Thursday, August 21, 2014

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - August 21, 2014

The heavens declare the glory of God;
 the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 
 Day after day they pour forth speech;
 night after night they display knowledge.
 There is no speech or language where
 their voice is not heard.
Psalm 19:1-3

Greetings and Salutations
Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a good day
 where every you live!

 Mine is just getting started
but anticipating a good day and will be resting
and  getting ready for my lil darling to come late this
 afternoon for a sleep over.  Her parents moved out of
 the old house yesterday  and today after both closings, 
 they will be moving into the new house,  and getting her
 room painted so they can get it set up before she
 comes home on Friday...................

The last 3 days have been stunningly gorgeous, altho
hot as blue blazes and with no rain, which has been
nice emotionally ..........but the grass is already 
showing signs of  distress and dryness, and it stays
hotter as well. So sort of hoping for some rain today 
sometime.  lol
I am thinking the Lord probably thinks I wish these
people would make up there minds,  do you want
rain or shine!!   lol  Guess we want a little of both.

Guess that is what made me think of these shots I
took at the beach a few years ago and since we
 are in our last days of summer time, they seemed
to be fitting.........
The header and first pic are of Sunsets,  the 2nd
and 3rd one just of the beach,  love those sand
patterns and lil sandpipers, so cute.
4th and 5th ones of Sunrise.  The last one an
adorable sandcastle some children had made.

Well,  guess I had best get on with my list!!

I am thankful

for a fun day out shopping with hubby on  Saturday, 
and din din at Cracker Barrel. It had rained so
 it cooled things off about 20 degrees, so made 
it not so bad to be out in the heat.  Bought a few
 things but most are going back cause I changed
 my mind or didn't like the way it looked...........

I am just so decisive these days!  lol

for a good teaching on spiritual warfare in our Sunday 
School class,  and that we are keeping a steady 
number of students these days.

( make sure to click on one of the pics so they will
enlarge them all, cause they looks so much prettier that way)

that I will get to see Brooklyn for 3 days in a row
 this week, since Mommy and Daddy will be moving.

that my friend with the broken foot had a good week
 back at work last week.  She said it went much better
 than she thought.
She has 4 weeks down and 4 to go till hopefully she 
will get a boot and be able to put some weight on her
Update:  She found out it was gonna be 6 weeks,
instead of the 4 weeks now, bless her heart..............
A bit discouraging I am sure.

Also glad I got to visit with her for a while on Monday.

for our Youth Pastor who has been filling in for our
 Sr. Pastor the last 3 weeks, while he is away working
on his doctorate.
Our Youth Pastor has done an outstanding job.
  He is full of passion too,  just like our Sr. Pastor.

that we did our research and got our absentee
ballots in the mail on Tuesday.  We really
love voting like this cause it gives you a much
longer and better chance to research the
candidates, and that has never been more
important than in these days!

for all the gluten free items and recipes that can
 be found out there now.  Such a blessing!

that friends that live in the St. Louis area, are doing  fine.
  The situation in Ferguson is not near them thankfully.

for a short but very sweet visit from my lil buddy across
 the street, he came over on Sunday and was telling me 
about his new school schedule and was somewhat
disappointed, so I was able to share an experience I
 had with that when I was in school and how it turned out
 being such a good thing for he went home
with a different perspective I think.....

that Brooklyn and I got to skype with Dee on Wednesday.
  We haven't done it in a long while and Dee hasn't seen
 the baby since June, so thought it was time,  had just
sort of  forgotten about
It actually went quite well and was fun for Dee to see
 the baby and for us to see her as well. Poor Rosie
hears my voice and thinks we are there,  so she 
barks off and on.

for the way the Lord speaks to our hearts all the time,
but particularly when it is about things that seem 
overwhelming to us.  The other day I was praying
for the Iraqi christians that are being martyred and
asking the Lord to save them ( meaning sparing
their lives) and I felt like the Lord said deep in my
heart "Save them to what?",  and I thought how
horrible their lives are right now,  they are starving
and have no food, no home or shelter, and probably
scared too death all the time. and then a verse that
the Lord had given me years ago about another
situation flashed to my mind.  It is Isaiah 57:1-2,
and the gist of it is Righteous people are taken
away to be spared from Evil.............
In all this as horrific as it is,  God is taking them
home where there is nothing but Joy and good
things and a wonderful place to be.....

God is good all the time, he has a plan and
a purpose in all He allows, and it usually has to
do with winning over those who don't know Jesus
because He doesn't desire that any should perish
but that all should come to Him and have eternal
life............that way we never die, even tho our
body does, our soul never lives
eternally with Him...........
John 3:16

Am hoping this will encourage you,
 cause it sure did encourage me,
and that is the purpose in which I share it!!

that Scott and Megan got everything in the truck, 
 even tho they had to fill both their cars and our van
 up  with some  things. Hubby said they got the
 biggest truck they could get too, but needed
just a lil more

Well, here's another week at Cozy Place,
hope it is a reminder of all the little and big
things we have to be thankful for..........

So happy you could join me today,
and hope you say hello just so I know you
were here...................

Love,  Hugs and 
Sunshiny Blessings,



  1. Nice list! We have many Iraqi Christians (Chaldeans) in our parish and they are heartbroken.

  2. Sounds like you've had a busy week, Nellie! I'm checking out some blogs while Mother takes a little nap here in her Special Unit room....

    Except for helping at a funeral dinner on Tuesday, most of my time has been spent here with my Mother (or over at my father's place).

    Yesterday afternoon when I got home, I listened to the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir singing on You Tube. The Holy Spirit ministered to my heart through)

    Oops. Mother is stirring. I need to stop! Hope the rest of the week and weekend are full of blessings for you and yours.♥

  3. Sounds like you've had a busy week, Nellie! I'm checking out some blogs while Mother takes a little nap here in her Special Unit room....

    Except for helping at a funeral dinner on Tuesday, most of my time has been spent here with my Mother (or over at my father's place).

    Yesterday afternoon when I got home, I listened to the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir singing on You Tube. The Holy Spirit ministered to my heart through)

    Oops. Mother is stirring. I need to stop! Hope the rest of the week and weekend are full of blessings for you and yours.♥

  4. This is such a great reminder that there is always planty to be thankful for! I'm thankful for your visit, for one! I don't get around visiting blogs like I once did, and it is a real lift for me. It has been a beautiful summer in the SW, and I'm glad there is still lots of it left. But fall is always gorgeous here. I love it when fellow linen lovers stop by! Thanks for letting me know you came by for a visit!

  5. Yeah, finally rain! It began just after I finished mowing the front and back acreage! I started at 5:30 and finished about 7:15! The weather was cloudy and a slight breeze, just right for mowing!

    #1. I need to go to Cracker Barrel and use my card! I'll by one meal and another for take out to use up the card since I don't get over there that often.
    #2. I so enjoy my class too! We have a lower number due to some going north for the summer.
    #3. Wow wee! She won't know what to think! I wonder how she will respond to the new house?
    #4. GOD bless her! It's really hard on her since she too takes care of her lawn too!
    #5. He has done a great job. He kept me pretty busy on camera with his moving around on the platform. However, he is a snail when compared to video taping pastor Mike, ha!
    #6. I need to check with you on a couple of the entries.
    #7. Bless you for having the patience to look for them!
    #8. ?
    #9. I really feel for them this year. The replacement for FCAT is more in depth as well as more frequent!
    #10. I was just thinking the other day, what did we use to do years ago without cell phones much less Skype!
    #11. I pray there are others brought to salvation in Jesus when they see the testimony of these Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
    #12. It's amazing how much we can accumulate! I remember when mom, dad, and I moved!
    Love you all, Susan

  6. Hi Nellie! It was so uplifting to see all that you are thankful for. I really need to do that too...count my blessings, name them one by one, see the many things that God has done. Love your fabulous pictures of God's creation!!!

  7. Beautiful pictures!! Thanks for visiting my blog and the compliments and suggestions on my cottage...I love them! Blessings~~~Roxie

  8. Hi Nellie, Your pictures are beautiful and I loved reading about your blessings. I keep a "grateful" journal where at the end of each day I write the people and things I am grateful for.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: