Thursday, May 11, 2017

Thankful Thursday May 11, 2017, the last of Spring in the livingroom

 proclaiming aloud your praise and telling 
of all your wonderful deeds.
Psalm 26:7

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Bet most of you are having a busy
week gearing up for Mother's Day.

Busy day I am just 
gonna get on with my post.......

Pictures are the rest of the story
from our Spring living room.  lol

I am thankful

for a really fun time with our young
marrieds class on Friday night. We
were a small group again,  but that
didn't dampen the fun one bit.  
Good food and Good fellowship
and fun games.

for a sweet and reflective time after
attending a funeral on Saturday 
afternoon for a 94 yr. old saint
in our church.....what a great send
off for a man with a life well lived.  
He and his wife were married for 70
 years, had 8 children, 7 girls and
 1 boy (who passed away a few years
 ago, and was in heaven to greet him),
 26 grandchildren, 20 great grand-
children, and 3 great great grand-
children, and many spiritual
children and folks who loved him.
Really made us think about a 
saying that our 80+ Pastor friend
and his wife say...."Make your
last lap your best!!"

for finding a few new things on
the menu at Perkins.  Went there
to get their chicken spinach 
quesadillas,  and they had re-
vamped their whole menu,  so
we had to pick something else.
Tried their Sonoma chicken salad 
and hubby had their B-B-que
smoked chicken on a open faced
 french roll..... 
both were really good.

for a good discussion in Sunday
School about miracles.....that
reminded me of some miracles
I have experienced in my own
life..........always good to look
back on those good things God
has done...........

Oops, a lil Easter leftover.  lol

for a fun time with Scott, Megan
and Brooklyn on Sunday.  We all 
played hide and seek outside and
inside with Brooklyn for awhile.
  Had a nice dinner,  then before
 they went home we decided to try 
a game of "PIT" cause we thought
 it was something Brooklyn could
 do with us,  so she sat on my lap
and yelled out what I told her and
 we let her ring the bell to start each
 round and, we won 3 times, and she
 was disappointed when we lost,
 but got sooo excited every time
we won.  It was so funny.......

that I only have a few more things
to do in our computer/office room.
Got the skirt put around my work
table finally........and love that it
hides all my supplies that I need
to store.

for seeing a Dove and Squirrel in our
bird bath and then a zebra butterfly
in the Jasmine bushes right behind it,
all within minutes, as I was getting
some sunshine.......lil gifts!

for President Trump's heart for our
our country....and that He signed a bill
 to protect our religious freedoms.

for contact thru email with a long time
friend of 40 years, and hopefully we
will get to talk soon.  The last few
 years they have had so many difficult
 things going all that had to
have her focus, so we have had very
lil contact other than a short email
here and there.  So glad they are
coming out of the woods.

Made another lil change

that little darling went into our
 bedroom on Sunday afternoon 
to get a toy, right when she did.
She went in and when she came
 out, she came right over to me 
and said Grammy, something is
 in your room, so I went to see and 
jokingly said on the way, thinking
 about the snake I found in my 
living room last isn't 
moving is it??
and when we walked in, she
pointed towards our bathroom
and it was moving all right,
there was water running every-
where, as the potty overflowed.
Handle stuck for some reason.
Thank the Lord is was all clean 
water.......and it didn't get on the 
closet carpeting this time, thankful
 for our shop vac.....and especially
 for Brooklyns and hubbies
 quick reactions.

If you would like to see the other posts
from Spring in the Living room....

for the Lord's direction to us
about getting a new refrigerator
 last we put our
 old one in the garage....and it 
died on us Friday, the same day
 we were having the social here,
and altho it was a minor incon-
venience when it
 would have been a real mess
 had it still been our kitchen

that a situation that arose for 
 our daughter, that she was totally
bummed by, turned out to be a
 big misunderstanding, so things
 appear to be fine now.


Well there you have it.......
this week from Cozy Place.

So happy you could stop by,
and hope you remember a 
few things you are thankful
for too..........if so,  why not
share one or two......
It might just encourage some
one else.........

Have a Delightful weekend.

Love, Hugs and 
Mid Spring Blessings,


Sharing with:


The Craftberry Bush

Stone Gable

The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life

Saavy Southern Style

Life and Linda

Oh My Heartsie Girls


  1. Love you birdcage! Would you like to borrow Cuddles? Ha!
    #1. Smaller groups give you move time with individuals! That's how it is with our Bible study group when we go out to eat afterwards! There are 8-10 of us out of 38.
    #2. He will surely be missed but not for long for we all one day will be regathered by our LORD to spend eternity with Him and each other, hallelujah, praise His Name!
    #3. I haven't eaten there in a while. Do you get the senior prices?
    #4. Amen! I'm so glad the LORD has revealed Himself in His miracles for us, especially salvation!
    #5. Those are times she will remember! I know I do when mom, dad, Jim, and I played 500 rummy! Of course dad seemed to always win, ha!
    #6. I can hardly wait to see in person what you have done. I know it looks great!!!
    #7. I just love the LORD's animal world. Every time I hear the Sandhill Cranes come flying into the yard, I have to go outside and visit with them. I need to get the feed mixture for them and start feeding them again. It's amazing how close they come to you! I really love it when a pair bring their young with them! One year a pair had six babies with them!
    #8. I lift Trump, his administration, congress, the supreme court justices, and military chiefs of staff up in earnest prayer every day for the LORD's leading, protection, blessing and wisdom.
    #9. I'll put her on my prayer list for the LORD to bring blessing to her life.
    #10. OH NO! Thank her little heart she knew to let you know right away!
    #11. Isn't the LORD's timing great!!
    #12. Thank our Loving LORD he cares for His chosen!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. I enjoyed seeing your spring decor -- very nice.

    I'm very thankful for President Trump, too. Thank you for your earlier mention of Loyalty Day. I had not heard about that. You also mentioned a prayer team. I'd love more information on that if you can provide it. I'm thankful for the Loyalty Day he proclaimed. I admire him and his family for their courage to stand firmly in their commitments in spite of the backlash of hate against them. I pray for their protection, and for them to be led in the paths of righteousness and justice.

    Thank you for all of your lovely and encouraging blog posts.

    Shalom and blessings to you and yours.

  3. HI Gail,
    How lovely to find you came's been a long time....and thankful for your sweet and
    encouraging comments, they are very appreciated. I so agree with you about President Trump
    and how courageous he and his family well as the people in his cabinet. I have
    never seen such craziness over the presidential election in all my 65 is truly
    sad....I pray for President Trump and his family and cabinet every day.
    If you go to, then scroll down to where you see the Presidential
    daily schedule and look right above that you will see where you can join the Presidential
    Prayer will not be is such an encouragement as you can feel
    like you are getting the real scoop on what is going is the first thing I do
    each it and pray over it.......
    It amazes me all the time how the Lord is using Pres. Trump and I have come to love the
    heart of this man......
    Thank You so much for coming by, it was a very nice to hear from you and you really blessed my heart today.
    Shalom and Blessings to you and yours as well, sweet Sister!

  4. Morning Susan,
    Cuddles.......nah!! I would be sneezing my head off and have a headache in no time.
    Cuddles might like the new bird cage

    Agree with you about the smaller group, I tend to like a smaller group myself, I have never
    been a large group person.......I can do it but I sure don't prefer

    You know we just never think of looking at the, guess we are still getting used to
    being Seniors......Course, when Jimmy retires we will probably be much more aware of

    Thanks for coming byand have a great day,
    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: