Thursday, October 6, 2016

Thankful Thursday October 6, 2016, Fall's past #6

 But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
 let them ever sing for joy. 
Spread your protection over them,
 that those who love your name
 may rejoice in you. 
Psalm 5:11 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

I sincerely hope your week has
been less stressful than mine.......

It has really been a draining week
starting about Monday afternoon
when we saw that a tropical storm
down south of us, went from a TS
 to a category 5 hurricane over night.
I had a bad feeling we might be in
for trouble. My worst concern was
for Dee and Jerry when I saw it was
gonna hit Charleston. They now live
 near the ocean, not on it but very near
 it.......there bliss of moving to their
 new home last Thursday turned into
 a very distressing time just a few short
 days later, Monday to be exact. We
were already pondering what they
should do....Dee and I anyway, and
watching the updates, by Wed. they
had evacuation orders, which made
it clear they needed to leave, which
Dee and I already thought should thankfully they are
both now settled in hopefully
 safe places.  Yea......
 Then the rest of our family have
all been preparing ourselves as
we live in the Central Florida 
area and we are going to be 
getting the worst of it.  So now Dee
and Jerry are more worried about
our family and Jerry's family who
 are in Boca Raton. Fl.......amazing 
how fast things can change.  
Speaking of that, just heard from
Dee and the storm is past his family
and they are all fine, and they are
much closer to the coast than us.
So thankful to hear that good news,
and makes us feel a bit better about
what is coming towards us.  We
are getting heavy rain but no 
winds yet, but I expect within a
few hours we will be..........
 We were suppose to be
leaving for Charleston tomorrow
(Friday) instead we are going to
be weathering a category 4 
hurricane........Life is what 
happens when you are making
your plans, as the saying goes.
Well, figured I would get this
 posted before our power goes
 out, hoping it want, but the
probability is good that it will.
Any prayers would be greatly
appreciated for our family
right now..........

Just adding a few Fall Past

I am thankful

that our Sunday School get together
went so well.  We were small in #
(only 7 of us) but great in Fun.....
We had some good laughs playing
Guestures and Pit............

that the house is all spic and span
so not a lot to do this week, other
than the daily stuff, and getting
us ready to go visit Dee and Jerry.

for a restful Sat. as we were a bit 
tired from the week.

for a really fun time at Scott and
Megans on Sunday.  Good con-
versation and good food....just
really nice to spend some time
together for a change.


for a tour of their backyard that
lil darling gave me.  She was telling
me the names of all the flowers they
 have, accept she was giving me the
 names of the flowers from a princess
 game we
However, she did give me correct
 flower names according to their color 
tho, it just wasn't those particular ones
but thought she did was pretty darn
 good job for a 31/2 yr. old, as well
as giving me a chuckle or two.  lol

Their backyard is gorgeous, my
son is a grower by profession, altho
he is a salesman for AG products now,
but we always have him give us a a
 tour of their yard cause he is always
growing something neat. This time he
 had lots of papaya's, and we couldn't 
believe how big his papaya trees had
 gotten since we saw them last.  Too
bad I don't like Papaya'

So now Scott has competition as
 he tries to give us a
Lil darling tries to do just what
Daddy adorable!!

that Dee and Jerry have gotten 

pretty settled in already and are
enjoying their new abode.

that I got all our hurricane 
supplies in on Tuesday.

 Dee and Jerry have friends
 in Asheville, as they are being 
evacuated and there were no hotels
left all the way to Greenville, and
Asheville is just another hour away,
 but it turns out he has to be on call,
and will most likey be stuck at the 
hospital, so Dee and Rosie, her lil
 dog are on their way to Asheville.
Very happy about that but would
be much happier if Jerry was able
to go with her........altho, I am sure
he will be safe at the hospital.

that I rec'd my new sport shorts
this week and they fit well and
the length was perfect. Quite
happy about that.

that we are about as hurricane 
prepared as we will be.....we did
board up a few windows, that 
really took a rain beating the
last time and have secured or 
brought in everything that we 
can. Washed all the clothes
and making some food too.
I had forgotten how much 
work all this
well as nerve racking as you
don't want to forget anything
that is important, as well as
your loved ones. As our kids
even tho they are adults they
have never had to prepare for
a hurricane before..........

that I have the remembrance of
God's watchcare over us when 
we had 3 (in a row) hurricanes
about 12 years ago.  The first 
were category 4's and the last 
one was a category 3, so feeling
a bit better about the storm with
 that remembrance, but this is
serious stuff folks, now they
are thinking it could possibly
upgrade to a category 5.......

that Dee had good driving conditions
 all the way to Asheville, and the
 roads were not bad at all.  

for Gov. Nicki Hayey, of South
 Carolina. That lady is on the ball.  
She set evacuation orders into affect
early before Florida ever started
 evacuation and had the roads from 
Colombia to Charleston shut down,
 so that way the evacuators could use
both sides of the road.  The reason
Dee had quick travel all the way.

Well,  there's the latest scoop at
Cozy Place.

Thanks for you visit,  and hope if
you live anywhere near the hurricane
affected areas....praying the Lord 
protects you and yours.

Keep you light shining

Love,  Hugs,  and
Safe Hurricane Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

McCall Manor with Holly and Friends

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends


  1. We're 45 miles from the Ga coast, and are battening down as I speak.
    Lord, be merciful!

  2. Hi Tammy,
    Amen to the Lord be merciful...
    We are about as far in as you are.......
    It should down grade some before it gets to hoping that happens
    here, but doesn't look to promising at this point, but I keep thinking that
    the Lord can control the wind and the waves....
    So far, we have had rain but no wind....the calm before the storm I guess.
    but I suspect before too long we will start getting some.......just hearing
    more rain.................

    Prayers of Peace and Safety to you and yours, there in Ga.

  3. I pray you and all of the others will be safe during this difficult hurricane time. I cannot imagine the feeling. So much to be thankful for Nellie. Take care and may God bless. xo

  4. #1. I'm so happy you had a great time with your Sunday School group. It surely is great to have Christian friends to share our times with!
    #2. Won't it be great when one day we won't have to clean house anymore!
    #3. Today is surely a restful Saturday! What a relief that hurricane Matthew is gone!
    #4. Joy, joy, joy down in your heart, where? Down in your heart! They are a blessing indeed!
    #5. I pray he doesn't have a whole lot to do with his yard after the hurricane!
    #6. I pray they have a happy home for a long time to come!

  5. #7. Hit the wrong button, lol! You beat me by one day. I went Wednesday!
    #8. I'm so glad Dee and Rosie were able to go. I know Jerry and DeeAnna will miss each other!
    #9. I'm surely comfortable in mine! But, I wouldn't want to wear them anywhere else but home!
    #10. Every time after a hurricane has gone by, I always think about getting the storm enclosures for the doors and windows like Alice and Boddy have, even if it was one window at a time! Praise the LORD, He has protected them each time!
    #11. Amen! GOD is so good all the time!
    #12. Thank the LORD for His traveling mercies on DeeAnna.
    #13. I thank the LORD the President recognized the Governor's request for emergency funds. I saw a Duke Energy worker in his truck when I walked out to my truck today from getting my hair done. I walked over to him and thanked he and all the others for their hard work in getting the people's electricity turned back on. Praise the LORD, mine was only out 15 hours. Last time, it was 8 days!!! I love you all, Susan

  6. Hi Linda,
    Thanks for your prayers. We definitely feel the Lord answered ours and probably tons of others as the hurricane downgraded to a cat 3 and took a jaunt to the right which took it
    25 miles off our coast. We had no damage, nor did our neighbor or our kids, just a lot of debri in the yards and no power or landline phone. So we feel very blessed indeed.
    Have to say it is not a great feeling knowing a huge storm like that is coming towards
    you, but have to say it was not as bad as Hurricane Charlie 12 yrs. ago. Thank the Lord!!

    Yep.....always so much to be thankful for............
    You take care too sweetie,

    Blessings, Nellie

  7. Hi Susan,
    Just got back from Scott and Megans around noon today. So nice to have power again and to be
    home, altho we had a good time with the kids.
    Thanks for coming by and for all your warm comments. Know what you mean about the power
    workers.....when we were on the way to Scotts on Sat. we saw a caravan of power trucks coming in from out of state and it just made me cry....we are so blessed that we can get that kind
    of help.....and that people are willing to come and help. Unsung what they truly
    are, if it weren't for all that help we would all still be in the dark. God Bless them!

    Well, take care,
    Love ya, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

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