Thursday, October 29, 2015

Short thankful post for Oct. 29, 2015, White living room - Etagere part 1,

Praise be to God,
 who has not rejected my prayer 
or withheld his love from me!
Psalm 66:20

Happy Thursday Sweet Friends,

So...........How are ya?? 
 Doing well, I hope!

We are still having fun, so this will not be my
typical Thankful Thursday post,  since I am
limited on time, and all but this opening part
 was already prepared ahead of time,  but can
think of 2 thanksfuls right off the top of my

I am thankful 
for a movie we saw this
week called "Woodlawn".  It is based
on a true story, and is truly such an
 inspirational movie, bring your tissues
as I wept thru most of the movie  as 
this movie shows a remarkable moving
of God.  Good weeping, for sure!

I am thankful
for a book we have been reading by
Dr. Ben Carson called "A more per-
fect Union",  it is really a good book
and I think every American needs to
read it..............we would highly
recommend it...............

Had to come back and add this one.

I am thankful
that the Lord protected my SIL Susan
from a possible accident when the 
brakes just totally went out on her 
truck.  Also that she was able to 
have it towed, and that she knew 
where to send it since she gets it
 serviced on a regular basis. They 
replaced her master cylinder and
 gave the truck a thorough going over
 to make sure everything else is fine.
So she is up and running again.

Gonna stop there for today................
So hope you enjoy the pics of our Fall

This adorable lil plaster of paris pumpkin
and leaf were a gift from Becky,
 "The pumpkin Queen" over at Time Washed.  
She gave it to me some years back, and
 have to say it is definitely one of my favs!
Course, I love all my
In case you have never visited her blog,
but would like to.........

with poster edges affect

Decided to change it up just a lil,  thought
 the white punkin showed up much better
 on the grapevine, and put the leaf where
 it shows up more too!

With paint daubs and equalized affect.

I am thankful for you Sweet Friends, 
always enjoy knowing you came by
 and thanks for your encouragement, 
prayers, and lovely comments and
 just taking the time to visit.

Have a really Delightful Friday
and Weekend!

Love, Hugs and
Fun Autumn Blessings,


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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Fall Foyer and Livingroom coffee table

Helloooooo Sweet Friends,

Can you believe we are in the last week
 of October already?  My, my, my where
 does the time go?

We are still having fun over here, so here
 is one of the posts I prepared in advance.

These are some pictures from our
foyer and living room coffee table.

Wasn't totally thrilled with the 
foyer, but just never got back to it,
so it is what it

This pumpkin is on the wall above
 this plant stand above.....

Side table in living room

our coffee table in this room is my 
cedar hope chest I got as a graduation
 present from my Dad and Step-Mom
 many moons ago!  lol
I had it painted white about 13 yrs.
ago, and have enjoyed it so much
more this way.................

Just took a tray and put all the white pcs.
 on there then sprinkled it with leaves from
 Asheville that I preserved several years ago.
  I could have sworn I did a tutorial post on
 that,  but have not been able to find it,
 if I did........ lol

Then added a fall pick, candle and 
some fall potpourri to the hen.

Drug out the cake plate and added the
 lil pumpkin then sprinkled potpourri 
all around it.  Makes for a quick and
easy presentation.

with posterized affect

With Cut out affect

Blew the candle out and just
to catch the smoke....

Thought I would get this posted 
before hubby gets up......we have 
been staying up late,  so he is
 sleeping in.....if you have been
reading my blog long you know
we equate staying up late with
Fun and

You have a really delightful day!

Love, Hugs, and
End of October Blessings,

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Saturday, October 24, 2015

Thankful Thursday October 22, 2015, and Fall scenes from Cozy Place Past.......

For everything God created is good,
 and nothing is to be rejected
 if it is received with thanksgiving,
1 Timothy 4:4

Greeting Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you enjoying life.

We sure are.....hubby has been on
vacation so we are enjoying the
time together and having a fun
time, and just doing whatever
we want for the most part.

So you probably want hear a lot
from me for awhile, but I did 
prepare a few posts with pics,
so will post those...........when
or if I have the time.

Hubby started coming down
with a cold and has felt pretty
good until around noonish today
so he decided a nap might be a
good idea, so that gave me some
time to finish this post which
was almost done, just late for
the aforementioned reasons.  lol
So hope you enjoy it.

I Am Thankful

that I got my french doors painted
and they look so nice,  also that we
were finally able to get the lock back
in the door,  it really gave us a run
for our money and took over an
hour to get it
Ridiculous Really........

that a friend who is a single parent and
and has some mega financial needs w/
lots of things going wrong with her
house and car was able to get some
help from some friends and our/her
 church. Course, those are just drops
 in the bucket to what she really needs,
 but did get a few things off the list
 anyway, and of course, she is so
grateful for that..........

for a good time with Scott, Megan and
 the baby Sunday evening. Lil darling 
just cracked us up because Megan had
 bought her a Minnie Mouse nite gown
 and brought it to put on her later for bed
time, but once she saw it, she wanted to
 put it on right away........and once she
 had it on,  she was one tickled pink 
lil gal.........she is just so adorable...

that I successful made some nice scented
 spray to use in the bathroom. I typically
just use bath and body spray, since you can
 find a color to match and they smell great.
So last time I went to Target I decided to
buy some since we were almost out, but
they didn't have a color that would go....
 so the thought came to me that I have a
 number of scented oils so maybe I should
 just try and make my own.  So had one
 called Enchanted Orchid that was nice.

So here is how I did it.............
So rinsed out the bottle good, of the had
 used up, then put about 6 drops of oil in,
 and then added filtered water almost to
 the top. Shook it up and sprayed it, and
it still needed a lil more scent,  so added
 4 more drops of oil.  (You might have to
adjust that base on the scented oil you
and wella.......... a non aerosol bathroom
 spray,  and saved us over $8..........smells
 great and it is clear, with no color for now, 
but I can always add a lil food coloring if 
I want....and it took less than
 5 mins. to make.

that I was able to take our kitty in to
the vet last Friday for her yearly phy-
sical, and her shots. Guess this is the
season for getting us all to the
I really am not crazy about going to
the Vets office either.....just some
 thing about the smell in there that
I can't know what ??
As I am writing this it just occurred
to me,  I don't remember smelling it
this time! Think that smell is some
thing that they disinfect with, and
maybe they changed that........Oh,.
That would sure work for me!!  lol

that Avantage pet pest control does 
not have an expiration date, as we had
2 doses left and as you pet lovers know
it is fairly expensive, so nice to be able
to still use I don't put it on
her all the time, cause it is a pesticide
and you gotta wonder how that affects
them physically..........

that a crazy dream I had on Tuesday
morning was just that... a dream..........
One of those dreams that wake you up
 with a sense of panic, and then you are
so so happy it was a dream.

for a new to me snack discovery......
that is quite delicious....
I used Keebler Club House reduced
fat crackers, sharp shredded cheese
and Honey Crisp Apples.
Just put the crackers on a plate and
sprinkle them with cheese and then
melt in the microwave for 30 secs.
then add a thin slice of apple on

for Honey Crisp Apples............
Now I am not a huge apple person
unless they are in a salad, but I can
really eat these honey crisp apples,
they are the best apple out there
as far as I am concerned, if you have
never tried one, you should definitely
try them.

for a really cute and pretty fabric 
shower curtain that will go perfect 
in our master bathroom and it was
 only $10. Got it at the Christmas tree
store week before last, but had for-
gotten about it, cause something
got laid on top of
Does that happen at your house??

the Lord reminded me this was Pastor
appreciation month, as I had forgotten
since it has been rather busy lately, so 
was glad to be able to send a note of 
appreciation to our 3 Pastors and their
 wives ......... cause we so appreciate
and love all them............they are
all great folks.

that hubby has this time off, cause we
always enjoy it so much, and just
hope he doesn't get to feeling any
worse, than now.....or me, as I am
starting to feel a bit achy and sore
throatish myself.  So if you feel led
to send up a few prayers in our behalf, 
 we would not mind a bit!! lol

Thanks for coming by...............
always love knowing you have been
by to visit.

Have a great Weekend!

Love,  Hugs and
Last Week of October Blessings,

Sharing with:

My Flagstaff Home with Jennifer

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

Dwellings with Cindy

Ivey and Elephants with Patti and Paula

StarFish Cottage with Kristy and Friends

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

More Fall table tops #2

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope you weekend was a good one, and
hope you had some fun with family and/
or friends and maybe did a lil work too!

That was our weekend... a lil bit of it all.

Was so happy I got my french doors
painted, since that was another thing 
that has been bugging me, but was too
hot to get out and do.........and happy
 we that we got to have some time 
with the family as well.

We are very excited as we have
 something really fun coming up,
 just can't tell you about it quite yet!!

Just thought I would show you a
few more table tops in our family
and dining room area.

This is the top of my serving cart 
that sits in between the family and 
dining room.  This is also where
I used the last pc. of the burlap
runner that I cut up................

Another cutie patootie pumpkin 
my SIL Susan gave m years back.
They each have their own look
and personality just like people

With photocopy affect

My one and only hummel that 
hubby got me for my birthday
 44 years ago when we lived
 in Germany. I bring him out
every Fall to go with the pic

Here's a better look at the picture since there
was a glare on the others. This pic so reminds
me of Germany, so it and the hummel are
a nostalgic treat for us since our Anniversary
 is also in the Fall.  It will be 45 yrs in Nov.

 with posterized affect

I also like pears.......this one is
wooden with a metal leaf. 
Found it at Target some years back.

With Poster edges affect

Bet you can't tell this is our dining room?
See the Rooster on top of my china cabinet,
His name is fondly Big Red,  and our lil
darling just loves him...........and goes
er, er, er when she sees him now,  cause
we used to make a rooster noise any time
she looked at him or touched
Unfortunately you can't see his tail........

This heart wreath was quickly
 and easily made by bending a floral
swag in half and anchoring it with a
 pipe cleaner then just adding a bow.

Really like the black lantern with
the window pane look and the
 faux candle with the big Fall
 Sunflower on top. Lanterns 
are just other 2
are white, so this one is nice
for the Fall/Winter months.

With posterized affect

Thanks for dropping by to visit,
You are always welcome here
and I always appreciate your

If you would like to see more
Fall Table Tops part one
Just click here

Keep your light shining brightly!

Love, Hugs, and
Autumn Blessings,

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie