Sunday, June 25, 2017

Scripture Sunday - All knowing and all seeing God

 You have searched me, LORD,
 and you know me. 
 You know when I sit and when I rise;
 you perceive my thoughts from afar. 
 You discern my going out and
 my lying down;
 you are familiar with all my ways.

Psalm 139:1-3  NIV

Morning Sweet Friends,

I don't know about you but 
I love that the Lord is present
everywhere, and knows every-
thing, and that he knows me
 intimately, and knows my every 
thought. That means I can be
 totally honest with Him cause He
 already knows my heart and what
 I am thinking and I can't hide any
thing from Him, cause He already 
knows all my ways...and still
loves me.....what freedom there 
is in that......and He even knows
 when I go to sleep at night and
 when I get up.............

Now... how cool is that??

and he knows all that about
you too..........

and how cool is that??

Have a Blessed Sunday,

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  1. He knew everything about everything and everyone even before He created the world! Ephesians 1:4-5. "Before the world was, He knew (us)." GOD is not bound by the timeline man is on. Past, present, and future are all one in the same to Him! Man cannot understand that! Just as Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all you do and He will guide your path!" There's no way we can begin to fully understand our Awesome, Almighty, Creator, Savior, Holy Father GOD! We will spend all eternity learning more about Him and still will have only touched the surface of His infinite Greatness! Love you all, Susan

  2. Haven't been by in awhile---actually haven't been blogging much. Wanted to touch base and see how you are doing.

    I love that the Lord not only knows all about us, but he loves us still.

    Love and hugs,

  3. Hi Patti,
    So good to hear from you. Hope this finds you and yours doing well.
    We are all fine, nothing new going on my best to enjoy summer as it is
    so muggy and I am sure you remember.....since that is one of the reason yall
    moved!! lol Thank the Lord for the rain He sends that helps to make it more bearable.
    Our lil darling is 41/4 years now and will be going to preschool 5 days a week come
    August I think it is........makes me sad to think about I am gonna miss her,
    but we will have her from 1:30-5:30, but expect she will be tired by then and will
    probably want to nap, so that will cut way down on our time spent together.....but it is
    what it is.......
    We are trying to do a lot of things in advance to prepare for Jim's hopeful retirement
    next year ..... so we are slowly winding our list down, but things unexpectedly keep
    popping life happens while we are making our

    Did I tell you that DeeAnna and hubby now live in Charleston. SC now?? They moved their
    last Fall...........

    So let me know how you are doing too hon, and thanks for checking in with me. Have a nice
    4th of July...........

    Love and Blessings, Nellie

  4. Knowing that God is present everywhere makes me feel secure....Christine

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Christine,

    So makes me feel the same way too. Amazing when we realize the true attributes
    of God how it brings so many good things to us, and makes is even more grateful for who
    He really is.........

    Thanks so much for coming by and sharing your encouraging comments.



  7. Hi Susan,
    Some great truths here............
    Thanks for coming by and sharing more of God's truth with us.

    Love ya, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: