Thursday, January 1, 2015

Thankful Thursday - Jan. 1, 2014 and part 3 of Christmas Living Room Tour

 For I know the plans I have for you,"
 says the LORD.
 "They are plans for good and 
not for disaster,
 to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11

Happy New Year
Sweet Friends,

Hope you had a good
and safe New Years,
and are looking forward
to 2015.....

It is really hard to believe it has 
arrived, but we are looking forward
 to it.  Put up my new calendar today.
So am ready there!!  lol

We stayed up to watch the ball drop,
 then stayed up till our neighbors quit
shooting off fireworks over our woods,
 @ 1 a.m. I Like to go check that side
 of the house and woods to make sure
 we have no fires first.......then I 
can sleep much better!!  lol

Not a whole lot going on here to report,
so will get on with Thankful Thursday
and the last of our Christmas Decor.

I am Thankful

For a really sweet and blessed Christmas
eve and Christmas with our dear ones........

that Jerry's parents went up to spend
 Christmas with Dee and Jerry.  This was
her and our first Christmas to not be together,
since she was born.
They really had a great time and so did we,
so it wasn't anywhere near as bad as we
thought it would be..............God is good!

that a floral arrangement I sent to Dee finally
got there late Christmas Eve, even tho it was
 quite a rigamorole and it was a very poor
 representation of what we really ordered,
 but at least she got something....

It is quite the story...........I can tell you I will
probably never use teleflora again........

The reason I sent the arrangement was for
sentimental reasons.  Years ago when I was
in my early 20's and our first Christmas in 
our new home....... My Mom sent me an
arrangement for my table along with a big
poinsettia the first time I hosted Christmas
 with my hubby's family.  It was such a sweet
 surprise and blessing and I still remember
 it today like it was yesterday, so wanted to 
give her that gift as well.
But thanks to Teleflora,  it was quite an
 ordeal, my suggestion to Teleflora is if you
 are already swamped don't take any new
 orders..............I digressed there......
the most important thing is .............
 the kids were touched by the sentiment
and did like it...... thank goodness.
I did send her a pic so she they could see
what they were suppose to look like.

But most importantly......
it was still a blessing to her!

These are the lil angels that light up that the
baby likes so much.

for all the lovely cards, and gifts we
 received for Christmas.

for all the rest we have gotten during the
Christmas season.  We have really been
enjoying our time since Christmas as we
have had nothing we have to do,  so that
has been nice.  I am feeling so much better,
but still coughing a lot and tire out easily.
Once hubby goes back to work we are
 gonna be chomping at the bit to

Which is a great way to start the
New year.

 Brooklyn is watching me trying to take a pic
of her........before I got the camera she was
looking straight ahead and it would have been
a perfect picture, but that never happened 
again,  lol  so this was the next best one.

for sweet friends from church who
 stopped by on Christmas eve bearing
baked goodies.  So thoughtful!!

Even prettier at night, don't you think!

for the presentation, encouraging 
Christmas card and gift cards
 from our Young Marrieds class.
  Such a lovely and  quite 
unexpected surprise!

for all the leftovers that kept me from
having to cook for days.   lol

another free printable from Ann over at
On Sutton Place.

for all the great Christmas movies and
music we got to watch and listen too,
that adds so much to our Christmas
Season, as that is all we watch or
listen too,  from the day after
 Thanksgiving till New Years!

and also for all these neat free
printables that can be used as
Christmas decorations. I so 
enjoyed them.

for a really fun New Years eve, and New Years
 morning with our lil darling...... she just learned 
to say Happy.  It was so cute!!
  She just kept saying it over and over again.
Ha Pee, Hap ee, Ha Pee, she just cracks me
 up!!  Sorta reminds me of the guy on duck
dynasty,  Happy, happy, happy!  accept
much much

that Brooklyn slept so well, altho she
 woke up a few times she went right back
 to sleep, and she is so adorable when she
 wakes up. She stood up so I smiled at her
 and said Good Morning, as her bed is right
 next to ours, and she just said nothing and
 disappeared because she likes to wallow
 around in the crib and talk to herself for 
awhile before she gets up, then she likes
 to cuddle a lil once she decides to get up.
So sweet................. Just love that,
 and love listening to her chatter to
 herself...............she is truly a real
joy giver!!

for 3-4 lovely long chats with our Dee
this week,  we are really missing her,
and hoping to see her in February 

for having some time to blog and visit
some this passed week. Looking forward 
to seeing what you are all up to in the
 New Year!

So glad you stopped by and 
hope you
take the time to say hello.

If you missed part 2 and 
would like to see it just
click here!

Again Happy New Year!

May it be your best year yet!!

Love, Hugs, and
Happy New Year Blessings
to You and Yours,

Sharing over at:

The Style Sisters with Karin

French Country Cottage with Courtney

Rooted in Thyme with Jody and Stan

Dwellings with Cindy


  1. Happy New Year Nellie! That little Brooklyn is a cute one!
    I remember the story about the flower people last Christmas on the news. It was big here. They sent out all these dead flowers. Happened again on Valentine's. So I can picture your gift. LOL! It's something you guys will remember and laugh about in the future.
    Everything is good here. Enjoy the rest of the holidays. Have a fantastic day!

  2. #1. It was so enjoyable to be with all of you, though I missed DeeAnna and Jerry.
    #2. What a blessing for them at Christmas!
    #3. Moms can't go wrong when their children receive gifts from them! I love your angel and tree lights!
    #4. Yes, here as well!
    #5. My allergies started. I haven't been on Claritin for a month! So, I went out and got some and have really felt the difference!
    #6. Alice brought me some of her coconut cake!
    #7. I remembered to give a love offering to the pastors. I hope it wasn't too late!
    #8. Yes, and thank you for mine!
    #9. If only Christmas could continue all year around!
    #10. I was in bed at 10:20 and asleep New Year's Eve until I heard the fireworks go off, ha!
    #11. What a happy little soul!
    #12. I told her (in an e-mail) you had her gift and Jerry's card!
    #13. The LORD has led me to His Sermon on the Mount.
    Love you all, Susan

  3. Happy New Year! I love that verse in Jeremiah. Love your little white tree and angels Nellie. Such a sweet picture capturing of Brooklyn in the mirror, she's adorable.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie