Thursday, June 15, 2017

Thankful Thursday - June 15, 2017, Styling, Camera Practice and Photo Affects #2

 Enter his gates with thanksgiving 
and his courts with praise;
 give thanks to him and praise his name.
Psalm 100:4 NIV

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a fun week planning
 for Father's day.

I  sure have ....
made out my grocery and gift lists on
 Tuesday, then did my shopping today,
and Friday will be making Lasagna, 
table setting and doing cards and gifts,
and Sat. will be making a nice breakfast
 and banana pudding and a salad for 
Sunday............ have to say I enjoy
doing things to spoil my hubby and
our son a little bit.........
as they deserve it....cause they are
both  very good men!

Pictures today are Part 2 of Styling,
Camera Practice and Photo affects
from the dining room.  If you wish
to see Part 1,  Just click here.

So without further Adieu......on with
 my Thankfuls.....

I am thankful

for a new series we found to watch
that has been great so far, but we 
have only seen 2 episodes, so will
see how it goes. It is called "Legacy"
 and it is on the Feeln Channel in
 case you are interested.

for a nice Sunday at church and
lunch out at Carrabas, then a nice
 Sunday afternoon nap. We could
never get accused of working too
hard on a

for a nice time with my SIL Susan 
on Sunday evening. She came over 
and we got pizza and watched an
inspirational movie.

 that the movie was really good, it
was called "Believe" from Netflik. 
  As she needed a distraction to get 
her mind off of some things that are
 going on, so this was great and she
 said it really helped her and it
was encouraging to us as well.

With poster edges affect

that I found some wall words in
the Dollar tree,  that were the
perfect finishing touch for the
computer room,  and also to
replace the wood pc.  I took
from the livingroom.  All for
$ it.............

that our office/computer room
is finally finished........
Whoo Hoo..........
and if you came by Tuesday
you already know that,  but
it is definitely one of my
thankfuls this week.

that I now have 3 blooms and 5 more
buds on my hydrangeas....even tho
they are small they are my biggest
crop ever!!  lol
So think I have finally found the
perfect envirionment.....and so
happy about that as I love hydrangeas
and have been trying to grow them
for years....with very lil success.

that my daughter told us about
a nut bar that they get, called
Kind bars.  Hubby found some
at the store and they are really
good. Very Healthy for you!
We got the "Maple Glazed
Pecan and Sea Salt" and the
"Dark Chocolate and 
Cinnamon Pecan" Yummy!

that hubby got one of his Father's Day
presents on Wed., we decided to have
another area of our backyard worked
on by the same fellow that did it for
his birthday.  We had a lot of our woods
encroaching on the house, so they have
gone bye bye now.  Looks a lil rough at
first like that last time, not quite as bad
tho this time, but it had to be done and
it is nice  he, we really didn't have to
 do it, cause it would have taken us
a lot longer..................

for a nice day out today....went to Fresh
Market, always love going there, I enjoy
 their wares of course, but I also enjoy the 
way they have the store decorated just as
 much. Sort of made the rounds to Publix,
 Kohl's and Wally World.
Been a long but good day!

With Photo copy affect

that my sister-in-law Susan got
a much better report from the 
2nd eye Dr. she went to.......
so she feels much better about

that I have everything I need for
making Father's Day dinner and
doing the table and their gifts,
so now I can go to work and pull
it all together before Sunday.

colored pencil affect.

This is the vignette I decided to keep
on our dining room table.

Couldn't believe lil darling actually
noticed it on Wed, and said that looks
pretty on the table.   She is so 
observative....and her Daddy was 
just like that when he was lil too.


Well, that's it for this week.

Thanks for popping in and hope you
enjoyed your visit.

Keep your light shining brightly.

Love, Hugs and
Happy Father's Day Blessings,


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  1. Sister Susie Says has left a new comment on your post "Styling, Camera Practice and Photo Affects for the...":

    #1. Do you get that off of your TV antennae?
    #2.I just love Sunday when we can be with the LORD's other followers!
    #3. Yes in deed! I surely enjoy our time together too! Thank you for such a wonderful time!
    #4. It surely has and I carried the thought "I Believe" all week and still am! Thank you for your support and what the LORD has for my life!
    #5. You have surely done a nice job with your computer room! It is a room you want to spend a lot of time in!
    #6. It is definitely a room full of blessing!
    #7. All the rain we have had this week should really be great for them too! They are so pretty! One of the LORD's prettiest flowers! My crept myrtles are now blooming!
    #8. It does sound yummy!
    #9. He came by yesterday and mowed my yard front and back while I was gone to my appointment. It surely looked good! From all the rain we have had, the grass had grown tall, ha! He had a job, but with his equipment, it mowed it right down, ha!
    #10. You had a busy day out! Friday's are my day out!
    #11. Amen! The LORD surely led me to seek out a 2nd opinion that was definitely positive!
    #12. I'm sure it will be lovely! Your "guys" are so blessed to have you and your love to show to them in so many ways (you show to me too! Thank you!)
    Love you all, Susan

    Posted by Sister Susie Says to Nellie's Cozy Place at June 16, 2017 at 12:48 PM

  2. Hi Susan,
    Did you notice I moved your comments?? lol You accidentally put it on the part 1 post!

    No, You can't get feeln thru your tv antenae, you have to get it thru Roku.
    Glad steve got by to mow your yard.......ours deperately needs it but it just keeps raining
    and the grass keeps

    Hope you had a good day out today, and glad you are feeling much more encouraged.

    Thanks for stopping by and all your sweet comments were very appreicated hon.

    Love ya, Nellie

  3. OH MY! I didn't realize! Thank you for moving it! I appreciate you and Jim so much too!
    Love you all, Susan

  4. What a gorgeous vignette! I love how you are thankful for even the small things. Thank you for the tip on "Legacy". I always struggle with finding something to watch.

  5. No problem Susan........just figured you would wonder what happened to your post.....
    when you came back to check the comments. lol
    I can see how it happened as 2 of my posts on Tues and Thurs. used similiar pictures, so
    you just scrolled past the beginning on the Tues. post without realizing it....I have done
    that before too. We appreciate you too.
    Love, Nellie

  6. Morning Laura,
    So nice to have you visit..........and glad you maybe found a good show to watch. We have
    the same problem finding good things to watch. I seems that a lot of these great series
    come out of Canada. Have you ever seen "When calls the heart". It is great!

    Thank you for coming by to visit and for your sweet and encouraging comments. It was so
    nice to hear from you.

    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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