Friday, November 1, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - October 31, 2013

Greetings Sweet Friends,

I am late again...................but 
figured I would post anyway.

Hope all who celebrate it,
 had a fun and safe Halloween.

We only had about 3 groups of trick or treaters,
and I always get a kick out of seeing the lil ones
all dressed up so cute,  but this year none of the
costumes were cute, in fact, couldn't tell what
they were really,  then we had one really ghouly 
looking group,  teens I suspect!
I am only for cutesie, Happy Halloween
decorations and costumes myself........
these others really creep me out!

But to each his own!!

Been another busy week here,  am looking
forward to next week hoping it will be a little
less lively................

I am thankful
that I sold my first 3 cards without even
 trying..........a big thrill for me!!

I am thankful
for some great ideas from my daughter and Jennifer
 (the gal we kept last week with the baby)
about avenues for selling my cards.  So now
praying about what direction to take.

I am thankful
that we were able to find some other ladies
to stay with Jennifer and the baby.   Her hubby
 had  to leave again on Tuesday and it was pretty
 much down to the wire. Me and my teen side-kick
are gonna take Thursday and Friday, but she needed 
someone for Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday,
and just like last week,  the Lord has so graciously
supplied that need.  It has been so amazing and
fun to watch how He is taking care of her.

I am thankful
again, for the body of Christ and how they have
really stepped up and come to her aid.  Not only
have they supplied meals but a missionary lady
who is a nanny has offered to stay with her
24 hrs. a day for $60.00 a day,  which is like
the price, if not more,  of an 8 hr. shift.
She will be staying with her over the weekend.

All these things have been just such a beautiful
 thing to behold................

Please pray if you feel so led,  that they are a good 
fit for each other and that all goes well.


I am thankful
for a sweet 3 hour visit with a neighbor on Tuesday,
we see each other to say hello, and a comment or
 two across the way,  but it  has been awhile since
 we have acutally sat down together to talk and to
 catch up a little.  So it was nice!

I am thankful
for a beautiful picture my long time friend from
Tennessee sent me of she and her hubby.
It was really a wonderful pic of both of them
so hoping I can print it and frame it.


I am thankful
that Jenn is  coming along and doing better,  but
 it is still gonna be a while before she can pick up 
the baby,  as she is still having quite a bit of pain.

I am thankful
we got to see our lil pumpkin all dressed up in her 
Halloween outfit,  she looked adorable as you can see!
Not smiling tho,  cause think she was just really tired,
and teething,  then of course, there is the camera
which always seems to make her go serious!! lol

Brooklyn with Mommy

With Daddy

and with Grampy

I am thankful
for my camera and all the great pictures
we have because of it,  and also that we
can download them right to the computer.

I am thankful
that I unexpectedly got the day off from baby watching,
  as a lady volunteered and another friend of Jenn's said
she would come for awhile,  then we will pick her up
and bring her and the baby here to spend the night.
The Lord knew how tired I was!  lol

I am thankful
 that it has been much easier watching the baby
at her house than at mine, since she has kinder
guards and a play area with toys and all that.

I am thankful
for all those who visit my blog, and who have blogs
and share their lives with others.  You are a blessing
to me and to others.

Well, there ya have it.................another week of

Hope you have a wonderful week-
end being with those you love.

Thanks for the visit and 
come back soon...........

Love,  Hugs, and
Harvest Blessings,


  1. Hi Nellie! I sounds like you have had your hands and heart very full, in the last little while. But God, has made a Way throughout it all. "Truly He is my Rock and My Salvation; He is my Fortress, I will Not be shaken. "
    Ps 62:6
    I rejoice with you in your Thankfulness! :D


  2. #1. YEA! Now that it is started, it will take off like a dragster, ha! Let me know where I can go to purchase some!
    #2. I'll pray too!
    #3. What a special relationship this has set up (for life! They will always remember your kindness!)
    #4. Prayers are being raised.
    #5. How nice. That is also like Linda and me. We just see each other ever now and then. I remember when she asked me to go eat with her in Mt. Dora.
    #6. It's great to have pictures of our friends next to our family pictures!
    #7. Prayers are being lifted for her recovery.
    #8. How Cute she is! I can't believe how well she is standing!! I just love seeing Jim's pictures with Brooklyn! He is always beaming with joy!
    #9. Camera's have come a long way! I remember the Polaroid cameras that would "spit" out the picture and in a minute would develop!
    #10. I'm so glad you got some rest!
    #11. Any help is always accepted, ha!
    #12. Ditto, don't you know!
    Remember to set your clocks back this weekend!
    Love you all, Susan

  3. Congratulations on selling those cards! This could be the start of something big! Brooklyn is so sweet!! I'm sorry about the teething though. You feel so helpless. Poor little baby. We actually had pretty cute kids come by. They were all little kids. The costumes were very sweet. And every body was out on their front porch handing out candy. So it was like a block party.
    Have a beautiful Sunday!
    By the way I haven't heard anything about our little happening here yet.

  4. Hi Nellie! Your little pumpkin is adorable all dressed up ... just precious! Hope you have a wonderful weekend...


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: