Friday, June 9, 2017

Thankful Thursday June 8, 2017, Camera practice with pretty pink flowers #2

Let everything that has breathe,
Praise the Lord.
Psalms 150:6

Happy Thursday,
Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a bright and
beautiful week, with lot os good
 things happening.

Mine has been good, not real 
eventful, and rather dark and 
dreary, had lots and lots of rain
here in Florida this week, but
definitely had some bright and
beautiful moments within all

Still trying to figure out this
one wall over our futon in
the computer room.  Got 2
pieces one from Kirklands
and another from Kohl's
that I thought would work
and that I liked,  and didn't
like how either one looked.....
so.... they are both going back!!
Oh Well, maybe I will figure
 it out soon. Isn't it crazy how
when you really want to get
something finished but it just
keeps hanging you up for 
some strange reason........
There must be some reason!!

Pics are a follow up from my on with my 
If you missed part one and
would like to see 
Just click here!

I am thankful

that we had the Joy of watching
our lil darling at her dance recital
on Saturday night.  She did a great
job, and they all looked so adorable.
Actually, the whole recital was very
good. They had a number of ballet
dancers and tap dancers as well,
and the set and costumes were
all lovely.  A Fun Time!

for an answer to prayer, last 
Friday I was a bit frustrated 
with our computer room and
just wanted to get it done and
over with, but just could not
decide what to do with the walls, 
so I shot up a quick Lord, please 
help me figure out what to do 
here I am just so
So immediately got an 
pulled a lamp from the living room
 that rarely gets used into the computer
room and started trying it out in
different spots on my work table
and finally came up with a lay
out that worked and that I liked
so that problem was finally solved
and I was

for meeting a sweet christian lady
 that worked at Kirklands when we 
went to get something I thought 
would work for our computer room
 wall.....unfortunately, It didn't work
 out like I thought it would, so think
 it must have been a divine appoint-
ment as this lovely lady had just 
moved to the area and now has a
 very long drive to church, so she
asked us where we went to church
 and so we told her and invited
 her to come visit.............

With Paint Daubs affect

for all the new inventory we saw at
Kirklands that were full of scripture 
verses and positive comments. 
 They have always had some items
that were spiritually disposed, but
it was just an explosion of them encouraging to see
that......... and I feel it is just one
 more positive sign that  things 
are changing in our nation.

for Taco Bell Chalupa Supremes.
Haven't had one in years as they
really are not heart healthy fare, 
but decided to get some this once,
and enjoyed them so much!!  lol

for these pretty pink mini carnations
that were left over from lil darlings
bouquet this weekend.  Have been
enjoying them all week.

for the compassion that the Lord
 give us for others, that just comes
out of nowhere.  Love it!!

for God's love, wisdom, provision
and watchcare over us and our
family, as well as others.

for washing machines and dryers.
What would we do without them??
I tell you what........we would be
going to the laudromat all the time.
I remember those days when we
were young marrieds.....not much 
fun I have to say!!
One time someone threw gum in
or it somehow got left in our dryer
 and it got all over hubbies clothes
Thank heavens, the dry cleaners
 was able to get it out or he would
 have had to buy a whole new war-
drobe of pants and shirts..for work, 
which as newlyweds we did not
 have the $$ for, but the drycleaners
took pity on us and didn't charge
us a fortune for it either.

 with posterized affect

that I got what I think is a good
idea for hubby for Father's Day.
We have a hard time coming up
with new ideas for my hubby as
 his hobby is also what he does
for a living.  So we tend to give
him the same things over and
So nice anytime we get a new
idea........course, it actually 
came from my son-in-love
back at Hubbys's birthday, but
it will be different in some

for a sweet and loving facebook
message to me this morning from
 an old  long time and dear friend 
who has been sick and struggling
 for a long time.  Made me cry, 
but they were good tears tho....

that we were finally able to get 
our lawn mowed and to work
outside some.  It has been rain-
ing here everyday, sometimes
twice a day and amazing how
long your grass gets in just
a week when it does that.

Well, there you have it another
week at Cozy Place......

Delighted you came by and hope
 you come again soon.

Have a Super Weekend!

Abundant Blessings to you,

Sharing with:

Walking on Sunshine Recipes

Dagmar's Home

Life with Lorelai

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Shabby Art Boutique


The Dedicated House

Stone Gable

Saavy Southern Style


  1. #1. Yes! I so enjoyed it as well! I'm still trying to figure how to get the pictures off my phone, ha (since it doesn't have e-mail!)
    #2. Yea! It's great when we make accomplishments!
    #3. Praying she comes and is filled with the Love of the LORD!
    #4. Yes, I pray daily for the LORD to open the minds of America's people to His leading!
    #5. I love their tacos. I haven't gotten any in a long time either!
    #6. They are beautiful. A couple of weeks ago I had my rose bush clipped back and the new growth is budding out. It has the prettiest roses! It only has to be cut back every 6 months.
    #7. By all means! His grace is sufficient! His mercy is gracious!
    #8. "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all you do and He will guide your paths." Prov. 3:5-6. I hold His Word dear to my heart in the promises He has for us. "You did not choose Me, but I chose you...whatever you ask in My Name the Father will give you." (John 15:16)
    #9. I often think of our conveniences when I watch the old TV westerns like Wagon Train!
    #10. That was dad. Jim's is computers. Anything that had to do with tools, dad liked.
    #11. I hadn't heard from Peggy House in a while and she surprised me with a call. She's busy with her grand-kids keeping her busy these days. It's been 8 years since Barry passed.
    #12. I thought Steve would be here yesterday, but I guess it will be next week. He's going to have a tall lawn, ha! Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    Finally getting around to

    So how is Peggy doing? Is she still pretty healthy?? Wow, can't believe it has been 8 yrs.
    already......course, I am sure to her it feels like much longer. How many Grandchildren
    does she have?

    Thanks for reading and for your spontaneous comments.

    Have a great day,
    Love, Nellie

  3. It is so good to practice thankfulness! Your flowers are beautiful also. :)

  4. Gentle Joy,
    Thanks so much for stopping is nice to meet you here in blogland.
    I so agree with you about practicing thankfulness, as it has revolutionized my life
    in the last 8 years since I started blogging, course, I was thankful before that just
    didn't always write it Writing it down sort of helps to remind you to really look for things you are thankful for.........and they seem to be never
    Thanks also for your kind comments.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: