Thursday, August 28, 2014

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - August 28, 2014

Your love, O LORD, reaches to the heavens,
 your faithfulness to the skies.
 Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains,
 your justice like the great deep.
Psalm 36:5 and 6

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope your day and your week has
 been a good one thus far..................

Mine has been a good week, can hardly believe it
is Thursday already.  Looking forward to a nice
3 day weekend with my sweet hubby.  No plans
yet, we are just flying by the seat of our pants
here!  lol  Think Hubby likes these days when
he can just relax and do what he wants when
he wants or do nothing at all if he wants.

Hoping we might get a few more steps done
on our mailbox area this weekend, but we

Not much going on here today,  just been
brainstorming about a few things and doing
the routine household things.  You have a
good evening and I am gonna get on with
my list here............

I am thankful

that we finally got our new mail box post painted
 on Saturday,  so 1 step down.  We are going to
 redo the whole area out by our existing mailbox,
but because of the heat it will be in

that Scott and Megan's new home is perfect for
 them, and absolutely beautiful, as well as the
 neighborhood. They moved in on Thursday around 
dinner time, and we went over Sat. about the same
 time and you would think they had been in the house 
a month already.This house had a lot of perks as well, 
 so the Lord has really blessed them.

Thought I would just add some pretty pics that remind us of summer,
since we are about to enter Sept. course, I know summer doesn't
 end till Sept. 22nd, but for some reason in my mind it ends after
 Labor day. Maybe that is because I am a southern girl and southern
girls are taught not to wear white shoes after labor day!  lol
Anyone relate to that??

that on Sunday we went to Yomii, and that we saw 
a sweet gal that took care of my MIL when she was
 in a Nursing Home about 13yrs. ago, and we had not
 seen her once before that.
She was an aide then, but she has gotten her Nursing
degree now,  and has changed a lot, for the good, and
 got remarried to a seemingly really nice fellow. It was
such a sweet surprise to see her and meet her new
 hubby.  We always liked her and her humor, she was
so funny, and always appreciated what good care she
gave to my well, as how she made her
laugh with her antics.

that one of my friends that has been sick a long time
was back at church yesterday.  Am so hoping this
is a turning point for her.

that we were actually able to sit outside for awhile
on Monday night, very unusual for us here in Florida,
as it has been so hot. It only went to 90 today and
It was breezy with beautiful skies, and we watched
the squirrels jumping in the trees and eating grass
on the ground.  Had a hawk fly over us,  and some
dragon flies, and the sounds of Katydids, making their
 katydid noises, which always bring back memories 
of childhood for us, and we even got a very light
sprinkling from a cloud that didn't even look like
a rain cloud, those teeny lil drops felt so cool.....
  It was so much fun!
Like a calgon take me away extended moment!!  lol
For a few moments in felt like Fall...........
Can hardly wait for some Fall weather to come,
course, we probably have another month and a half,
 but maybe we will have a few more evenings like
 tonight before,  I sure hope so.

for a sweet surprise email from hubby on Monday.
He is practicing what he is teaching......and I
am loving it........

That Scott and Megan are such great parents.
Just Blesses this parents heart.........

that hubbies prescription finally came in the mail.
We have had to call the Drs. office 4 times and
were beginning to wonder if we were gonna have
to call very happy about that.

for a yummy pot of chicken and dumplings on
Tuesday night for dinner.  One of my fav dinners.

for Billy Graham and his family.  His daughter 
Anne Graham Lotz has asked for people to pray
and fast for Israel on Sept. 1, which is next
 Monday.  If you would like to participate
just see my blog post from yesterday.
Click here.

that I got to talk with Dee for 3 days in a row,
which is good cause they are gonna take a lil
getaway trip until next Monday evening.
Also,  that she has been getting quit a few leads
on her real estate job, no buyers yet, but you
have to get those leads first, and it always
takes some time.

that we can get our best Vit D and a tan from
the sun.......I would much rather do that than
take the capsules.  Also it boost my melatonin
levels and makes me feel better emotionallly.

Well, here's to another
 week of blessings,

Glad you decided to come by.......
Hope you will let me know you 
were here by your comments.

Have a Hap Hap Happy Friday
 and Weekend
with those you love the most,

Love,  Hugs
and last week of August

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Anne Graham Lotz - urgent call to prayer for Sept. 1, 2014

Morning Sweet Peas,

How are you today??
Having a good day, I hope!

Having a good day here, so far, Have our lil
 darling today, she isn't feeling great tho,
 cutting more molars and chewing on every-
thing, bless her heart. She in down for her nap,
 so wanted to get this posted, since it will be
 happening on Monday.

Received this by email from Anne Graham Lotz 
yesterday, and really felt to pass the info along
as their might be many of you who would like
to participate in this call to prayer!

If interested click here or go to
and it will show the video you see below
and explain what it is about.

Have a Sunny Day.......

Hugs and Blessings,

Didn't realize it would not all show when I posted it.
9 1 1: An Urgent Call to Pray for Jerusalem
View this email in your browser
Anne Graham Lotz: An Invitation to Pray for Jerusalem
Watch the Video
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If you haven't already, please sign up here to receive an email prayer on September 1, 2014 that Anne has written specifically for 9 1 1:  An Urgent Call to Pray for Jerusalem so that together we can pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
For more about Anne's assignment to pray for Jerusalem, please click here.

For additional questions about 9 1 1, please see our Frequently Asked Questions page.

And I will pour out on…the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication.  They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son. On that day the weeping in Jerusalem will be great…each clan by itself…And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written:  “The deliverer will come from Zion; he will turn godlessness away from Jacob.  And this is my covenant with them when I take away their sins.”  Zechariah 12:10-12, Romans 11:26-27
Copyright © 2014 AnGeL Ministries, All rights reserved.

AnGeL Ministries
5115 Hollyridge Drive, Raleigh, NC 27612-3111 / 919.787.6606

Do not reply to this email.  Please click here to contact us.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Pumpkin Pancakes (Gluten Free or Regular) and weekend update

 Happy Tuesday to you!

Hope this finds you well and happy
 this morning.

I am still waking up..........even tho I have been
up about an hour or so.  Looks like it is gonna be
another beautiful day out there.

We had a fun weekend, Friday we got take out
from Carrabbas and watched a movie,  as I was
one tired Grammy, happy but tired as I had fun
with our lil darling for 3 days this week.
Sat. hubby and I always make a nice traditional
breakfast, but I quickly realized I was out of
my gluten free waffles,  so thought what can
I do in place of that,  so had this gluten free
muffin mix you will see here below,  and a
can of pumpkin so decided to make some
pumpkin pancakes, and they were delicious.
So we got a lil early jump on Fall this year,
since we usually don't make these accept in
the since they were the first
of the season,  they were really good!!

So decided once we had eaten them,  poo,
I should have taken pics, so I could share the
recipe with everyone.  So decided to take
a few pics so I could use them to post today.
That is why the pancakes are so plain and
not as great a presentation as they could
have been!!  lol

Then we went out and painted our new
to be mailbox post that has been sitting
in our garage for quite a while now.

Sat. evening we went over to see Scott
 and Megan's new home, could not believe
how settled in they were already, you would
think they have been there 2 months rather
than 2 days.  lol  They don't let any moss
grow under their feet, lol, and the house
 Inside and out and neighborhood is simply
wonderful. They and we really love their
new abode, and altho they are in a nearby
town, it only takes about 5 more minutes to
 get there, cause we can take the interstate 
now.  I was thinking it would be another
15 -20 mins., so that was a nice surprise.

Sunday was our usual.....we had a full class in
Sunday school, only 1 chair left, lol,  then our
Children's Pastor preached this week, and did
 a super job, then we ran to yomii for our frozen
 yogurt fix, and ran into someone we hadn't seen
 in almost 15 years, which is always a fun thing,
 then came home and took a nap and then
 watched some Pastors we enjoy on TV.  
So it was a very restful day, that we
 really needed.

Hope you had a nice restful weekend too.

Will give you the scoop on the pumpkin
pancakes now.............

This is the Gluten free Muffin Mix, we just 
happened to have, that I thought should
make good pancakes,  and I was right!!

You could use this:
Gluten free Muffin Mix or any Gluten free
 pancake mix or any regular pancake mix if you
 don't need the gluten free......... and make
 according to package directions......or your
own recipe.

Then add:

1/2  of a 15 oz. can of Pumpkin 

1 teaspoon of Cinnamon

1/4 tsp. of nutmeg

1/4 tsp. of ginger

1/4 tsp. cloves

add milk for the desired thickness
you would like. (think I used about
1/4 - 1/2 cup, not sure cause I didn't
measure it)  Sorry!!

 Didn't think about sharing this till 
after we finished eating them or
else the pictures would have had
syrups and nuts on the pancakes, for
a nicer presentation!  lol

Mix until well blended, then use a griddle and spray
with cooking spray, then use a 1/4  measuring cup, 
and put the batter on the griddle in circles and cook
the pancakes on medium heat until you see them
start to form lil bubbles all over the pancake, then
flip them over and cook the other side till brown,
then remove them to a plate.
You may have to reduce the heat to low at some
point if they are getting too dark brown, like the
back one in my

Add your favorite Syrup or topping,  we used 
coconut oil and syrup,  my fav is log cabin lite,
 hubby likes pure maple syrup.

These are wonderful for the Fall especially.


Thanks so much for stopping by,  always nice to
have visitors..........hope you will let me know
you were here with a comment.

Sharing over at Dwelling with Cindy
Just Click Here

Sharing over at Stroll Thru Life with Marty
Just click here

Sharing with Patti and Paula over at
Ivey and Elephants,  Please click here

Sharing with the Style Sisters
Click here to go visit

Sharing with Lois over at 
Walking on Sunshine recipes
Just click here to go there!

Love, Hugs and 

Early Pumpkin Blessings,

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - August 21, 2014

The heavens declare the glory of God;
 the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 
 Day after day they pour forth speech;
 night after night they display knowledge.
 There is no speech or language where
 their voice is not heard.
Psalm 19:1-3

Greetings and Salutations
Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a good day
 where every you live!

 Mine is just getting started
but anticipating a good day and will be resting
and  getting ready for my lil darling to come late this
 afternoon for a sleep over.  Her parents moved out of
 the old house yesterday  and today after both closings, 
 they will be moving into the new house,  and getting her
 room painted so they can get it set up before she
 comes home on Friday...................

The last 3 days have been stunningly gorgeous, altho
hot as blue blazes and with no rain, which has been
nice emotionally ..........but the grass is already 
showing signs of  distress and dryness, and it stays
hotter as well. So sort of hoping for some rain today 
sometime.  lol
I am thinking the Lord probably thinks I wish these
people would make up there minds,  do you want
rain or shine!!   lol  Guess we want a little of both.

Guess that is what made me think of these shots I
took at the beach a few years ago and since we
 are in our last days of summer time, they seemed
to be fitting.........
The header and first pic are of Sunsets,  the 2nd
and 3rd one just of the beach,  love those sand
patterns and lil sandpipers, so cute.
4th and 5th ones of Sunrise.  The last one an
adorable sandcastle some children had made.

Well,  guess I had best get on with my list!!

I am thankful

for a fun day out shopping with hubby on  Saturday, 
and din din at Cracker Barrel. It had rained so
 it cooled things off about 20 degrees, so made 
it not so bad to be out in the heat.  Bought a few
 things but most are going back cause I changed
 my mind or didn't like the way it looked...........

I am just so decisive these days!  lol

for a good teaching on spiritual warfare in our Sunday 
School class,  and that we are keeping a steady 
number of students these days.

( make sure to click on one of the pics so they will
enlarge them all, cause they looks so much prettier that way)

that I will get to see Brooklyn for 3 days in a row
 this week, since Mommy and Daddy will be moving.

that my friend with the broken foot had a good week
 back at work last week.  She said it went much better
 than she thought.
She has 4 weeks down and 4 to go till hopefully she 
will get a boot and be able to put some weight on her
Update:  She found out it was gonna be 6 weeks,
instead of the 4 weeks now, bless her heart..............
A bit discouraging I am sure.

Also glad I got to visit with her for a while on Monday.

for our Youth Pastor who has been filling in for our
 Sr. Pastor the last 3 weeks, while he is away working
on his doctorate.
Our Youth Pastor has done an outstanding job.
  He is full of passion too,  just like our Sr. Pastor.

that we did our research and got our absentee
ballots in the mail on Tuesday.  We really
love voting like this cause it gives you a much
longer and better chance to research the
candidates, and that has never been more
important than in these days!

for all the gluten free items and recipes that can
 be found out there now.  Such a blessing!

that friends that live in the St. Louis area, are doing  fine.
  The situation in Ferguson is not near them thankfully.

for a short but very sweet visit from my lil buddy across
 the street, he came over on Sunday and was telling me 
about his new school schedule and was somewhat
disappointed, so I was able to share an experience I
 had with that when I was in school and how it turned out
 being such a good thing for he went home
with a different perspective I think.....

that Brooklyn and I got to skype with Dee on Wednesday.
  We haven't done it in a long while and Dee hasn't seen
 the baby since June, so thought it was time,  had just
sort of  forgotten about
It actually went quite well and was fun for Dee to see
 the baby and for us to see her as well. Poor Rosie
hears my voice and thinks we are there,  so she 
barks off and on.

for the way the Lord speaks to our hearts all the time,
but particularly when it is about things that seem 
overwhelming to us.  The other day I was praying
for the Iraqi christians that are being martyred and
asking the Lord to save them ( meaning sparing
their lives) and I felt like the Lord said deep in my
heart "Save them to what?",  and I thought how
horrible their lives are right now,  they are starving
and have no food, no home or shelter, and probably
scared too death all the time. and then a verse that
the Lord had given me years ago about another
situation flashed to my mind.  It is Isaiah 57:1-2,
and the gist of it is Righteous people are taken
away to be spared from Evil.............
In all this as horrific as it is,  God is taking them
home where there is nothing but Joy and good
things and a wonderful place to be.....

God is good all the time, he has a plan and
a purpose in all He allows, and it usually has to
do with winning over those who don't know Jesus
because He doesn't desire that any should perish
but that all should come to Him and have eternal
life............that way we never die, even tho our
body does, our soul never lives
eternally with Him...........
John 3:16

Am hoping this will encourage you,
 cause it sure did encourage me,
and that is the purpose in which I share it!!

that Scott and Megan got everything in the truck, 
 even tho they had to fill both their cars and our van
 up  with some  things. Hubby said they got the
 biggest truck they could get too, but needed
just a lil more

Well, here's another week at Cozy Place,
hope it is a reminder of all the little and big
things we have to be thankful for..........

So happy you could join me today,
and hope you say hello just so I know you
were here...................

Love,  Hugs and 
Sunshiny Blessings,


Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie