Wednesday, October 30, 2013

White Living Room etagere shelves - Fall 2013

Happy Wednesday Morning
Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a great time
enjoying some Fall Fun ........

It continues to be pretty busy 
around here this week, but thinking 
next week will settle down some.
I seriously need it

Miss Brooklyn is taking a nap so
figured I would try to upload a 
few pictures at least, and do a 
post since I only got to post 
once last week.............

 Thought I would show you my white 
Living Room dressed up for Fall.

 Top of a cloche with these cute lil pinecone ornaments
found somewhere last year, don't remember where now.
These next shots are all from the bottom shelf.

 Another cutie pie pumpkin from Becky over at Time
Washed a few years back.  It is made of plaster of paris.
and then simply embellished,  I just love her.........

Shot of the whole shelf

These are all shots of the middle shelf

Bought this Eagle for my honey years ago for Father's
Day or his Birthday. That was many moons ago when
I worked for Home Interiors and Gifts.

The whole middle shelf

These next 2 are from the upper shelf

The whole upper shelf,  took other shots but they didn't
come out here you go!!  lol

Happy you could stop by,  
hope you enjoyed your visit.

Have a really great day!

Am sharing with:
Becky @ TimeWashed
click Here!

Cindy @ Dwellings
Click Here!

Hugs and Blessings,

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - October 24, 2013

 Blessed is the man who does not walk
 in the counsel of the wicked or stand 
in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.
 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, 
and on his law he meditates day and night.
 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, 
which yields its fruit in season 
and whose leaf does not wither.
 Whatever he does prospers.
Psalms 1:1-3

Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope your week has been a good
mixture of emotions for you like
it has been for me.........

Since I am so late will let the 
Thankfuls do the talking.........

I am thankful
for the surprise, adventurous, tiring yet exciting
and invigorating,  fun and stretching week that
we have had................
On Monday I was called about a young mom of
the age of 34, whose husband is in the military and 
who has a 10 mo old adorable but highly energetic
 baby boy.  She had taken a bad spill on her bicycle
 and was all scrapped up, with a hurt shoulder and 
 a broken rib, the baby praise God was fine other
 than a few small scrapes. The call was from another
young gal who attends our church and who is her
 friend and neighbor.... and this young mom and her
 husband just recently visited our church, brought
by the girl who called me......also my husband and
 I met them,  and thought they were a lovely young 
couple. Well, her hubby was in Texas in training and 
can't come home accept on the weekend,  and with
 her bad shoulder and broken rib there is no way she 
can pick up her son.  She hasn't been in our area
 for long and she only knows a couple of friends, 
one being the lil gal that called me, wondering if 
there was some sort of assistance our church might
 be able to help with.  I felt very strongly that the
 Lord wanted us to be that help, so I called my hubby
 and told him the situation and he agreed. The house
 was clean the guest room was ready, we had just
been to the grocery store, and because of our new
 grand daughter we had baby paraphenalia that we
could use so she wouldn't need to bring that, so 
there was no reason not to, and plenty of reason to 
do it,  so we did, and altho it was fairly physically 
challenging for me at times, (mostly cause of chasing 
this lil 24 pd crawling baby) I would not change this
 experience for anything.  Something like this is a 
really big stretch for me, but the Lord really made
 it so easy for me. So it was a new grace experience.

I am thankful
for the precious and sweet spirited gal that is her
 friend, she is a single parent with 4 children of her own,
2 that are older 12, and 10, and twins that are 4 yrs old,
 and she took the baby 2 nights,  and 1 day to help us out,
as well as going over to her friends house to get things
she needed or  forgot. Her children were amazingly
 well behaved and were such a help with entertaining
 the baby, he adores them,  and we were delighted to
 get to know them all better.

I am thankful
for several folks who brought us dinner this week
to help out.  What a blesssing that was!!
Cause I was exhausted...............

I am thankful
that anything she needed for the baby but forgot
as she was packing while hurting to come over
here,  the Lord caused us to have on hand.

I am thankful
that I was able to get a teenager to come and
help out on Thursday and Friday and she did a
wonderful job of watching him to give me some
relief............what a blessing!
He is a very curious and fast and furious lil guy,
sweet as he can be...........but too much for
 this 61+ yrs. body!  lol

I am thankful 
for some simple things that happened this week
that just showed God's love and care for this sweet 
girl.  One being that one lady brought us lasagna 
and she is allergic to beef,  and I never thought
 about it, but the Lord knew, and it was 5 cheese 
lasagna with no meat, and she was saying earlier 
in the day she wished she had some chocolate 
chips cookies and the same lady brought some,
and also brought her a get well card.
So sweet and Thoughtful

I am thankful
that we got to meet this sweet couple, and it
has really been a blessing to help her,  and to
see how the Lord has worked.

I am thankful
that because of the rest and care we have
 been able to provide for her, she is definitely
in much better shape than when she arrived.
She went home last night (Friday)
 with her hubby.

I am thankful
for so many answers to prayer that we saw
this week.  Like her hubby being able to get
a flight out early, and that he would be able
to stay longer. Typically, he would leave on
Sunday night and he is getting to stay until
Tuesday afternoon.  For strength for me to
take care of this lil 24 pd. and very busy
lil guy......and for help and the Lord surely
did provide in so many ways, and there 
were others, just can't remember them all
right now.

I am thankful
that I have such a helpful hubby as well,
as he was good with helping with the
baby in the evenings when he was home.

I am thankful
I could find some time in there to talk
with my Asheville girl.........not much
tho, cause I was pretty busy this whole

I am thankful
for the body of Christ and how God's 
people rally around and help,  and when
each one does a lil it makes such a huge
difference in a situation.  Because of all
the love this family has experienced this
 week they have decided to make our
 church their church home.........
Thrilling to be a part of that!!

Well, sweet friends,  I have missed
you guys......but it was worth it, altho,
it has been quite a busy week, it has also 
 been quite fulfilling week. No better feeling 
than that of being able to really help someone
in need...............

Thanks for your visit,  always great
to hear from you. Hope you have a great

Love, Hugs and 
Fulfilling Blessings to You,


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - October 17, 2013

I will praise you, O LORD, with all my heart;
 I will tell of all your wonders.
 I will be glad and rejoice in you;
 I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.
Psalm 9:1-2

Evening Sweet Friends,

Hope you have been having a dandy week,
full of God's Blessings.

My week has been dandy and full of God's
Blessings as always.  Sometimes I sit down
to write and think hmmm,  what am I thankful
for...........and then I think of one thing,  and 
then it is like they just start coming to me.
Sometimes I have to take a lil break and
ponder for more, and I think it is in the 
pondering and the thinking back over the
week,  that we can really begin to see
just how much we have been blessed.
But pondering and thinking take some
quiet time,  so if you are having trouble
seeing your blessings,  sit back and
get quiet and do some pondering
and thinking. Think you might just
be surprised at what you will realize.

With that said,  let's get to it...............

I am thankful
for a fun trip to the Fresh Market store on Monday. 
 I got this fabulous pumpkin butter,  and thought
 afterwards "that was dumb, cause you can make
 that and you even have the pumpkin already,"
  but when I got it home and tried some,  it was
 amazing, could of eaten the whole jar
 with a spoon.  lol
Have you ever had a peanut and pumpkin
butter sandwich............oh  It is to die for..........


I am thankful
for these lovely Hyperconium berries 
(you are seeing in my pictures here). Found 
 them at Fresh Market and thought they were
just so neat and so pretty and that they would 
make a nice arrangement for my kitchen table.
So I was pleased with the outcome.
Don't know why but things like these berries just 
make my heart sing,  I find them fascinating 
works of our creator.

I am thankful
that we found a way to make our pac n play
more comfortable so that our lil darling is able to
 sleep well in there, as she has been sleeping on 
our bed  with many pillows around her all this time, 
 but now that she is crawling, of course, we have 
had to change things up a bit.  It is strange to go
in there now  when she wakes up and find her
 sitting up,  cause the last few months she has
 either been rolling around or up on her knees
 rocking, working on those crawling muscles.  lol

I am thankful
for this great invention called skype, and that 
we got to skype Dee on Wed.,  so she could
see the baby,  Brooklyn saw her too,  but didn't
pay much attention for the most part  but at one
point  near the end, she did start to make some
 sounds and hand gestures at things Dee did, 
 like she does when she is with her in person.
Poor Rosie heard us and started barking cause
she thought we were at the door,  Dee put her
up so we could see her,  but she wouldn't look
at the screen so she could see us,  not that
she would understand it anyway.  Made us
feel bad for her tho..............cause she is used
to seeing us at least every few weeks or so.


I am thankful
for all the adorable little squirrels that have been
scampering all over our yard all week,  they are
so happy with the cooler weather and just running
around and jumping in the trees and having a 
good time running around gathering up acorns 
I would guess............Fun to watch them!


I am thankful
that I came across a good recipe I made
up back in 2009,  but haven't made it since,
but it is really delicious.  It is called 
"country french chicken" 
Actually, they used to have jarred sauce
that you just put over the chicken to cook
it but I can never find it anywhere, so decided 
to try and make my own, and it came out
 really well,  or at least I think it did.  lol

 Thank you to whoever it was
that came by my blog to see it,  I saw on
my figet feed that you had been there,
 and it reminded me, and I looked up
the recipe and made a batch.

In case you are interested in the recipe
just click here.

I am thankful
that we discovered that Domino's has a
gluten free pizza, we got the veggie one
and it honestly is the best pizza we have
ever eaten.  They make it the same with
a non gluten crust and it is even better.
It is really tastes like a fancy Bistro pizza.
They put provolone, parmesan and feta
cheese (we don't get the feta, cause I don't
 like it)  but they put spinach, tomatoes and
roasted red peppers, black olives and
mushrooms.  This is coming from a girl
that used to not like Domino's pizza at
all.........thought they were tasteless....
But there new veggie pizza is truly
a Winner................

I am thankful
for things like pretty scrapbook paper,
wallpaper, wrapping paper, fabrics,
cards or even containers that things come
 in,  that just have such beautiful artwork 
on them.  I was thinking about that this
 morning when I was making my coffee
 and using some coffee that came from
 Publix and just how taken I was with the
 pretty bag it was in.  It had green leaves
with pretty orange, peach and burgundy
 berries, and I just thought how pretty it
was and how nice they go to all that
trouble to make it so pretty...........
All those sort of things make our lives 
interesting, fun and  just add beauty
to our days..................

I am thankful
that all of the stains came off our porch with
 the use of "simple green" cleaner,  that stuff is
 great. I need to do one more area again. Once it
 is wet, and depending on the amount of sun shining
 in it is hard to tell just how clean you are getting it,
but it looks really good,  accept for that one area,
so will be redoing that hopefully tomorrow. next
week, cause unfortunately, we have to order the
 sealer and it want be in till the end of next week......
so that is holding up progress,
but oh well,  once it is done hopefully,  it should

be a very long time before we have to do it again.

We did it just 2 yrs. ago before Dee's wedding
reception but think we didn't get the right kind
of sealer cause it didn't last very long.  The 
fellow that originally did it,  but isn't doing it any
more, said we need an acrylic sealer.  Cause
it was 8 years before we had to seal it the
first time.  So we are hoping that will be the
case this time.................

film grain

I am thankful
for 2 beautiful sunsets we have seen in the
last few days,  simply gorgeous, and wish
I had thought to run get  my camera, oh
well,  some things you can never capture
the glory of what they really are anyway.
Some times I think that is God saying

this is just for you!!  

colored pencil

I am thankful
for my washer and dryer,  I remember only too well,  
even tho it was 38 years or more ago,  when we used
 to have to lug stuff to the laundromat to do our clothes.  
So what a blessing a washer and dryer is.......

When we were newly weds, and my hubby had to 
dress up in a suit everyday,  somehow gum got in
 our dryer and ruined almost every piece of clothing
 he wore to work, and we were like oh, No what are we 
gonna do, cause it was gonna be quite an expense
 to replace all of it........... then I happened to think that 
maybe the dry cleaners might be able to do something,
so I called them, and they said they thought they could 
probably help, and they sure did,  they got every bit 
of it out, much to our joy!!  and they only charged us half 
the price, just cause they felt bad for what happened
 to us.......and even the original price was way cheaper
 than if we had to replace it all.  So what a blessing.
It was funny tho, none of it got on my clothes and it
 was all in the same dryer.  so wierd........and
we always wondered how that could happen.

I am thankful
for the ability to read,  as it helps me to learn 
all sorts of good things, and keeps me abreast of 
what is going on in the lives of others and in the
 world at large, and is just so enjoyable and relaxing
 to sit down with a book or magazine.  I know so 
many people who say they don't like to read which
is too bad cause I think they are really missing out.
  When I was a kid I didn't like to read,  cause my 
mind would wander or I would be daydreaming 
and I couldn't tell you a word I read even tho I did 
actually read it.........but when I got older and I 
started reading the bible and walking with the 
Lord,  he developed an insatiable appetite for
 reading and learning in me, that I still have to this
 day,  although I don't read quite as much as I
 used to....I still do love reading!! 
 and the thought of our society doing away with
 books in favor of ipads and ebooks and stuff like
 that makes me very sad.
  I just can't even begin to imagine a world like that!
So hope there are enough book readers out 
there that keep it from happening.
Be sure and read some books!!  lol

Well,  that is all I have to say for today!

So glad you stopped in..................

Hope you have a Fabulous Friday and 

a Wonderful Weekend!

Love, Hugs,
and Fall Berry Blessings to you,


White Fall Living Room and Country French Chicken recipe

Happy Wednesday
 Sweet Friends,

How in the world are ya??
Doing well, and enjoying this lovely
Fall weather??

I am doing fine, it has still been a bit
busier than usual, and the weather is
cooler at night still than in the day, but
we do have a sense that it is Fall for sure,
 cause the shadow are longer,the grapevine
 leaves are changing to yellow at least
 before they die!! 
Our big Fall leaf change! lol
Oh and we have rain trees scattered about 
in our area,  and they do present with
 fall colors.  Very Pretty

I am watching our lil darling today,  so
 while she is taking a nap thought I would 
at least get a post started. Doubt seriously
I will get it finished,  but hopefully later
in the day.  She is crawling much better
this week, not as shaky, and so very
proud of her accomplishments.

We are gonna skype Dee today so she
 and Brooklyn can see each other.  Auntie 
DeeAnna just brings out this funny side
 in Brooklyn.  It is just so cute and It 
really cracks us up. 

I made some "Country French Chicken"
for dinner last night,  I usually make
it with yellow rice,  but decided to use
Jasmine rice this time,  and I think that
is my fav now.  If you would like the
recipe,  just click here.

Last Friday my sweet friend Becky, yall
 know her as Becky from TimeWashed, 
came by to visit with me for a while, and
she loves to bless me yearly with a punkin
as she knows I love them too.  the last
3 years they have been hand made
pumpkins that she makes herself.
All the sweeter...........

 So just had to show is so
 cute.........course, I can't think of one of her
 pumpkins that isn't cute,  and if you have
 never visited with her,  and you like 
pumpkins this is the place to go.........
cause she has a great etsy shop with
 plenty of punkins. I'll leave her address
at the bottom, as I will be linking up
to her too.

She also brought me this cute lil dish towel.

I liked it so much I hung it on the back of 
my head dining chair. Course, eventually
it will get moved to the kitchen probably.

These are all vignettes using my new 
cutie pie has a driftwood
 stem,  so cute! and Thanks so much
Becky, I truly love her as I do all
your works of art.

No lighted candle you say,  what??

Okay, here we go.......... always need a
 little candlelight,
no matter when it is................

The burlap was part of the clever wrapping job
that becky does,  she used the dishtowel and 
the burlap like tissue paper, and the gift bag
looks so purty!  

Hubby got me this pretty candlestick
 quite a few years ago and it is 
one of my favorites.

This is on the other side of the vignette
as you will see in the next picture. Love
white pitchers and creamers, so just tucked
in a lil fall greenery.

This is the whole vignette.  I found that 
subway art thanksgiving poster on some
ones blog a few years back, but don't
remember where now,  so if it was you,
please give me a heads up and I will
give you credit immediately.........

By the way I really love that Poster, 
 and have enjoyed it so much..............

Well, thanks for coming by...........
Hope you enjoyed your visit.

Always good to have you!

Have a good rest of the week and

enjoy that Fall weather while you can.

I am sharing:

  with Becky @ Timewashed
Click here

With Patti and Paula over at 
Ivey and Elephants,  to go there 
just click here!

With the Style Sisters, click here
to go for a visit.

Love,  Hugs,  and
White Pumpkin Blessings,

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie