Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hiddy Ho Sweet Friends,
Hope your week is going well so far.
Yesterday I spent the bulk of the day with my sweet Dee,
since she was off from work,  we took my car in to get
an oil change and shopped at Ross for a lil bit,
the went back to Dee's and made dinner, hubby
came from work and we hung out till around 9,
hubby was trying to help them with some computer
problems they were having.  It was a good day!!

Yesterday, I bought my first Christmas presents of the season!!
They are for a ministry we do at our church every year,
called the "Toybox Ministry".  It reaches out to people
in the church and community that need some assistance
at that time of the year.  It has truly been a well thought
out and well executed blessing to so many.  We love
participating in it as well.
 I had a young friend last year whose husband had left her
with 3 children, and she definitely needed some help,
and she was able to go, and she said she never felt so
 loved and encouraged.  She said I felt like a
 "queen for a day,"
they had someone carry all the things she picked out
for her children,  and wrapped it all,  and put it in the
car,  and had her pick a gift for herself,  that would
be for the children to give her,  and they even gave
them some Christmas cards,  also,  she was able
to get a bikes for 2 of her older children.  It really
made her Christmas!  Now isn't that what it is all
about anyway!!  Just love hearing these stories.
My header pic is of all my lil real pumpkins I got
at walmart last week for .25 & .50 cents.
Aren't they pretty,  I love the white and yellow
striped ones,  never saw any before.  I used
them in different places but decided to make
a lil vignette of them for my blog.
Well,  I took pics of Dee's bedroom decorations
but most of them didn't come out because
I used the flash,  and because the camera was
evidently going dead so the last 6 I took where
all blurry.   Guess I will try again the next time I go,
and make sure I charge up the camera first!! lol
It has been a quiet day today,  sort of dismal
outside,  mostly cloudy today,  yet warm about 84
to be exact,  and you know how I feel about that!!  lol
Where Oh where,  did my Fall Weather go!! 
I think we are suppose to start getting some rain
in the next few days, so the night time temps will
at least be in the upper 60's.  Hey,  beats the
70's anyway!! 
Guess I had better get started on din din,
think I am gonna make some good ole spaghetti
and meatballs,  and since I am sort of saladed out,
I think I will be wierd and make a green bean
casserole to go with it.  Scott will be happy anyway,
that is one of his favorites.  Course,  my hubby is
very easy to please so he will like it too.
Thanks for stopping by today,
and Have a really nice evening with your family.
Blessings and Hugs,

Here's another shot with 5 pumpkins rather than 7


  1. Hi Gal! Love all of your little pumpkins and can't wait to see Dee's wall art!! I get so irritated when my photos don't come out. I definitely need a new camera, but I think that is a ways off!!

    Love and hugs to you, my friend!!
    Catch ya tomorrow!!

  2. Hey Nellie,

    Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog.
    You are such an encourager!

    Just wanted to share your joy at having your precious daughter so close!
    What a wonderful blessing to regularly be able to go shopping, have dinner and just "hang out."
    The LORD is so good.

    Praying the rest of your week is special.
    Smiles and Hugs ~

  3. Those little pumpkins look so cute. I am glad you had a chance to be with Dee and that you had a nice day and evening together. And I hope you get your autumn back and don't go directly into winter. Bummer!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...