for
 20 mins.,then check to see if they
 are done, if they are white and flaky,
 they are done.  Take the pan out of the
 Top with mozzarella cheese, tomatoes
 and cilantro.  

Put back in the oven for 5-10
mins.,  just long enough to warm
everything and melt the cheese.

Cheese is all melted, so it is ready
Now Plate your food.

We had sour cream and chives potatoes
and roasted zucchini and summer squash
with parmesan cheese on it......


Thanks for dropping by................
Have a good rest of the week!

See ya on Thursday...............

Love, Hugs, and
 First week of July Blessings,


Sharing over at:

A stroll thru Life with Marty

Knick of Time with Angie and Friends

Saavy  Southern Style with Kim

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

McCall Manor with Holly and Friends


  1. Good surprises are always joyful! Surprise, surprises can be too! My A/C (after 21 years of service) went out on the 4th at about 4:30! I now have a brand new outside/inside unit with a new thermostat! He said with this new unit I should see my electric bills go down! I'm for that! LOL!

    I've not had much of an appetite again lately! I'm having to get myself in gear to fix something I'm "hungry for." Wouldn't it be nice to have a chef or cook, ha! Talk to you on your Thankful Thursday, Susan

  2. Morning.......
    yea, any kind of good surprise can be fun............but even bad surprises a lot of times
    turn out to be blessings in disquise.
    Glad they got your A/C all done, and isn't that great they give you a portable A/C till they
    get it done, we sure appreciated that last year when we got our new unit........and you
    will definitely see your electric bill go down, ours went down $100.

    Maybe you need to go to Kraft.com or looks up some new recipes.......that is what I do when
    I don't know what I want to eat and sort of lose my appetite. Seeing the pics and finding some easy recipes seem to inspire me, Dee said it does the same for her...........
    Yes, there are times having a chef would be an amazing thing.............even if it was
    just for a week.........so you could completely forget about food while someone else
    worries about it..........lol
    That would be heaven............course, maybe when we get there .....that is how it will

    Have a good day hon,
    Love, Nellie

  3. Hi, sweet friend. What a blessing you are! To be available on the spur of the moment for a friend is being the best kind of friend there is.

    My favorite fish is salmon. I wonder if this recipe would be good with salmon? I'm always looking for new ways to cook it.

    Love and hugs,

  4. Hi Patti,
    So good to hear from you hon! Actually, her daughter and I wound up having a great time together and did a lot of talking, which she really needed to do......so it was a great
    blessing to me!

    I wish I liked Salmon, Jimmy does, but it is usually too fishy for me. I like my fish
    not to taste like fish!! lol I have had smoked salmon with dill sauce and I could eat
    that every day it is so delicious. If you try the recipe with Salmon let me know how
    you like it...........

    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments. Hope all is well with you Hon,
    Love and Blessings,

  5. This looks so good. Always looking for new fish recipes that are simple and easy to make.

  6. Thanks Michelle,
    It is pretty good and I have become a quick and easy recipe girl myself..........

    Blessings Galore,

  7. It sounds delicious.

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  8. Thanks Carol,
    I was thinking a few days after I posted this....that the next time I make it I might just sprinkle it with some Italian spices and see what that tastes like. Would probably be good too.



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie