Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Super Easy, Rolo Pretzel Candies Recipe

Hiddy Ho Sweet Friends,

How are you this dreary day?? 
 Course, maybe it isn't a dreary day
 where you
but it sure is here in Central Florida,
  looks like a Winter day, for sure
but it is 70+ degrees. Go Figure!

Watching lil darling today, and she
 should be waking up from her
 nappy soon.  We have had a fun

Have been making these candies
you see in the header pic lately, as 
I usually make them at Christmas 
time, cause everyone loves them,
 and just never did for some reason,
(oh I remember, cause I got sick)
so already had the things I needed, 
so have made several cookie sheets
 of them, and thought I really need to
 share this recipe with you guys gals
cause these would be great for 
Valentines Day. Since we all love
We made them as favors a few
 years ago for Dee's friends baby
 shower and put them in cute lil 
boxes. Anytime I take them any
where people always want to
 know who made them and how.
Also a great recipe to make
with your children. I have already
tried it with Brooklyn, but all she
did was scarf down the pretzels,
so maybe next year!!  lol

Rolo Pretzel Candies


Rolo Candies, either wrapped 
or the new unwrapped minis
(I have been using the unwrapped mini's
 lately and it even makes it quicker to make
 them, but have to say for full flavor the larger
 ones are better,  if you are trying to watch
 your weight the minis are better.  lol)

Synders Pretzel Twists
(I use the gluten free Synders pretzels now)

Pecan Halves
(I buy a large bag of Pecan Halves at Sams
club, cause we eat them all the time)

How to make them:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Use a nonstick cookie sheet
or normal cookie sheet  (with
parchment paper), then add
the amount of pretzel twists,
you desire (I do about 35 at
 a time, cause you don't want
 them right on top of each 
other or they will stick 

Now plop a rolo candy on top 
of each pretzel, (that would be
 35 rolos, for me)

 Then put them in a 350 degree
 oven for about 3 mins, then test
one to see if they are ready......
they should still be normal but
looking like they are starting to
sweat or maybe melt just a tad.
(I test them by taking a pecan or
walnut half and putting atop
the rolo and squish it down, if
it squishes easily they are ready
 for you to top the rest of  them 
with nuts. Just be very quick 
about it............cause they cool
 quickly,  so have your bowl of 
nuts right by where you plan
to put the cookie sheet when
it comes out the often, and
comence squishing!!  lol)

Get your pecans or whatever
type of nut you choose to use
in place,  take the pretzels
out of the oven and 
commence squishing.

Once you are done squishing
You are done..... just let them
cool a lil bit, then..........


These were all I had left as
they don't stay around for

P.S. The last time I made these I 
tried putting some Twix minis atop 
the pretzels and they were great too.
You can probably do just about any
of the mini's but some do have
hydrogenated oils, so we stay clear
of that............

Hope you like them, we sure do!

Sharing with:

Patti and Paula @ Ivey and Elephants 

Karin @ The Style Sisters 

Lois @ Walking on Sunshine

Thanks for coming by..........

See ya tomorrow for 
Thankful Thursday!

P.S. Don't know why the printing
was all wierd in some areas....
the preview was fine...


  1. I believe I have tasted those before at your house. If it's what I'm thinking about, they are delicious-e-o-so!
    Love you, Susan

  2. Thanks Nellie for sharing your snack idea at Foodie Friends Friday!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...