Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thankful Thursday October 15, 2015, NO $$ Guest Bedroom redo Part 2

 The LORD is my strength and my shield; 
my heart trusts in him, and I am helped.
 My heart leaps for joy and
 I will give thanks to him in song.
Psalm 28:7

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happy

and enjoying the Fall weather and

I am surely enjoying the Fall weather

even tho it only lasts till just before
noon, and in the late evening.  Better
than no Fall
I also made some chicken and dump-
lings and plan to make some Chili having those 
traditional Fall dinners that we save
just for this time of year, and me
and lil darling have been eating our
fair share of pumkin

Lil darling and I played out on the 

porch all morning yesterday and she
was till not ready to come in.............
That child just loves being outside....

Well, here is part 2 of my 0 $$$ 

Guest bedroom redo, If you would
like to see part 1, you can either
scroll down or click here.

So........Will just get on with
 my Thankfuls.....


I AmThankful

that Dee and Jerry just had their 4th
Wedding Anniversary yesterday and
they will be going on a trip soon
to celebrate................

Lights off

Lights on

that last Friday we killed 2 birds with 
one stone and had a good time  while
doing it. 
 We went to hubbies heart Dr., and 
he got a good report, then got our
 van serviced (and watched a Mall cop
 movie while we waited, I find most
of it quite silly, as I am not a slap stick 
comedy type of girl,  lol,  but it was
 entertaining and beats just sitting in
the waiting room) then  we went to
 the Christmas Tree store to look around
 (it's a fun treat, as we only go there once
 in a blue moon) then we went to dinner
 at LongHorn Steakhouse.
So it was a Fun and different
 Friday night!

that all our Dr. visits are out of the way
 for another year or so..........Yea!
Still have tests and things to do and 
to wait for results.........
but at least some of it is done!  lol

that I got some painting done this week, and
looks so nice clean and fresh now.  When
 they painted the house in the Spring, we
 only had a few small areas on the trim that
 needed doing and I already had the paint so
 just told them not to worry with that Part.
Still need to do our french doors out to the
 porch and hoping to do that this Saturday.

that we finally remembered to draw names
 for Christmas. The past 2 yrs. we started
 doing that at Megan's request and it has
worked out really well.  We just kept for-
getting to draw the names this year, when-
ever we are together, so we finally remem-
bered on Wed. so Megan and I just drew for 
everyone, so know we can start shopping,
or if we see something we think they might
 like we can get it.  We got the 2 girls so
they are easy and fun to shop for....

Poster Edges affect

for Fall recipes and dishes that we can look
 forward to every year, as it makes it more 
fun.........and gives us more to
look forward to..............

for the beautiful azure blue sky with
hardly any clouds.  It is so clear, sunny
and gorgeous, and we got to steal a few
mins. to sit in the sun..........delicious!

 Photocopy affect

for a sweet and encouraging email
 from a young lady in our marriage 
class that I have been talking with.
She is such a sweetie, and such an

 Cutout affect

for these new dark chocolate candy bars 
we accidentally found at Target - they
are so delicious.  They are made by
Brookside, and have nuts and dried
 fruit in um um!  So good!

This is what we have on a very small
wall between the entrance to the bed-
room and the closet. Love this lil boy
jeans planter, and have had it for quite
some time.... long story but it always
reminds me of my son and a drawing
he did in High School.

that I got my porch doors and door jam
all cleaned and ready for painting on 
Saturday.  Shouldn't take long to paint 
really but just have to have hubby home
 to take care of the hardware or I would
do it tomorrow. (Friday)

that they put "Fixer, upper" on
our Netflix TV line up. We just 
love Joanna and Chip Gaines,
they are neat people and do some
beautiful work. We really enjoy
watching this show.

for Publix Brand clorox kitchen
cleaner.  It is just about the only
brand that actually has any clorox
in it..........and for 6 clean porch
chairs that I used it on today. It is 
amazing how one kitty can make
such a mess of our porch chairs,
but she does a dandy job of it.
But they look so nice, clean and 
pretty once again!  So happy to
have another outdoor project
done.........whoo hoo!
Love this weather....... it really
 motivates me to get things 
done outside.

After seeing Yvonnes post over at 
StoneGable today,  I think I should
do a retake of this photo! But oh 
well..........wish I had seen her post
before I took these
Want to see what I am talking about
just click here and look for the pics
with the throw. 
 Looks much better huh???
Love her blog, she has so many great

Well, Sweet Folks,  hope you enjoyed

your visit...........
and would love to hear from ya!!

Have a super lovely Friday
 and Weekend!

Love, Hugs,
and Sweet Dreamy Blessings,


  1. Where HAS the week gone?!? (At least you have something to show for it!) Your guest room looks lovely, Nellie!

  2. Glad you got the doctors visit over for a year and I love Fixer Upper too!

  3. Hello dearest Nellie. I love the makeover and your use of the entertainment unit. So clever. I thought I'd already commented on this post Hon, but I must have forgotten to click publish I think. Much love. Mimi xxx

  4. Nellie, it looks so warm and inviting! Lovely job! good!! I try really hard to stay away from that aisle in Target, but sometimes the cart just wants to go by and say hi to all of the chocolate. LOL. Thank you for the visit and sweet comment at The Dedicated House. It means the world. Feel free to share this post at my Make it Pretty Monday party which goes live tonight at 8:00PM CDT. Hope to see you there. Have a lovely week ahead! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  5. #1. Where does the time go!!! 4 years! The LORD bless them greatly!
    #2. I'm not into those movies either, but it was better than the news channel being on like most places have.
    #3. I go Thursday. I cancelled one in December until next year.
    #4. My Sunday School classroom has been done with new window covers! It looks great too!
    #5. Let me know what Jerry likes!
    #6. Yes, even more when my neighbor friend, Alice, brought me a big plate of food that will last me a few days, ha!
    #7. It's amazing the beauty the LORD has for the skies around the times of the equinox!
    #8. Encouraging friends AND family is who the LORD uses to keep us going!
    #9. I've gotten where I like the dark chocolate better than the milk chocolate!
    #10. Want it be great to one Day be in that bright City where we won't have to keep up with the rust, dust, and rot of this world! Streets of gold! Gold will be the City's asphalt! Foundations of Jewels! Can you imagine your present house's foundation being a solid diamond! Gates of ivory (and not from slaughtered elephants!) No shedding of blood or destruction will be found there! Praise GOD! I surely thank Him for my salvation in Christ!
    #11. Isn't it amazing how so easy things look when someone else does it, ha!
    #12.I have found myself looking for the Publix brand of things; not just because they are cheaper, but because of their quality!
    Love you all, Susan

  6. Love your Thankful postings. I didn't realize that Netflix now has Fixer Upper on it! Love their show. I don't know if you saw, but I commented about your posting on our before and after kitchen. Have a beautiful weekend!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 13, 2025, and Valentine's decorations from the past

    For God so love d  the world that he gave  his one and only Son,   that whoever believes  in him shall not perish but have eternal life....