Friday, December 29, 2017

Christmas Dinner Table 2017

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope your week is going well and you
are looking forward to the New Year!

Really can't believe it has almost been
a year that has passed......definitely lends
some credence to the old saying the older
you get the faster time fly's!!

Figured I would share our Christmas
dinner table with you today before
we get into the New year!

Since I was not feeling great my 
creativity was definitely not at an
 all time high!!  lol

But I did manage to come up with
 something using these handy glass 
cylinders, Christmas balls, faux
 pine, snow and candles.

Figured it out a few days earlier,
 then took a picture of it so I could
 reconstruct it on Christmas day since 
we needed to use the table for
 Christmas eve and Christmas morning
 brunch.  Those tables were done in
 gold white and silver and unfortunately 
I did not remember to take any pictures.
Oh well............

This was taken 
From one end of the table

to the other..............

You may or may not have
 noticed that I used 2 different
 salad plates and 2 different goblets,
 just to change it up a bit and to
 get a chance to use both
 of them. lol

Amazing how the light can change
the colors.  The top pic is the right

Decided just to fold up the dark green
and red plaid napkins and add a bow
to look like a gift.

Red plate and plaid bear for lil
darling......Just realized I forgot

an overview

This has become my fav belonged to
my hubbies cousin who passed
away when she was 26 yrs. old.
It belonged to my late mother-
in-law after that and then when
she passed my Sister-in-law
Susan passed it on to us....
So it is like a family heirloom
as well.........


Glad you could stop in today

and hope you have a lovely
New Years weekend.

Love and Blessings

for A Wonderful New Year!


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Thankful Thursday December 28, 2017, Christmas 2017 #3

 that my heart may sing your praises
 and not be silent. LORD my God, 
I will praise you forever.
Psalm 30:12

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope your Christmas celebrations were

all that you hoped for, or better!

We truly had a wonderful time all being 
together! Always so nice to have all the
 chicks back in the nest even if it is just
 for a few days. Such a blessing!

We are still recooping and so happy
hubby has off until the first of the
year.....trying to decide if we want
to do something for New Years or
not......we typically don't....mainly
cause we are just lazy after all
the activity and just want to
 relax before hubby goes back to

Pictures today are from Christmas
this year........

So on with my post...........

Thankful that we were able to get
everything ready for Christmas Eve
and Christmas Day with some time
to rest as well

Thankful my daughter and son-in-love
got here safely from Boca, and had a
good time with his family down there.

Thankful for a great time on Christmas
Eve and Christmas day with our family.

Thankful that my fav chicken and
rice dish came out really great. 
It is called Party Chicken -
Click here if you would like the
 recipe.  Also thankful for the heats up well and
doesn't taste like leftovers at all.

Thankful for all my cards and
gifts I got for Christmas from 
our family.

Thankful for all our sweet neighbors
and the cards and goodies they
 sent us.

Thankful for having lil darling all
day on Wed. since she was out of
school.  She has loved having all
this time with Grampy too, since
he is off from work.

#8 and 9
Thankful they found a rental
car for my daughter and hubby
to get back home.  They made
a reservation weeks before and
got there and they had no cars.
Makes one wonder....why they
bother to make reservations at
all.........but fortunately,  they 
did get a van to drive home in
and very thankful too,  that the
traffic was not bad.....and they
got home safe and sound.

#10 and 11
Thankful that my daughter caught
an important mistake on the paper-
work for listing my Mom's house
 and we were able to get it corrected 
before I signed it.........

Thankful that she and Megan, my
daughter-in-love both know about
these things, and have been a huge
help with this paperwork and stuff.
  Dee is a realtor and Megan works
 for a title company.

Thankful most of all for the birth
 and continuing birthday of our 
Sweet Lord Jesus
 as He was and still is the Best thing
 that has every happened to humanity.

Well, there you have it..... before 
and after Christmas week........

Thanks for coming by......

Wishing You and Yours
A Happy New Year.

Love and Blessings,

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Shabby Art Boutique

Oh My Heartsie Girl

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Between Naps on the Porch

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Becoming Press

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Merry Christmas

Happy Birthday Jesus!


Merry Merry Merry
 to You and Yours!

Christmas Blessings,

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Thankful Thursday - December 21, 2017, Christmas 2017 #2

But the angel said to them,
 “Do not be afraid.
 I bring you good news that will
 cause great joy
 for all the people.
Today in the town of David
 a Savior has been born to you; 
he is the Messiah, the Lord. 
Luke 2: 10-11

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope all your preparations are

starting to slow down and you
are having some time to just
enjoy this lovely season.

I am feeling so much better,
so we got a lot done today, so
we are pretty much caught up!
So thankyou to all of you....
especially you Susan who have
 prayed for me during this time
 of being sick. Your prayers were
surely appreciated and it could
have been a whole lot worse.
Altho, I am not quite there
yet I am rejoicing and enjoy-
ing the preparations and the

Pictures are of our living

room this Christmas.......
I went a lil red crazy in this
room this year....maybe be-
cause I didn't use any in my
decor this

So on with my Thankfuls....#1
Thankful that our Christmas Party
turned out well and we all had a
great time.  We so enjoyed doing
it,  as it has been awhile since we
have done one....

Thankful all the ladies seemed
to love their snowmen we made
for them to take home after the

Thankful for what we consider a
 really huge answer to prayer. It is
 someone we and many others in the
church have been praying for....
for 12 years.....he came to church on
 Sunday.  I didn't get to see him, but 
hubby did (I was home sick) and 
hubby said so many were so happy
 to see him.  Ditto many times over
for us!

Thankful for being able to rest so
 much because my sweet hubby
 has done so so much to help.
Thankful for the extra special
 blessing he has been during 
this time of my being sick.

Thankful that Dee, Jerry and
Rosie made it safe and sound
to Jerry's parents house.  She
has what I have now and is 
about to lose her voice.  
Prayers they will
be traveling here to us on Sat.
so hope she will get to feeling
better so she can enjoy her
time there and here.

Thankful to be feeling better
even tho I am not totally over
it yet,  do have my voice back,
raspy tho it

Thankful that hubby and I
got to go out and do the rest
of our shopping and to dinner
 on Tuesday.
It was so good to get out of
the house after almost 12 days
other than the time I went to
see the nurse at CVS.

#8 and 9
Thankful that my son saw
a deal on something we were
gonna get for lil darling and
got it for us.  That was so
helpful, and thankful that
my daughter-in-love even
wrapped for me.......very

Thankful for a series called
"When calls the heart"  we
just finished Season 4,  and
we are so sorry it is over....
we will probably watch it 
again,  it is so good!  lol

Thankful for an easy way
I found to make some pretty
tasty veggie soup.  Am gonna
make some more for Christmas was so easy!!

Thankful for a nice long chat
with my cousin who lives in
Virginia.....she is such a sweetie
and lives alone.

Well, that's all folks!!

Have a lovely and Festive Friday

and Weekend........

Gosh, only 3 more days to prepare.

Merry Christmas Blessings,


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Oh My Heartsie Girl

Shabby Art Boutique

Life and Linda

Oh My Heartsie girl

A Stroll thru Life

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Make your own Good Housekeeping adorable Snowmen

Hello Sweet Friends,

How are you doing???
  Better than me I hope!!

The last 10 days have been crazy....
feeling good one
minute/ or hour or two, then the next feeling
 bad again! Every time I think I'm coming out
 of the woods with this stuff it just rears it's 
ugly head again!!  I have been feeling good
for 2 fun events and bad for 2 others, so
didn't get to attend those.  It's a bummer,
but honestly I felt so bad I didn't really

Remember I told you that my daughter
and I made a cute and easy craft while
she was here..........well, here are the
ones I kept.  I thought for sure that I
took a pic of all of them,  but can't find
them anywhere.  Already gave 6 of
them away..........but here are 2 of 
then I have left. We found this lil
hat in my daughter was
gonna take these but then I found
some blue gingham ribbon and
we made 2 with that and she liked
them so well,  she decided to take
them and thought I should keep I did.........

click here to see the video on how 
to make them, or type it in yourself.

When I saw the video I never
 saw the list of supplies somehow.
So sort of had to figure it out
 myself....but was pleased with the 
outcome.  the hardest thing was 
finding black twisty ties.
Some people call them candy bag
tie wraps.  Anyway, it was a really
cute, fun, inexpensive and easy craft
to do.............and one that would be
good to do with older children.

Here are 2 of the others.

They went home with lil darling
as she has been admiring them
on the kitchen table for the last
week or so...............

Here are the ones my daughter

decided to keep.

We used permanent black and orange
markers to do the faces,  and I would
recommend drawing the faces near a
sink,  so if you mess up you can just
quickly rinse it off and redry and do
it again.............

So have fun............

Started this post last night and am
feeling better today, so very thank-
ful for that!!

Christmas Blessings,

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The Dedicated House

Stone Gable

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A Stroll thru Life

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Scripture Sunday

Compliments of Google Images

Good Morning Sweet Friends,

Here are the verses for today!

 In those days Caesar Augustus issued

 a decree that a census should be taken
of the entire Roman world.(This was
 the first census that took place while
 Quirinius was governor of Syria.) 
And everyone went to their own 

town to register. 
 So Joseph also went up from the town
 of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to
 Bethlehem the town of David, because he 
belonged to the house and line of David. 
He went there to register with Mary, 
who was pledged to be married to him 
and was expecting a child. While they
 were there, the time came for the
 baby to be born, 

Luke 2: 1-6  NIV

 Merry Christmas Blessings,

P.S. Sorry if the print is still
wonky looking,  I have tried
over 6 times to straighten it
out, and who knows maybe
just maybe this time will
do it.......will see!

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Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...