Wednesday, October 14, 2009

New Recipes - "Country French Chicken", "Romaine, mandarin orange salad" and Poppy Seed Dressing"

Evening Sweet Friends,
How are you today??  Well and happy I hope!!
I spent time twice outside working in our front flower
bed.  The bushes needed trimming and the Lantana
needed trimming back as well.  We finally finished
it up when hubby came home,  so it looks very nice now.
Yesterday I was looking for a recipe for something
called "Country French Chicken".
 Years ago about 12-14 yrs. to be exact,  they used to have
a jarred sauce you could buy called Chicken Tonight.  There
was a"Chicken Cacciatore I think, and then one called
Country French Chicken.  My family loved the latter
one,  and so did I.  It was so easy to just plop some
chicken breasts in a pan pour that sauce over it and
let it cook away for about an hour,  make some rice
and a veggie to go with it,  and I was good to go!!
And it was a great and tasty meal to boot,  doesn't
get much better than that,  but for some strange reason
they took it off the market,  don't know what they
were thinking!!  Someone seriously needs to talk to
their marketing team,  whoever they were!!
Anyway,  I was looking online to see if I could find
a recipe for it and I did find one,  but it didn't sound
like the kind of sauce it was even tho it did have some
of the ingredients that the other one had,  so I decided
to do a lil experimenting and came up with my own.
It turned out great and everyone loved it!!  So thought
I would share it with you,  so you can enjoy it too!

Country French Chicken
4 Boneless Chicken Breasts
1 can of cream of chicken soup
1 soup can full of milk
1 cup of applesauce (I used natural applesauce-
with no added sugar, in the separate lil cups.
1 cup of White cooking wine or reg. white Wine
I use white cooking wine
1 small onion chopped up in small pieces
(I use the food processor for the onion, carrots and celery,  much easier)
1 large carrots or about 8-10 baby carrots,
cut the same as onion
2 ribs of celery, cut the same as onions & carrots
1 tsp. parsley flakes
1/2 tsp. garlic powder or to taste
pinch of dried thyme
pepper to taste,  I didn't add
any salt but you might want to if
you are used to your food being a
bit more salty.
Mix all the ingredients together in a large
bowl,  then put your chicken breasts in
a large frying pan or dutch oven,
  Mine is silverstone so I don't need to add any
oil or pam type spray.  Just put the chicken
breasts in the pan,  pour the mixture in the
bowl over it,  cover with the lid, and turn
 the burner to medium and wait for it to start
 bubbling a little, then turn it to your lowest
 setting and let it simmer for an hour or so. 
You should sort of stir it every 15 mins.
 cause it will stick to the pan if you don't.
 The chicken breasts were large so I cut
them in two pcs.  Take one out at an hour
and see how tender it is just in case.
One hour should be sufficient tho.
Meanwhile you can be making yellow,
white or brown rice,  whatever
your preference,  I use yellow,  I think
it tastes good and makes a pretty
presentation as well.  Jasmine rice
might be good too,  if you have never
had Jasmine rice - you have to try it
sometime.  I can eat it all by itself,
it is delicious.
I also cook my rice in the microwave,  I find
that much easier,  cause you don't have
to worry about it burning,  but you do
have to stir it ocassionally.

Note: I made it with the Jasmine rice
on 10-15-2013 and it was delicious,
think this is my favorite way now.
Once everything is ready just put rice on your
plate,  some sauce over the rice and add
your chicken breast.  The sauce is not a
thick sauce,  it is kind of like a thin gravy.
Wish I had remembered to take a picture,
Sorry I never think about it till it too late!
Also decided to try making a different type of salad
for a change.  I found a
Romaine and Mandarin Orange Salad
with Poppy Seed Dressing recipe.
2  heads of romaine lettuce
torn or sliced into small pcs.
1 10 oz. can of mandarin orange segments
1/4 cup of chopped pecans
(the recipe called for toasted slivered almonds but I didn't have
any and I like pecans better anyway)
McCormick bac'n pieces
(the recipe called for 6 pcs. of real bacon fried crispy and
 then crumbled - Somehow the oranges and the bacon didn't sound
good to me,  but then I decided to try the bac'n pcs. and it was
actually quite good.)
Toss the Romaine in a large bowl with the mandarin
 oranges and the if you use the real bacon,  add it now! 
 Place lettuce mixture onto salad plates,  sprinkle with
 pecans or almonds,  and if you use the bac'n pcs.
you can sprinkle those on now.
Poppy Seed Dressing
1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar
1/2 cup of sugar,
 (recipe calls for 3/4 cup but I only used the
 1/2 cup  and it was fine)
2 tsp. dried minced onions
(recipe called for 1/2 red onion coarsely chopped
since I didn't have red onion I improvised)
1 tablespoon of prepared mustard
(recipe called for 1/2 tsp. of dried mustard powder)
1/4 tsp. of salt
(Which I somehow overlooked and didn't use,
and mine was just fine without it.)
1/2 cup of vegetable oil
1 tsp. of poppy seeds
(make sure you don't eat these in anything
if you have to take a drug test for a job,
or you will fail it.
Place vinegar, sugar, onion, mustard and salt into
a blender,  I used my handy dandy Magic Bullet.
Cover and puree until smooth.  Add in the vegetable
oil and blend till it is creamy, then stir in the poppy seeds.
Drizzle on your lovely salad,
Eat and Enjoy!
We all really enjoyed the PoppySeed dressing,
it was a very nice change of pace.
Well, hope you have a very nice evening.
Thanks for coming by and see ya tomorrow.
Hugs and Blessings,


  1. Wow. I was looking for a recipe this morning with chicken and think I might try this. But I want to use my crock pot as I have a lot of work to do today. And YES, I always make my rice in the microwave. I use to do it on the stovetop and could never get it right. So one day I read the instructions and will never go back to the stove for rice.

    Great recipes, that salad dressing sounds yummy!

    Enjoy your day!!!!

  2. I'm all with you on the easy recipes!! The less ingredients the better! There's this show on Food Network and it's all about using 5 ingredients or less and I love it! I've tried one of the recipes already and it came out really good. Thanks for the comments, you always leave great ones!

  3. Mmm! that chicken sounds delicious. i will definitely be trying your recipe!

  4. OK, I'm all set! fun! Thank you.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie