Sunday, June 25, 2017

Scripture Sunday - All knowing and all seeing God

 You have searched me, LORD,
 and you know me. 
 You know when I sit and when I rise;
 you perceive my thoughts from afar. 
 You discern my going out and
 my lying down;
 you are familiar with all my ways.

Psalm 139:1-3  NIV

Morning Sweet Friends,

I don't know about you but 
I love that the Lord is present
everywhere, and knows every-
thing, and that he knows me
 intimately, and knows my every 
thought. That means I can be
 totally honest with Him cause He
 already knows my heart and what
 I am thinking and I can't hide any
thing from Him, cause He already 
knows all my ways...and still
loves me.....what freedom there 
is in that......and He even knows
 when I go to sleep at night and
 when I get up.............

Now... how cool is that??

and he knows all that about
you too..........

and how cool is that??

Have a Blessed Sunday,

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Friday, June 23, 2017

Thankful Thursday June 22, 2017, Photo affects on Fathers day table pics

Give thanks to the Lord, 
for he is good; 
 his love endures forever.
Psalm 107:1

Summer Greetings
Sweet Friends,

Wow, it is offically Summer but 
seems like it has been Summer 
for quite awhile already....

Hope your are enjoying your
 summer,  think we are more 
enduring than enjoying!!  lol
  It was 100 degrees here the last
 few days and muggy as all
get's the time of
year when you open the door
early in the morning even, and
it is like opening the oven
 door!!   Feels yukky!

Not been a super productive
week here,  just doing paper
work, bill paying, emailing
and office type work... it is
productive...but you just can't 
see it....I prefer the productive
 work you can
As it tends to spur me on, and 
makes me feel more like I have
 accomplished something.

Pictures today are with photo
affects.....took too many pics
of the Father's Day table, so
put affects on them for the
fun of it.  I could have sworn
I did not take as many pics
Well on with my Thankful

I am thankful

that a "bomb" threat at the Port
of Charleston last Friday the 16th.
turned out to be just that... a threat.
I am so thankful for that for all the
normal reasons, but also for our own
 personal reasons as some of you
 probably know, but others don't that
 our daughter and son-in-love live 
in charleston, not too far away from
 there and could have been in danger.
Scary stuff!  So thankful for the 
Lord's protection over the kids,
Charleston and S. Carolina. 
Today it is so important to pray for
 the safety for our families, friends 
and country is really.... 
 a necessity.  I truly believe the only 
reason we have not had more of
 those type of  situations is because
 the Lord is protecting the U.S
because of the prayers of his
 people.......God answers prayer.

Equalized/Posterized affect

that I was able to sort of pace
myself and do a little bit towards
Fathers day everyday from Thurs.
on,  makes it so much easier
when I do that!

for a fairly new candy called
"Take Five".  It is really delish.
Pretzels with peanut butter 
and chocolate.  Yummo!

Diffuse Glow affect

that we got a call on Monday and
we might finally be able to move
 ahead with selling my Mom's house
 after 12 years......but still have to
get more info....very excited as this
 has been a long time in coming.

for banana is a family
favorite that we all enjoy.  Made
it for Father's Day. It has already
become one of lil darlings favs

Posterized Affect

for a really nice day on Father's Day.
Scott, Megan, and Brooklyn came
 over and my SIL Susan as well. The
 guys enjoyed it very much. They even
 did a lil wii playing, and to our amaze-
ment lil darling did a pretty good job
 with it too, especially did good on
 table tennis. It was a  very nice

Gradient Map affect

for all the heartwarming thoughts
I have had about my Dad lately,
cause of Father's Day!  My Dad
has been in heaven for about 23
years now....and so glad I will
see him again one day.

Note Paper affect

that my daughter finished her
real estate course, that she had to
do to be able to do real estate in
S. C., as she got her original
 liscense in N. C.....It was 3 week-
ends in a row, so she is happy to 
be done, to say the least and
she already has a few referrals.

Photocopy affect

for a new book my daughter got
hubby for Father's Day.  It is called
"Everyday is Saturday" and it is
about retirement. Hint Hint, from
We are only 2 chapters in but 
think it is gonna be a good book.

Paint Daubs affect

for Pillsbury Cinnamon rolls for 
Saturday's, Father's day breakfast. 
We only have them on special
 ocassions, which makes them
even more....
 yummy and delicious.....

Colored Pencil affect

that a lil girl here in Florida was
 found after they sent out an amber 
alert. So she is safely back at home.
Such a great outcome.......wish they
all ended that way............

Equalized affect

that by the end of the week
 we have finally gotten all
the info we need to be able to
make a good decision about
 my Mom's house now..........


Happy you came by.....

If you would like to see the normal
pics of our Fathers day table.
Just click here

Have a Fabulous rest of the week
Keep you light shining brightly!

Equalized Omni affect

Love,  Hugs and
Official Summer Blessings,

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Oh My Heartsie Girl

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Father's Day Table 2017

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope you all had a great Father's
Day at your house and that your
Hubbies and Fathers were 
sufficiently spoiled for the day,
if you had them with you!

They were over here!!  We had
a very nice day. 

Had planned to show you pics
of our computer/office room
but decided I should show you
our Father's Day table before 
we got too far away from that
 day........course, it could really
be used for a guys birthday or
summer guess it
really didn't matter now that I
think about it,  but the pics
are already loaded so this is
what you get today!!  lol

This table idea all started a few weeks
 back when we visited HomeGoods. 
 I happened on this beautiful Navy
 ticking stripe heavy duty gift wrap.....

 these Navy and white striped napkins.

I have been quite enamored with Navy
Blue lately,  maybe it was the new 
Navy blue outfit that I got for Mother's
 Day, lol.....or maybe it is just because I
seem to see it everywhere I go lately. in
stores and in blogland...but the truth is
I have always loved Navy Blue so my
 heart beat a lil faster when I saw these
 2 fun paper oods... and my mind right
 away went to.... this could make a
 great Father's Day table.........
especially since I hadn't had any
 ideas knew they had to
come home with me!!  lol

 since Navy also has a great coastal
look to it........I decided on a coastal
themed centerpiece.

Since this new gray basket went so
well with the Navy decided to put
all the coastal things inside as it
added nice texture and a more
masculine look.  All the coastal
items were borrowed from our

Knew Navy would be great
with a white tablecloth under
the runner and with white
 dishes, of course.

Lil darlings place is a lil bit different,
than the rest and then added the blue
and yellow legos to give her some
thing to do.....

Had the glasses upright but as I
was looking at them I thought the
bottom part looked sort of like a
buoy,  so turned them upside
down, and hubby said they
look like a light
either way it works! lol

Love how the candle light
reflected up on the glass

These round things in the basket
 and in the candleholders turned
out to be marbles that I happened to 
find at the dollar tree.....
thought they were just smooth
stones like others I have,  but
 they are quite pretty,Navy,
 cobalt blue with some silver.

Love these lil starfish dishes my
daughter brought back from her
honeymoon in Puerto Rico.
Over 5 years ago....

The silverware placed like this
 reminded me of a boat


Anyway,   it was a fun
 nautical table.

Thanks so much for dropping
by,  and hope you enjoyed
your visit.

Hope to see you on Thurs. for
Thankful Thursday and to
see other pics of this table,
all with photo affects. 
 Some are quite interesting!!

Keep you light shining

Love, Hugs and
Coastal Summer Blessings,

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Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy Father's Day and Scripture Sunday

Happy Father's Day
 to all you 
Great Dad's out there!

Moreover, we have all had human
 fathers who disciplined us and 
we respected them for it.
 How much more should we submit 
to the Father of spirits and live!

Hebrews 12:9

Hope you have a Terrific
day being spoiled by those
who love you!


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Thankful Thursday - June 15, 2017, Styling, Camera Practice and Photo Affects #2

 Enter his gates with thanksgiving 
and his courts with praise;
 give thanks to him and praise his name.
Psalm 100:4 NIV

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a fun week planning
 for Father's day.

I  sure have ....
made out my grocery and gift lists on
 Tuesday, then did my shopping today,
and Friday will be making Lasagna, 
table setting and doing cards and gifts,
and Sat. will be making a nice breakfast
 and banana pudding and a salad for 
Sunday............ have to say I enjoy
doing things to spoil my hubby and
our son a little bit.........
as they deserve it....cause they are
both  very good men!

Pictures today are Part 2 of Styling,
Camera Practice and Photo affects
from the dining room.  If you wish
to see Part 1,  Just click here.

So without further Adieu......on with
 my Thankfuls.....

I am thankful

for a new series we found to watch
that has been great so far, but we 
have only seen 2 episodes, so will
see how it goes. It is called "Legacy"
 and it is on the Feeln Channel in
 case you are interested.

for a nice Sunday at church and
lunch out at Carrabas, then a nice
 Sunday afternoon nap. We could
never get accused of working too
hard on a

for a nice time with my SIL Susan 
on Sunday evening. She came over 
and we got pizza and watched an
inspirational movie.

 that the movie was really good, it
was called "Believe" from Netflik. 
  As she needed a distraction to get 
her mind off of some things that are
 going on, so this was great and she
 said it really helped her and it
was encouraging to us as well.

With poster edges affect

that I found some wall words in
the Dollar tree,  that were the
perfect finishing touch for the
computer room,  and also to
replace the wood pc.  I took
from the livingroom.  All for
$ it.............

that our office/computer room
is finally finished........
Whoo Hoo..........
and if you came by Tuesday
you already know that,  but
it is definitely one of my
thankfuls this week.

that I now have 3 blooms and 5 more
buds on my hydrangeas....even tho
they are small they are my biggest
crop ever!!  lol
So think I have finally found the
perfect envirionment.....and so
happy about that as I love hydrangeas
and have been trying to grow them
for years....with very lil success.

that my daughter told us about
a nut bar that they get, called
Kind bars.  Hubby found some
at the store and they are really
good. Very Healthy for you!
We got the "Maple Glazed
Pecan and Sea Salt" and the
"Dark Chocolate and 
Cinnamon Pecan" Yummy!

that hubby got one of his Father's Day
presents on Wed., we decided to have
another area of our backyard worked
on by the same fellow that did it for
his birthday.  We had a lot of our woods
encroaching on the house, so they have
gone bye bye now.  Looks a lil rough at
first like that last time, not quite as bad
tho this time, but it had to be done and
it is nice  he, we really didn't have to
 do it, cause it would have taken us
a lot longer..................

for a nice day out today....went to Fresh
Market, always love going there, I enjoy
 their wares of course, but I also enjoy the 
way they have the store decorated just as
 much. Sort of made the rounds to Publix,
 Kohl's and Wally World.
Been a long but good day!

With Photo copy affect

that my sister-in-law Susan got
a much better report from the 
2nd eye Dr. she went to.......
so she feels much better about

that I have everything I need for
making Father's Day dinner and
doing the table and their gifts,
so now I can go to work and pull
it all together before Sunday.

colored pencil affect.

This is the vignette I decided to keep
on our dining room table.

Couldn't believe lil darling actually
noticed it on Wed, and said that looks
pretty on the table.   She is so 
observative....and her Daddy was 
just like that when he was lil too.


Well, that's it for this week.

Thanks for popping in and hope you
enjoyed your visit.

Keep your light shining brightly.

Love, Hugs and
Happy Father's Day Blessings,


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Oh My Heartsie Girl

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie