Thursday, May 4, 2017

Thankful Thursday May 4, 2017, Spring in the Living room

But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
let them ever sing for joy.  Spread your
protection over them, that those who love
your name may rejoice in you.
Psalm 5:12

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a really Super

week.  Anybody else been Spring
Cleaning or Decluttering??

I have had a Super Constructive
week doing all of the above!!
Course, had a break yesterday
while lil darling was here, and
we had a fun day as always.
Then it was back to cleaning
today.  I want everything done
today, so I can just relax and
do food tomorrow. Nothing
fancy, am thinking nachos or
Mexican Fried Ice Cream.
Gotta decide soon, so I can
get the

Happy Cinco De Mayo,
we don't celebrate that typically
 but since we were having a fun Spring
 get together on that night thought it
 would be a fun theme.

All Pictures are of our Living room
Etagere' styled for Spring......

So on with it..................

I am thankful

for a really fun day out on Saturday,
getting our cars serviced, while watch-
ing movies at the dealership, a smoothie,
shopping and actually finding something
 to wear that I really liked, and going to 
dinner at Red Lobster.

that our cars are all taken care of and 
in good shape for another 6 months.

that we finally ordered our dishwasher.....
we finally found one in Biscuit color, and
hoping it is a good one,  it had 41/2 stars
on a number of websites, so sounds good,
 Unfortunately, it want arrive until the end 
of May.  Have to say that was a bit of a 
bummer....after trying to find one for around
2 yrs or more, and I am way passed ready to
 get that baby but at least we want have to
 do anything to change the color, so that
is great, and I am very excited about it.

that our computer room has come a long
way since last Thursday,  still have some
finishing touches and a few organizational
things to come in that I ordered before I
can show yall.  Everytime we walk in
here we just can't believe the difference.
You have no idea how long I have just
been stymied by this room, just not 
knowing what to do with it.

With Paint daubs affect

that I got all my Easter decor all packed
 up and the guest bedroom almost back to
 normal. Have some more to do in there 
as well, but it is coming............

Polar Coordinates affect,  I call it my Alice in
Wonderland affect...............

for decluttering!! 
 As I have been working in both the
 computer room and the guest bedroom
 I have been getting rid of things, which
I found out is also perfect timing, as our 
church will be having a rummage sale
soon to raise money for a missions trip.
So that is a win/win!!

Feeling so much lighter!  lol

Altho the Fleuriste sign looked great,
as well as dramatic......
  but decided this pic below looked 
more Springy..............

that we woke up to rain on Tuesday
 Morning. We were in grave need of it....
so it was a very welcome sight.
Everything smells so fresh too.
Supposed to get more on Friday
and Saturday and sure hope we do.

that Scott, Megan and lil darling
got to go see Dee and Jerry, and 
had a good time and a safe trip
there and back.

that my 2 organizational pieces
 came in early..... so have that all
 squared away now, and it looks
so much nicer.

for all the People, Books, Sunday
School classes and Sermons that
 have helped me along the way as a
 Christian, Wife, Mother and Home-
maker.  Recently had a situation that
really made me think about that, so
am very grateful for them all.

for a fun game called "Catch Phrase".  
We haven't played it in at least 12-15
 years, but it is a really fun game and
 great party game. Hubby and I got it
out this week to prepare for our get
together here on Friday night, so we
did about 4 rounds just the 2 of us
 and had a blast!!

for a nice long phone chat with my
 girl today on my blue tooth headset.....
while cleaning my kitchen counters.
Next best thing to spending the day 
together in real life, and made the 
cleaning more fun...........


Thanks for taking the time to drop by
and hope you will take the time to
just say Hello... or share something
you are thankful for...........

Have a Super Enjoyable Day and
weekend with those you hold dear.

Love, Hugs and 
Spring Blessings,


Sharing with:

Walking on Sunshine Recipes

Shabby Art Boutique

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The Craftberry Bush

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Imparting Grace


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Stone Gable

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Saavy Southern Style


  1. #1. Good minds think alike, ha! On Thursday, I had my truck serviced and got a Frosty!
    #2. Amen! Mine too! I usually go 8 months since I don't drive the distance!
    #3. Yahoo! I know you are passed ready for it!
    #4. That's me. My bedroom has become my computer room too! Just last month I got my printer moved into it.
    $5. Spring has sprung in the Todd household, ha!
    #6. You can list those as donations on your income tax.
    #7. This morning was the same. I couldn't believe the loud rain on the roof and the wind! It's the first hard rain since Xena passed. She would usually jump up on the bed nervous from the noise of the wind and thunder.
    #8. Good for them! Thank the LORD for their safe journey there and back.
    #9. I will check it out the next time I visit!
    #10. It reminds me how I'm going to miss our ladies Bible study on Wednesdays. It is finished for the summer and will start again in September.
    #11. I watch the old reruns of Password Plus! It's surprising to come up with the clues they do!
    #12. I've got to start using my cell phone. It now has 9114 minutes, lol!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by....nice to see what you have been up to...
    Have a great day, and hope your thumb will be much better soon.
    Love, Nellie

  3. Your pink and white color palette is feminine and perfect for springtime. What a nice collection of white pitchers! I also like the pink peonies. Very pretty!

  4. Hi Carol,
    Thank you so much for stopping in and for all your lovely and much appreciated comments.
    hope you have a great weekend,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a lovely Sunday, Hugs and Blessings, Nellie