Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Pumpkin Pancakes (Gluten Free or Regular) and weekend update

 Happy Tuesday to you!

Hope this finds you well and happy
 this morning.

I am still waking up..........even tho I have been
up about an hour or so.  Looks like it is gonna be
another beautiful day out there.

We had a fun weekend, Friday we got take out
from Carrabbas and watched a movie,  as I was
one tired Grammy, happy but tired as I had fun
with our lil darling for 3 days this week.
Sat. hubby and I always make a nice traditional
breakfast, but I quickly realized I was out of
my gluten free waffles,  so thought what can
I do in place of that,  so had this gluten free
muffin mix you will see here below,  and a
can of pumpkin so decided to make some
pumpkin pancakes, and they were delicious.
So we got a lil early jump on Fall this year,
since we usually don't make these accept in
the Fall..........so since they were the first
of the season,  they were really good!!

So decided once we had eaten them,  poo,
I should have taken pics, so I could share the
recipe with everyone.  So decided to take
a few pics so I could use them to post today.
That is why the pancakes are so plain and
not as great a presentation as they could
have been!!  lol

Then we went out and painted our new
to be mailbox post that has been sitting
in our garage for quite a while now.

Sat. evening we went over to see Scott
 and Megan's new home, could not believe
how settled in they were already, you would
think they have been there 2 months rather
than 2 days.  lol  They don't let any moss
grow under their feet, lol, and the house
 Inside and out and neighborhood is simply
wonderful. They and we really love their
new abode, and altho they are in a nearby
town, it only takes about 5 more minutes to
 get there, cause we can take the interstate 
now.  I was thinking it would be another
15 -20 mins., so that was a nice surprise.

Sunday was our usual.....we had a full class in
Sunday school, only 1 chair left, lol,  then our
Children's Pastor preached this week, and did
 a super job, then we ran to yomii for our frozen
 yogurt fix, and ran into someone we hadn't seen
 in almost 15 years, which is always a fun thing,
 then came home and took a nap and then
 watched some Pastors we enjoy on TV.  
So it was a very restful day, that we
 really needed.

Hope you had a nice restful weekend too.

Will give you the scoop on the pumpkin
pancakes now.............

This is the Gluten free Muffin Mix, we just 
happened to have, that I thought should
make good pancakes,  and I was right!!

You could use this:
Gluten free Muffin Mix or any Gluten free
 pancake mix or any regular pancake mix if you
 don't need the gluten free......... and make
 according to package directions......or your
own recipe.

Then add:

1/2  of a 15 oz. can of Pumpkin 

1 teaspoon of Cinnamon

1/4 tsp. of nutmeg

1/4 tsp. of ginger

1/4 tsp. cloves

add milk for the desired thickness
you would like. (think I used about
1/4 - 1/2 cup, not sure cause I didn't
measure it)  Sorry!!

 Didn't think about sharing this till 
after we finished eating them or
else the pictures would have had
syrups and nuts on the pancakes, for
a nicer presentation!  lol

Mix until well blended, then use a griddle and spray
with cooking spray, then use a 1/4  measuring cup, 
and put the batter on the griddle in circles and cook
the pancakes on medium heat until you see them
start to form lil bubbles all over the pancake, then
flip them over and cook the other side till brown,
then remove them to a plate.
You may have to reduce the heat to low at some
point if they are getting too dark brown, like the
back one in my picture........lol

Add your favorite Syrup or topping,  we used 
coconut oil and syrup,  my fav is log cabin lite,
 hubby likes pure maple syrup.

These are wonderful for the Fall especially.


Thanks so much for stopping by,  always nice to
have visitors..........hope you will let me know
you were here with a comment.

Sharing over at Dwelling with Cindy
Just Click Here

Sharing over at Stroll Thru Life with Marty
Just click here

Sharing with Patti and Paula over at
Ivey and Elephants,  Please click here

Sharing with the Style Sisters
Click here to go visit

Sharing with Lois over at 
Walking on Sunshine recipes
Just click here to go there!

Love, Hugs and 

Early Pumpkin Blessings,


  1. Dear Nellie,
    Thanks so much for coming by and taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate every one of them!
    So happy that I came by today :0)
    We have pancakes EVERY Sunday. It's a family tradition. I love making pumpkin pancakes in the Fall . . . and can't wait to make them as soon as our temps drop and it begins to feel like Fall.
    Thanks so much for sharing with us!
    Have a wonderful week,

  2. I can hardly wait to make some! I haven't eaten yet, so as soon as I'm finished blogging, I'm going to make me some. I have some can pumpkin I haven't opened yet. I think I'll use 1/4 tsp of ginger instead of 14,ha!
    You have such great recipes! Love you all, Susan

  3. Hi Nellie, I love pumpkin pancakes. They are such comfort food. Enjoy the rest of your week. Hugs, Linda

  4. These look so yummy! I love pumpkin ANYTHING! Thanks for the recipe!

  5. We love sweet potato pancakes but have never tried pumpkin, this sound soooo good!

  6. I love pancakes but I've never used a mix. I have some buttermilk right now...maybe I'll make some too. I eat mine with fruit! Enjoy your week! Hugs!

  7. Sounds delish! I have a friend who can't have gluten. Will have to share.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...