Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Have a great Tuesday

(Our Backyard wildflowers done in Photoshops Threshold affect)
Good Morning Sweet Friends,
After looking at my header picture aren't you glad that God
painted our world with color!!  I sure am,  even tho,  that is
a neat affect,  I would much rather look at this!!
Wouldn't you??

We had a nice weekend,  How about you??  Monday was good
too,  got to spend the afternoon and evening with my sweet Dee.
We had a great time talking all afternoon,  and then we had dinner
and she did my hair.  She keeps her Mom looking fresh!!
I made something I haven't made for a long time,  and we all loved
it!  Was easy and delicious and I used a recipe I got online cause
I was too lazy to look for my old one,  and I actually like this one
way better! 
I made "Cuban Ropa Vieja",  it is a beef dish cooked in tomato
sauce and spices.  With this recipe you just throw it all in the
crock pot and forget about it for 4 hrs.  Love that!!
I made Black Beans and Yellow Rice to go with it,
and I would typically do a lettuce tomato and onion salad,
but didn't this time.  We also like to slice up bananas on
a large plate and then sprinkle them with lemon juice to
eat with the meal.  Delicious,  and you don't get all the
fat of the fried plantians that usually would be prepared
with this meal.  I added rice to the leftover sauce we
had, and hubby took it as soup for lunch today.
I tasted it,  made a delicious soup too!
I will definitely be making that again soon.
If you are interested in the Cuban Ropa Vieja Recipe,
In case you don't know how to spice up your black beans,
let me share what I learned about making them,  from a
sweet cuban lady that I worked with, when we lived in
Key West,  years ago.  You can use dried or canned
black beans,  I usually use the canned.  Add a lot of
garlic powder to taste,  add onions and bell peppers,
l large each for about 3-4 cans of blackbeans.  I also
put about a tblsp. of olive oil and a tblsp of red wine
vinegar as well,  also a couple of bay leaves,  and
let them simmer on low for about 30-45 mins.  If you
make them dried it takes way longer to prepare.
I usually put all the spices in and let them just
sit in the pot,  on the stove for quite awhile before
 cooking them,  and they get seasoned thru even just
sitting there,  then you don't have to cook and
stir them so much,  and the beans don't get so
mushy either,  so they make a nicer presentation
on your plate.
Hope you will give it a try!  I think you will find
you really enjoy it.
It is a very flavorful meal,  but not spicy or hot!
Pleasantly different,  a lil bit of Island flair!
 Bon Appetit!!

Just had to show you the wildflowers now that they are in full bloom!
Don't they look like they are reaching heavenward to praise our Lord!!
Have a great Tuesday!!
Blessings and hugs,


  1. Hi Gal! Taking a few minutes to visit some bloggy buddies!! Love your wild flowers and also am going to have to try that method for kickin' up my black bean flavor a few notches!! We chop onions, soak them in lime juice and top the black beans with them!! That's wonderful, too!!

    I'll try and catch up with ya this evening!! If not I'll see you tomorrow for our fellowship group!! Can I do anything to help?


  2. Thats so funny about those chairs! They really caught my eye too! The pattern is just so colorful! I know your not really into antiques but you would of loved this place anyway! And besides the whole thing isn't just antiques.

  3. I actually liked the black and white picture but then I saw the pretty yellow and agree with you! Thankful for the colors!! I was telling my kids the other day that isn't God so good that when he created everything, He had the leaves first change to beautiful colors before they die!

    I made Becky's soup that you recommended! It was absolutely delicious! Can't wait to make it again. Enjoy your day!!!

  4. Hi Nellie!

    Love the yellow flowers. Black and white can be dramatic but the colors warm things up and are prettier in my opinion. I don't think i have ever tried any Cuban food before. I guess beings that you live closer you have more exposure. We have tons of authentic Mexican food here in CA.

    I use black beans in recipes a lot but haven't just done a side of it. I think I'll try it. Sounds great.

    Have a wonderful and fun day!

    Thinking of you...Bon


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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