Friday, November 15, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - November 14, 2013

  Happy Friday Sweet Friends,

Late again............seems like that is getting to
be my new norm.........and just as I thought
I was finally getting back on schedule.  lol

LIke the old saying goes...........Life is what
happens when you are making your plans,
that has been my story lately,  for sure!!
and since I am soooooo behind on every-
thing,  it will probably be the norm through
the Thanksgving and Christmas season.
Ah,  who cares really..............

Well, I am gonna get on with it................

I am thankful
for a conflict that finally came to resolution
after several days.

I am thankful
for the conflict resolution information we had
 learned about prior to, and how much it helped
 us with this situation. 

I am thankful
for a really difficult and also wonderful week,
 all at the same time.  The first part was full
of busyiness getting ready, then the conflict
then the fun adventure.

I am thankful
we are in Asheville, North Carolina visiting
with Dee and Jerry since last Sunday.
Well, mostly with Dee cause Jerry is away
getting schooling for his new job.
So happy to see them all,  and Rosie (our 
grand daugher DOG) will hardly let us out of
 her sight,  so happy to see her too,  just too
 bad we have to miss our lil darling, Brooklyn,
 our real grand daughter,
Am hoping Rosie isn't gonna be depressed
when we leave.  Think she might have thought 
she was never gonna see us again.............
We should get to see them all again at
 Christmas time hopefully.

I am thankful
to be experiencing a new adventure this week,
and that is apt. living on the 3rd floor with all
 sorts of neat lil shops, restaurants, a Barnes and 
Nobles book store and a movie theatre and a really
 lovely town square area with trees all full of beautiful
autumn leaves, that are all just about gone now.
All of this just below us and in walking distance,
 where we can walk and talk and enjoy the much
 cooler weather....and look off the balcony.  
What a fun way to live!
Good thing we have our lil darling and other family
members at home or we might just pack up and 
move here!  lol
Very Tempting I must say!!  

I am thankful
for the wonderful and fun time we are having......
just visiting and enjoying their new lifestyle, 
so different than what we are used to.......
exploring the shops, and taking walks with
 the dogs, searching for all the beautiful Fall
 leaves they have here, and also drying them 
so I can possibly use them on our 
Thanksgiving  table.  

Note:  I am so mad at myself because I
forgot my camera..............ahhhhhhhhhh!
Dee did take some pics when we were
drying the leaves, so I can do a tutorial for
 yall. She has an ipad so took them on there,
am hoping we will be able to take some
more, but it is now raining so don't know
if we will get any good ones before we
have to leave .............poo...........
but Lord Willing maybe we will.

I am thankful
for some pretty new amber brown glasses
 I found at Walmart this week to use for our 
Thanksgiving table, since all my pretty smokey
 green Wedding goblets that I would normally
use were smashed in that crazy china hutch
 accident earlier this year.  Not totally sure if I
 will keep them or not,  cause I really wanted
stemware,  but am having a very hard time
 finding any amber stemware unless they cost
 a fortune,  so they will work if need be......

I am thankful
that I found some new light gray loafers that
 I needed.  I had these really cute silver flats
 that I loved and were so comfy,  but they are
looking rather shabby,  much to my chagrin. 
 Can't wait to get the new loafers broken in,
 cause they have almost given me blisters,
which was a lil surprising cause they are
so comfortable, guess I just did a lil too
much walking for wearing them for the
first time

I am thankful
that a friend that had a pinched nerve and
 that I was able to encourage to go to my
 chiropracter was helped by him in just 3 visits.
  She was just about to leave on a missions trip
 and was beginning to wonder...........
but she was able to go!!

I am thankful
that we got to experience some snow flurries,
and freezing temperatures, that if it were not
windy, would not seem freezing at all,  definitely
a different cold from ours,  think because of
less humidity maybe.....................

Note:  It has been strange... as cold as it is,
I am having hellacious hot flashes,  and am
still hot at times, can hardly believe it.

I am thankful
for a mexican restaurant we went to last 
night,  there food was fabulous and we have
leftovers for lunch, yum!  We also went to 
steakhouse on Sunday night but we weren't
overly impressed...........hubby says, he thinks
he likes Dee's family restaurant the best!  lol.

Speaking of that...............

I am thankful
for what a great cook our daughter has become
even more so than before.  She made lasagna,
and beef stew and some chicken and potato
soup and froze them all.  Delicious every one.
Course, we haven't had the chicken and potato 
soup yet, but I have no doubt it will be great
.  She made us western omelets yesterday...
I told her, I am not used to having someone
take care of me,  and I could really get used
and She is also a great hostess................

Well, that's it for this week.................

Thanks for coming by and for your sweet
comments........They are Always appreciated.

Love, Hugs,
and North Carolina Blessings,



  1. #1. Praise the LORD! It always feels like a blessing from our LORD when things can get resolved.
    #2. It surely would be wonderful if the LORD would always let us know ahead of time. It really helps to be "prepared."
    #3. Thank the LORD He tells us He will help us through conflict with blessings in the end!
    #4. I'm sure DeeAnna is really enjoying having you there too, being in a new place and Jerry having to be away.
    #5. Many retirement communities have everything right there in walking distance too. I like my quiet space I have on 3 acres, viewing the Sandhill cranes, a group of ibis, hummingbirds, tortoises (large and small), croaking of the frogs, rabbits, so much of nature.
    #6. I can hardly wait to see your leaves you have collected! We have had an overcast for three days with rain today. Molly's doing good. She let me hold her and hug on her!
    #7. It really is hard to lose something you have had for years. With it being crystal, I wonder if your home owners insurance would have covered for you to replace it (?)
    #8. I have found that no matter how comfortable new shoes are, I use band aids on my heels until I get them worn in.
    #9. They surely can help! I go every 7 weeks to keep my back in alignment. If I don't, I start getting spasms.
    #10. It's always great to visit in this kind of weather, but great to return to warmer weather. It was that way with me when I visited my uncle and aunt in Memphis, Tenn. years ago.
    #11. That's what I like about Alice. When she, Boddy, and I go to the places she has tried before, we always enjoy the food!
    #12. Talents coming out! I wonder if Jerry likes those delicious dishes she makes. He is so cute with the specifics of his eating habits, ha!
    Love and hugs to you all, Susan

  2. Hello Nellie! I sounds like a lot was on your plate this past week! I know what that's like too. Conflict resolution is a lot harder than it sounds and I applaud you for finding a way to get it over and done with. Being angry or estranged from someone takes a lot of energy and is not good for your general health. Good work!
    I am surprised to learn that they have freezing temperatures in North Carolina. I live in Canada so I am used to cold or temperate climates here on the southwestern coast but I always thought that North Carolina was a Cold Free Zone! Hah! I learn something new every day! :D
    I arrived home from work just over an hour ago and my daughter had done some baking and it was still warm. The aroma of Spice Cake greeted me as I walked though the door and I was thinking how wonderful it is to have HER baking and me just EATING! I could Very Easily,get used to that too! :D


  3. I think I could get used to living in an apt. in a neighborhood like you describe!

    What a busy week you've had. Sounds like you're well into planning for your Thanksgiving meal.

  4. You sound like you are having a ton of fun. I'm glad you get to have a nice time after whatever bit of trouble you had. Now on to Thanksgiving and lots of cooking!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: