Thursday, May 25, 2017

Thankful Thursday May 25, 2017, Spring golfcart tour #2

 proclaiming aloud your praise and
 telling of all your wonderful deeds.
Psalm 26:7

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having fabulous
weather today.....

We is a gorgeous, sunny,
clear blue sky, very breezy yet
90 degree day,  but doesn't feel
quite that hot when the breeze is
blowing...Sat out for a lil while to
 get some Vitamin D......but can't
take those 90 degrees for 
too long if the winds stops. lol 
Everything has greened up so
beautifully too, since we have
had some rain every day this
week so far, think it is done
 now until next week. So the
scenery is good too.....

Not much going on here, other
than a nice chat with DeeAnna,
or things I have already
 mentioned in my Thankful
 Post, so will just get on
 with it............

Oh Yea.... Forgot to say that 
pictures today are from 
 Charleston, S.C.

I am thankful

that my New Magnolia Market
magazine came the end of last
week, so still perusing and
enjoying it.

that Dee and Jerry had a nice get 
away at a lakeside cabin in N.C. for
 3 days, and that they had safe travels 
but mostly they were protected from a
snake in their bedroom while there.
 It was a black snake which could have 
been a water mocassin,but they really
 didn't know what it was....thankful
Rosie their lil dog didn't find it, and
thankful it  was small and they had 
access to a broom and that they had a 
sliding glass door in the bedroom so
Jerry could sweep it outside. They
did leave earlier than they had 
planned and I don't blame them,
cause it could have been there the
whole time they were sleeping in
that room.   Creepy!!

for a great time over at Scott
and Megans for dinner on Sun-
day to celebrate Mother's Day.
Scott made some wonderful
Lasagna, beans, salad and garlic
bread......the beans and a lot of 
the ingredients for the lasagna
 came from his garden as well,
 basil,oregano and fresh tomatoes.
Everything was delicious!
and we even got a doggie bag to 
take home, so it was dinner for 
Tues.night and even tasted 
better than on Sunday. lol
Love that about Italian food.

for the sweet card from them,
and the neat pillow Megan had
 made for me with the family's 
pictures  on it.
Lovely and meaningful!

that our lil brown bunny is
back,  hadn't seen him in quite
awhile and was concerned some
thing happened to him, but have
seen him twice now in the last
week.  He is adorable!


that our Beauty Berry bush
has grown back,  as we had to
cut it way back when we were
clearing the side yard a few
months back.  I can see that it
is starting to produce tiny
berries that will be beautiful
as always, a gorgeous shade
of purple, in case you aren't
familiar with them.


that after saying I couldn't really 
grow hydrangeas on someones
 blog post about
"How to grow hydrangeas",
that when I went to water 
small hydrangea plant I have
 in a pot out in the backyard, that
did have just one bloom.....found
 that now it actually had 4 pink
 blooms, course, they are small ones
but hey, I am tickled pink!! .
Hoping that maybe I have finally
found the perfect spot for them.
That would be awesome!

Hard to see but in case you don't
know, if you click on one pic
it blows them all up for better
viewing pleasure!


that the young couple we are working
 with in the young marrieds class and
 that want to be missionaries are
 gonna have an opportunity to be on
 staff with our church for 2 yrs. to
help get them to their goal...
We might be losing them tho, as they 
will have other duties, so they might 
not be able to continue with us, and
we certainly will not love losing 
them for sure.....
 but that is okay...we know the
Lord has a plan, and I had some
interesting thoughts this morn-
ing while working outside, which
 were not my thoughts!

Same House


that finally after 3-4 yrs. with a
dishwasher that didn't really
wash the dishes,  hubby called
it a dish sanitizer,  but in the
last year or so it hasn't even
been that, just a dish drainer
is more like it.  lol
Our new one finally arrived...
today which is Wednesday,
only took us over 2 years to find
 one in Bisque that we thought 
would really work well, and
we got it at half price!  Hubby
 is installing it as I write this...
I am jumping up and down 
happy about it.....Seriously,
Can't wait to wash the
first load..............

Poo.....Gotta wait till tomorrow
course, after all this time what 
is one more day......
 He wound up needed a part 
so hopefully, it should be up
 and running by Thursday nite.

Well, our first load is washing.
Whoo Hoo!

 that we were able to find an apt.
 size refrigerator too, at a great 
price to replace the 32 yr. old
 one we had in the garage for
 holiday overflow, leftovers and 
They delivered that today as pleased as punch
about that too.
2 more things of our pre-
retirement list.   lol 

that we finished lil darlings
doll pillow today,  and she
was pleased as punch about
taking it home....she was
kissing it and just loves it.
So Sweet.....

Remember this from last


for all the rain storms we
had this week.  We have been
so dry here, so it was great to
get the rain..........the air seems
so fresh and glad that it washes
away all the pollen for awhile

Well, happy you could drop by today,
and hope you will share something
you are thankful for too.

In case you missed the
 Spring Golfcart Home Tour
# one, and would like to see it
Just Click Here.

Have a.....
Pleasant, Peaceful and Safe
Memorial Day Weekend!

Love, Hugs and


Sharing with:

Walking on Sunshine Recipes

Life with Lorelai

Shabby Art Boutique


Life and Linda

The Dedicated House

Stone Gable

A Stroll thru Life

Oh My Heartsie Girls


  1. I always enjoy your Thankful Thursday's post, Nellie, The snake story was something else! Loved all the house photos too! I love hydrangeas, but have never had too much luck with them, but I am still working on that!~smile~
    have a blessed Memorial Day weekend!

  2. Hi Sue......
    So nice to hear from you, and thanks so much for your sweet and encouraging comments.
    Yes, the snake was something else.....who would expect to go away to stay at a cabin or
    hotel and find a snake in there......especially in your bedroom where you have been sleeping
    for 2 nights already........Quite say the least.

    I think hydrangeas are just amazing flowers.....and I love when you drive by older homes
    up in Ga. and even northern Florida and you see these big bushes full of these huge flowers,
    they are just amazing.......makes my heart sing everytime I see them, and renews my desire
    to grow them...........I am still working on that too......altho, I do give up every so
    often, then lo and behold someone will give me one for my birthday or something and I get
    another chance to

    Hope all is well with you and yours hon, and hope you have a blessed and contemplative
    Memorial Day weekend.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: