Thursday, October 15, 2009

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - October 15, 2009

Hello Sweet Friends,
How has your day been going??  Mine has been slow but good!!
We had a lil rain today,  that is because a cool front is coming thru
tomorrow!!  We are in heaven just thinking about it!!
We now think we might have temps in the 50's!!  Sorry I think I
might have told you that yesterday!!  You can't tell I am excited
or anything,  can you???
Can't believe it is Thursday already,  and that we are already
half way through October.  Is time flying as fast for you as it is
for me???  I feel like I blink and the day is gone practically.
Only 70 shopping days till Christmas!! 
 Can you imagine that,  and I just love Christmas,
 but it just seems to be coming soooooo soon!!
 Guess I had better start putting
on my thinking cap about creative gift giving again!
It is truly a joy tho, I love all the festivities of Fall and
Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I don't start  decorating
 for Christmas till the day after Thanksgiving,
but I do like to get most of my shopping done before
Thanksgiving if possible.  Then all I have to deal with
is decorating and cooking and wrapping,  and
that is enough in and of itself..
Guess I had better hush up about all my deep
thinking (lol) today and get on with Thankful
I am thankful for the fun time I had with my daughter on Monday
when I went to visit she and Rosie.
I am thankful that we finally got her wall hangings put together
and on her wall,  and that her dad was able to hang her
shelf,  and we finally finished her bedroom decorating.
It looks great and she is very happy with it.
I forgot to take the camera,  so the next time I go I will
try and get some pics to show you.
I am thankful that a young Mom,s with 3 children has realized
she has addiction problem and is going into rehab as soon
as they can find a place for her.  She is the daughter of a
old and dear friend.  So we are all rejoicing at this step.
If you should feel led please pray the rehab center will
be able to take her right away cause there is a waiting
list,  and she really needs to be there.
I am thankful that both my children are dating people
we really like and love.  That is truly a Joy!!
I am thankful that we are hearing feedback from
some of our Sunday Schools students about how this
class is impacting their lives.  That is always a joy
for teachers to hear cause that is why we do what
we do,  not to hear about it,  but to impact lives
for the better!!  
I am thankful we got all our bushes and flowers
cut back yesterday. 
I am thankful we will be doing some more grouting
this weekend,  Lord willing!!
I am thankful I was able to come up with the
Country French Chicken recipe,  we have missed
it in our menus for years now.
I am so thankful for God's Amazing Grace and
Peace in my life.  What a friend we have in Jesus!
I am thankful that a young marine, that is 25 years old
is home safe and sound from Iraq.  We saw him for
the first time last Sunday,  and he looks amazing
and so happy.  We love him very much and it
just blessed our hearts to see him looking so well
and looking so happy. He is really growing up!!
I am thankful that there are still tons and tons of
young men and women in uniform who are faithfully
loving and protecting our country,  no matter what
political correctness has to say,  they are staying
their post and proud to do it!!
God Bless them one and all.
We love you and we appreciate your service to
your country very very much!
Well,  guess I better stop for today folks.
Hope I struck a chord with you, and maybe you
will let me know what you are thankful for as well.
Have a Great Evening!!
Love,  Blessings and Hugs,


  1. Hi Gal! What a great thank you list! I am so thankful for my friends who prayed for me and that I'm not sick!! YAY!! Praise you Lord!!

    I am also thankful for seeing God's hand in so many areas of my life!

    Have a wonderful Friday!!
    Love ya,

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What a great list! And how nice that the students are enjoying your class! I often wonder about the girls I teach on Wednesday evenings!

    We had snow here! I posted pictures. Enjoy your day!

  4. once again a wonderful list of things to be thankful for! i can't believe only 70 days left for shopping!

  5. You are so right about the time just rushing by!
    "LORD, Help us to slow down a bit!"

    Bless you for sharing your thankful heart.
    Scripture tells us again and again to be thankful!
    May our hearts continually overflow with gratitude. Have a nice weekend!

  6. A beautiful list of blessings this week!! And, oh my goodness - can it really only be 70 shopping days!

  7. Sister Susie said thru email:
    Hi Nellie!

    I love your Thankful Thursday blogs! It gets me to thinking about my thankfulness to God for all He has done for me.

    1. Nothing is anymore enjoyable that to spend time with our moms! This will be a memory DeeAnna will always remember!

    2. DeeAnna is not the only one who is delighted with what you have done in our homes for your expertise in wall hangings. Your mastery for this skill still hangs in my house today!!

    3. I am praying for the young mom and her family for the Lord to assist her in an Eternal "fix" for His Kingdom.

    4. Yeah! It's not often parents "approve" of their children's choices in friends. Love in the Lord brings harmony to all involved!

    5. Am I one of those students? I'm probably one you are thinking, "Susan, keep your mouth shut. We're not at home, ha!"

    6. You bushes and flowers are so pretty. I don't have many left. Only my citrus trees. One of those has reached its life expectancy (23 years.) I think I will have to pay Scott to cut it down at the end of this season.

    7. With me it's "not grouting!" I need to do some vacuuming! Dog hair, cat hair, bird feathers! It doesn't take long with 3 dogs, a cat and 3 birds for vacuuming to be needed! I need to do it more than once a week!

    8. I'm glad you came up with your receipt for "Country French Chicken" too! I need some new receipts!

    9. "The Lord is Good all the time; All the time the Lord is Good!" I got that saying from you in Sunday School Class! It is sooooooo true!

    10. My prayers go out to all of our men in far away places. Especially those at war! I pray if they do not know the LORD, God will bring them to His Saving Grace!

    11. Onward, Christian soldiers. For it is not long now until we hear the Trumpet of the LORD!

    Sister Susie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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